Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...


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esearch collaborationProjectImpact of patterns of anomalous atmosphericcirculation on sea ice <strong>and</strong> biotaACEResearcher(s)Collaborators, Affiliation & CountryMassom R Stammerjohn S, Smith R, Quetin L,Goddard Institute of Space Studies; Ross R,Martinson D, University of California SantaBarbara; Iannuzzi R, Lamont Doherty EarthObservatory; Vernet M, Scripps Institutionof Oceanography; Fraser W, Polar OceansResearch Group (USA); Krouse H, Universityof Calgary (CANADA)Sea ice primary production McMinn A Ralph P, University of Technology, Sydney(AUSTRALIA); Ryan K, Victoria University(NZ); Hegseth E, Tromsø University(NORWAY)Effect of <strong>Climate</strong> Change on the Saroma Ko,Hokkaido ecosystemInterdisciplinary sea ice studies in thenorthwestern Weddell SeaWater isotopes in <strong>Antarctic</strong> ice coresIsotopic studies of atmospheric methane fromice <strong>and</strong> firnHolocene chemistry of the Law Dome DSS icecoreEffects of decadal changes in Southern Oceancarbonate chemistry on marine ecosystemsMcMinn AHattari H, Hokkaido Tokei University;Fukuchi M, National Institute for PolarResearch (JAPAN)Meiners K Dieckmann G, AWI (GERMANY); Thomas D,University of Wales (UK)Morgan V, vanOmmen TMorgan V, vanOmmen TMorgan V, vanOmmen T, CurranM, Smith BMoy A, HowardWMasson-Delmotte V, Jouzel J, Laboratoiredes Sciences du Climat et l’Environnement(FRANCE)Etheridge D, CMAR (AUSTRALIA); Ferretti D,NIWA (NZ); White J, University of Colorado(USA)Mayewski P, University of Maine (USA)Bijma J, Nehrke G, AWI (GERMANY);Reichart G, Utrecht University <strong>and</strong> AWI(NETHERLANDS); Palmer M, University ofSouthampton (UK); Bassinot F, Laboratoiredes Sciences du Climat et l’Environnement(FRANCE)Signature lipids in food webs Nichols P Hagen W, University of Bremen (GERMANY)BROKE-West survey of the waters off East<strong>Antarctic</strong>a (30-80°E)Using tracers to describe processes governingheat uptake in the oceanAnalysis of <strong>Antarctic</strong> climate processes inIPCC modelsNicol Svan de Putte A, University of Leuven(BELGUIM); Widdoo A, Arif D, Ministry ofFisheries (INDONESIA); Yoshiki T, SokaUniversity (JAPAN); Xavier D, University ofNottingham (UK)O’Farrell S Gregory J, University of Reading; Lowe J,Hadley Centre (UK)O’Farrell STurner J, British <strong>Antarctic</strong> Survey (UK);Bromwich D, Byrd Polar Research Center(US)Water mass variability in the Southern Ocean Rintoul S Aoki S, Hokkaido University (JAPAN)Tracer measurements in the Southern Ocean Rintoul S Watanabe S, JAMSTEC (JAPAN)Transport of the Kerguelen deep westernboundary currentRintoul S, ChurchJ, Sokolov SWatkatsuchi M, Fukamachi Y, HokkaidoUniversity (JAPAN)CLIMA project Rintoul S Spezie G, University of Naples (ITALY)Southern Ocean mixing Rintoul S Speer K, Florida State University (USA)SURVOSTRAL Rintoul S Morrow R, LEGOS (FRANCE)Earth Systems Science OPeNDAP computeserver frameworkRoberts J, BindoffN, Hyl<strong>and</strong> G,Phipps SWoolf A, CCLRC Rutherford AppletonLaboratory (UK)60 <strong>Antarctic</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> & <strong>Ecosystems</strong> CRC - <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>2005</strong>-06

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