Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ... Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...
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esearch collaborationProjectKerguelen: compared study of ocean andplateau in surface waters (KEOPS), programexamining the effects of natural ironfertilization on Southern Ocean ecosystemsand carbon sequestrationTrace element (Al and Fe) distributions inupper ocean waters during the CLIVAR repeathydrography programInteractive effects of light, CO 2and iron onphytoplankton community dynamics in theRoss, Sea, AntarcticaRedox and colloidal iron biogeochemistry insurface Atlantic waters and its role in oceanproductivityThe importance of iron cycle complexity whenpredicting C cycle response to Fe fertilisationDissolved iron in the Australian sector of theSouthern Ocean (SR3 line)Altimetry for Real Time Applications andClimate Studies relevant to AustraliaFracturing and deformation along the AmeryIce Shelf (AAS grant)Iceberg Calving from active ice-shelf riftsystems on the Amery Ice Shelf (AAS grant)ACEResearcher(s)Bowie A, TrullT, GriffithsB, RemenyiT, Armand L,Ebersbach FBowie ABowie ABowie ABowie ABowie AChurch J, WhiteN, Coleman RColeman R,Young NColeman R,Young NNASA/CNES Jason-1 altimeter mission Coleman R,Church J, WhiteNESA Envisat mission Coleman R,Church J, WhiteNBorehole ice camera probeCraven M, AllisonIDeglacial ice core chemistry Curran M,Morgan V, vanOmmen T, SmithBCollaborators, Affiliation & CountryBlain S, Quéguiner B, Jeandel C, Centred’Oceanologie de Marseille ObservatoireMidi-Pyrénées (FRANCE)Measures C, University of Hawaii; LandingW, Florida State University (USA)DiTullio G, Grice Marine Laboratory; HutchinsD, University of Delaware; Smith W, VirginiaInstitute of Marine Science; Dunbar R,Stanford University (USA); Sedwick P,Bermuda Biological Station for Research(BERMUDA); Tortell P, University of BritishColombia (CANADA)Worsfold P, University of Plymouth; UssherS, Achterberg E, Gledhill M, NationalOceanography Centre Southampton (UK)Tagliabue A, Stanford University (USA)Sohrin Y, Kyoto University (JAPAN)The Ocean Surface Topography ScienceTeam – NASA (USA); CNES (FRANCE)Fricker H, Scripps Institution ofOceanography (USA); Lackie M, MacquarieUniversity (AUSTRALIA)Fricker H, Scripps Institution ofOceanography (USA)French, US teamEuropean team, many EU countries, USABehar A, CalTech – Jet Propulsion Laboratory(USA)Steffense J-P, Dahl-Jensen D, University ofCopenhagen (DENMARK)Broke-West: Biooptical properties of the Griffiths BSchwarz J, AWI (GERMANY)atmosphere and water columnAustralia Canada Ocean Research Network Haward M VanderZwaag D, Dalhousie University(CANADA)ISPOL deformation array Heil P Hutchings J, IARC, University of Alaska;McPhee M, McPhee Research Company(USA); Launiainen J, Johansson M, FinnishInstitute of Marine Research FINLAND; HaasC, AWI (GERMANY)Arctic ice-ocean modelling Heil P Hibler W, Roberts A, IARC, University ofAlaska; Fowler C, University of Colorado(USA)58 Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC - Annual Report 2005-06

esearch collaborationProjectACEResearcher(s)Collaborators, Affiliation & CountryAFIN – IPY project Heil P Langhorne P, University of Otago; Haskell T,Industrial Research Ltd; Trodahl J, VictoriaUniversity of Wellington (NZ); Gerland S,Nordsk Polar Institute (NORWAY); Haas C,AWI GERMANY); Uto S, National MaritimeResearch Institute (JAPAN); Melnikov I,Moscow State University (RUSSIA); Li Z,Dalian University of Technology (CHINA);Gobin C, Laboratoire Arago (FRANCE);Eicken H, Geophysical Institute, UAF (USA)Improved ocean modelling Hirst A Griffies S, Geophysical Fluid DynamicsLaboratory (USA)Australian Canadian Oceans ResearchNetwork III (ACORN III)Jabour JMcConnell M, VanderZwaag D, Marine andEnvironmental Law Institute, DalhousieUniversity (CANADA)At Risk Marine Species Jabour J Hoel A, Hersoug B, University of Tromsø(NORWAY); VanderZwaag D, Marine andEnvironmental Law Institute, DalhousieUniversity (CANADA)Experiments on krill growth and physiology Kawaguchi S,Nicol S, King RMeyer B, Teschke M, AWI (GERMANY)Constraints on ocean volume change duringthe present interglacial: Evidence from theBaltic and MediterraneanConstraints on changes in Greenland icevolumesMaximum sustainable yield domestic fisherieslaw of developing statesPOLYANNA: A comparative analysis ofAntarctic polynyas by modelling and in situvalidationImpact of patterns of anomalous atmosphericcirculation and sea ice on the break-up of theLarsen B Ice ShelfLambeck KLambeck KLugten GMarsland S,Massom RMassom RAnzidei M, INGV Rome; Antoniolli F, ENEARome (ITALY); Svensson N, Lund University(SWEDEN)Sparrenbom C, Bjorck S, Lund University(SWEDEN); Bennike O, Geological Survey(DENMARK)Andrew N, Hall S, World Fish CentreMALAYSIAZambianchi E, Università degli Studi diNapoli ‘Parthenope’ (ITALY); Ackley S,Clarkson University (USA); Brandon M, TheOpen University; Flocco D, Centre for PolarObservations and Modelling; Willmott A,Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (UK)Scambos T, NSIDC, University of Colorado;Stammerjohn S, NASA Goddard Institute forSpace Studies; Fahnestock M, University ofNew Hampshire; MacAyeal D, University ofChicago (USA); Turner J, British AntarcticSurvey (UK); Squire V, Williams T, Universityof Otago (NEW ZEALAND)Review of bi-polar polynya processes Massom R Barber D, University of Manitoba (CANADA)Polar remote sensing (books) Massom R Lubin D, Scripps Institution of Oceanography(USA)Behaviour of, and rift development on, theMertz Glacier tongueMassom RFricker H, Scripps Institution ofOceanography (USA); Legresy B, CNRS(FRANCE)ARISE remote sensing validation experiment Massom R Markus T, Comiso J, NASA Goddard SpaceFlight Center; Scambos T, Haran T, NSIDC,University of Colorado; Key E, Universityof Miami (USA); Enomoto H, Tateyama K,Kitami Institute of Technology; Tamura T,University of Hokkaido (JAPAN); Pfaffling A,AWI (GERMANY)Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC - Annual Report 2005-06 59

esearch collaborationProjectKerguelen: compared study of ocean <strong>and</strong>plateau in surface waters (KEOPS), programexamining the effects of natural ironfertilization on Southern Ocean ecosystems<strong>and</strong> carbon sequestrationTrace element (Al <strong>and</strong> Fe) distributions inupper ocean waters during the CLIVAR repeathydrography programInteractive effects of light, CO 2<strong>and</strong> iron onphytoplankton community dynamics in theRoss, Sea, <strong>Antarctic</strong>aRedox <strong>and</strong> colloidal iron biogeochemistry insurface Atlantic waters <strong>and</strong> its role in oceanproductivityThe importance of iron cycle complexity whenpredicting C cycle response to Fe fertilisationDissolved iron in the Australian sector of theSouthern Ocean (SR3 line)Altimetry for Real Time Applications <strong>and</strong><strong>Climate</strong> Studies relevant to AustraliaFracturing <strong>and</strong> deformation along the AmeryIce Shelf (AAS grant)Iceberg Calving from active ice-shelf riftsystems on the Amery Ice Shelf (AAS grant)ACEResearcher(s)Bowie A, TrullT, GriffithsB, RemenyiT, Arm<strong>and</strong> L,Ebersbach FBowie ABowie ABowie ABowie ABowie AChurch J, WhiteN, Coleman RColeman R,Young NColeman R,Young NNASA/CNES Jason-1 altimeter mission Coleman R,Church J, WhiteNESA Envisat mission Coleman R,Church J, WhiteNBorehole ice camera probeCraven M, AllisonIDeglacial ice core chemistry Curran M,Morgan V, vanOmmen T, SmithBCollaborators, Affiliation & CountryBlain S, Quéguiner B, Je<strong>and</strong>el C, Centred’Oceanologie de Marseille ObservatoireMidi-Pyrénées (FRANCE)Measures C, University of Hawaii; L<strong>and</strong>ingW, Florida State University (USA)DiTullio G, Grice Marine Laboratory; HutchinsD, University of Delaware; Smith W, VirginiaInstitute of Marine Science; Dunbar R,Stanford University (USA); Sedwick P,Bermuda Biological Station for Research(BERMUDA); Tortell P, University of BritishColombia (CANADA)Worsfold P, University of Plymouth; UssherS, Achterberg E, Gledhill M, NationalOceanography Centre Southampton (UK)Tagliabue A, Stanford University (USA)Sohrin Y, Kyoto University (JAPAN)The Ocean Surface Topography ScienceTeam – NASA (USA); CNES (FRANCE)Fricker H, Scripps Institution ofOceanography (USA); Lackie M, MacquarieUniversity (AUSTRALIA)Fricker H, Scripps Institution ofOceanography (USA)French, US teamEuropean team, many EU countries, USABehar A, CalTech – Jet Propulsion Laboratory(USA)Steffense J-P, Dahl-Jensen D, University ofCopenhagen (DENMARK)Broke-West: Biooptical properties of the Griffiths BSchwarz J, AWI (GERMANY)atmosphere <strong>and</strong> water columnAustralia Canada Ocean Research Network Haward M V<strong>and</strong>erZwaag D, Dalhousie University(CANADA)ISPOL deformation array Heil P Hutchings J, IARC, University of Alaska;McPhee M, McPhee Research Company(USA); Launiainen J, Johansson M, FinnishInstitute of Marine Research FINLAND; HaasC, AWI (GERMANY)Arctic ice-ocean modelling Heil P Hibler W, Roberts A, IARC, University ofAlaska; Fowler C, University of Colorado(USA)58 <strong>Antarctic</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> & <strong>Ecosystems</strong> CRC - <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>2005</strong>-06

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