Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...


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antarctic marine ecosystemsAME-03: Factors influencinglarge-scale regional dynamicsProject leaderSteve Nicol, AADProject staffG Williams, K Meiners, R Massom, ACE; BRaymond, AAD; M Hindell, UTASProject AimOur goal is to describe the large-scalerelationships between the biological patterns <strong>and</strong>oceanographic processes of marine ecosystemof the Southern Ocean around East <strong>Antarctic</strong>a<strong>and</strong> to use this knowledge to assess the impactof climate change. This research will provideinformation that can help guide Australiangovernment <strong>and</strong> industry decision-makers in theformulation of policy <strong>and</strong> management strategiesin response to future climate change.Key achievements in <strong>2005</strong>-06• Workshop on East <strong>Antarctic</strong> change.• Review paper in Nature on the polar oceanecosystems <strong>and</strong> climate change (August<strong>2005</strong>).• Presentation of a number of interdisciplinarytalks <strong>and</strong> posters at the internationalDynamic Planet meeting in Cairns in August.• Publication of conceptual model of krill lifehistory in relation to physical environment(February 2006).• Submission of 2 manuscripts analysing 2003KAOS data to SO-GLOBEC special Issue(December <strong>2005</strong>).AME-04: BROKE-West – anintegrated survey of the watersbetween 30 o <strong>and</strong> 80 o East(CCAMLR Division 58.4.2)Project leaderSteve Nicol, AADProject staffG Williams, K Meiners, ACE; J Gedamke, GHosie, T Jarvis, S Kawaguchi, G Roberston, BRaymond, S Wright, AAD; D Thiele, DeakinUniversity; T Trull, N Bindoff, UTAS/CMAR; FVolckaert, Universiteit LeuvenProject AimOur aim is to survey the krill biomass in thesouthwest Indian Ocean between 30° <strong>and</strong> 80°Ein January-March 2006 <strong>and</strong> to obtain a full suiteof ecological measurements in order to estimatethe relationships in this region between keyphysical ocean parameters, primary productivity<strong>and</strong> important biota, including krill <strong>and</strong> krillpredators. The estimate of krill biomass will beused by the Commission for the Conservation of<strong>Antarctic</strong> Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) toupdate the out-of-date precautionary catch limitin the CCAMLR Division 58.4.2. The results ofthis project will be used as foundation materialfor the other projects in the program.Key achievements in <strong>2005</strong>-06• Completion of BROKE-West Survey.• Holding of the first BROKE-West workshop toplan publication for results (May 2006).<strong>Antarctic</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> & <strong>Ecosystems</strong> CRC - <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>2005</strong>-06 39

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