Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ... Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...
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ocean control of carbon dioxide• Demonstration that the long held assumptionthat there is negligible exchange ofatmospheric CO 2exchange with sea-icecovered oceans is incorrect suggests thatclimate models must include both physicaland biological aspects of sea ice gasdynamics to correctly simulate atmosphericcarbon budgets (in collaboration withEuropean researchers; Delille et al., Nature,in review).• Advances in observational strategies forocean biogeochemical characteristics includedi) expansion of the underway observationprogram to measure estimate of gross andnet phytoplankton production from dissolvedO 2/Ar ratios (in collaboration with PrincetonUniversity) and ii) initial deployments ofautonomous profiling Argo floats equippedwith oxygen sensors to monitor oxygenchanges remotely at low cost and in realtime.CO2-02: Carbon ExportProcessesProject leaderTom Trull, UTAS/CMARProject staffL Armand, S Bray, D Davies, W Howard, C Moy,T Remenyi, L Robertson, M Rosenberg, ACE; BGriffiths, D McLaughlin, L Pender, C Rathbone,CMAR; L Forbes, UTAS; P Boyd, S Nodder, NIWAProject AimWe are estimating rates of transfer of particulatecarbon between the ocean surface and thedeep sea, identifying the major processes thatcontrol these rates, and developing conceptualmodels of the sensitivity of these processes toclimate variability and change. A clearer view ofthe role of the ‘biological pump’ (the transfer ofcarbon to the deep sea in particulate form) in theSouthern Ocean in regulating atmospheric CO 2isa necessary step towards the development andverification of reliable carbon cycle models forthe simulation of future atmospheric CO 2levelsand thus future climate change. Understandingof the modern biological pump is also a usefulaid in the interpretation of past changes in theSouthern Ocean environment, and thus theirapplication to estimating future changes.Key achievements in 2005-06• Demonstration that carbon export to theocean interior from the naturally ironfertilised,high phytoplankton biomass watersover the Kerguelen plateau in the Indiansector of the Southern Ocean is large perunit of iron supplied. This contrasts stronglywith the results of short-term artificial ironfertilisation experiments which found lowcarbon export efficiencies. This work wasundertaken in collaboration with the CO2-03:Iron Biogeochemistry project and Europeanresearchers as part of the French KEOPSprogram (Blain et al., Nature, in review).• Demonstration that the carbon isotopiccomposition of Southern Ocean deep watermasses has closely tracked that of the Pacificover most of the past 160,000 years (Moy,Howard, and Gagan, in press, Journal ofQuaternary Science). These new data fromSouth Tasman Rise challenge the traditionalview that the North Atlantic component of the‘conveyor belt’ circulation usually modulatesthe composition of Southern Ocean deepwater masses. Similarly, these resultssuggest that the conveyor belt circulation hasbeen active throughout the late Pleistoceneand not, as thought previously, ‘shut off’during glacial stages.• Advances in observational strategiesfor the measurement of biogeochemicalproperties, including i) development ofviscous polyacrylamide gels for the insitu deceleration and isolation of fragilemarine aggregates for photo-micrometriccharacterisation (Ebersbach and Trull,Limnology and Oceanography, in review); ii)deployment of an in situ settling column to30 Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC - Annual Report 2005-06

ocean control of carbon dioxideseparate particles by sinking rates – a keycontrol on carbon export (in collaborationwith American researchers in the ‘VERTIGO’Vertical Flux in the Global Ocean program);iii) deployment of the PULSE mooring– the first surface-mooring in the openSouthern Ocean based on an innovativeshock-dampening design, with the goal ofobtaining continuous observations of mixedlayer depth, light levels, and in later yearsphytoplankton and nutrient concentrationsto address the role of surface dynamicsin the control of ecosystem structure andcarbon export; iv) development of analyticalmethods for particulate carbonate andparticulate silicate concentrations; and v)critical reviews of sediment trap techniques(Buesseler et al., Journal of Marine Research,in review) and the application of 234 Thdisequilibria to the estimation of carbonexport (Buesseler et al., Marine Chemistry,2006).CO2-03: Iron biogeochemistryProject leaderAndrew Bowie, ACE CRCProject staffS Bray, T Remenyi, L Robertson, ACE; E Butler,CMAR; P Boyd, NIWAKey achievements in 2005-06• Demonstration that elevated phytoplanktonbiomass over the Kerguelen plateau in theIndian sector of the Southern Ocean as seenin satellite remote sensing images is fuelledby iron inputs from deep waters, and thusthis region represents an area of naturalpersistent iron fertilisation that can informdebate about the role of iron in the control ofatmospheric CO 2. This work was undertakenin collaboration with the Carbon ExportProcesses project and European researchersas part of the French KEOPS program (Blainet al., Nature, in review).• Demonstration that dissolved ironconcentrations are low in surface watersalong the WOCE/Clivar transect fromTasmania to Australia with early springdepletion in polar waters, but evidenceof continued inputs into summer in sub-Antarctic waters from sources to the north(Sedwick et al., Deep-Sea Research, inreview).• Advances in observational strategies for themeasurement of biogeochemical properties,including i) international intercomparison ofiron analytical techniques (Bowie et al., 2006)and ii) trace-metal clean size-fractionationfiltration techniques.Project AimWe are evaluating the importance of iron andother trace micronutrient elements in drivingSouthern Ocean biogeochemical cycles. Theresearch team will map the distribution ofdissolved iron in waters south of Australia,fingerprint supply and removal mechanisms,and quantify trace element limitation ofphytoplankton growth and community structurein sub-Antarctic ecosystems. This project willfeed vital information on the prevalence andflux of trace elements into biogeochemical andecosystem models of the region, thus allowing aprediction of the role of Southern Ocean biologyin past and future regulation of atmospheric CO 2through ecosystem control of carbon transferto the deep ocean. The research will assessthe risk and efficacy of proposals to increasecarbon sequestration through intentional ironfertilisation of the Southern Ocean.Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC - Annual Report 2005-06 31

ocean control of carbon dioxide• Demonstration that the long held assumptionthat there is negligible exchange ofatmospheric CO 2exchange with sea-icecovered oceans is incorrect suggests thatclimate models must include both physical<strong>and</strong> biological aspects of sea ice gasdynamics to correctly simulate atmosphericcarbon budgets (in collaboration withEuropean researchers; Delille et al., Nature,in review).• Advances in observational strategies forocean biogeochemical characteristics includedi) expansion of the underway observationprogram to measure estimate of gross <strong>and</strong>net phytoplankton production from dissolvedO 2/Ar ratios (in collaboration with PrincetonUniversity) <strong>and</strong> ii) initial deployments ofautonomous profiling Argo floats equippedwith oxygen sensors to monitor oxygenchanges remotely at low cost <strong>and</strong> in realtime.CO2-02: Carbon ExportProcessesProject leaderTom Trull, UTAS/CMARProject staffL Arm<strong>and</strong>, S Bray, D Davies, W Howard, C Moy,T Remenyi, L Robertson, M Rosenberg, ACE; BGriffiths, D McLaughlin, L Pender, C Rathbone,CMAR; L Forbes, UTAS; P Boyd, S Nodder, NIWAProject AimWe are estimating rates of transfer of particulatecarbon between the ocean surface <strong>and</strong> thedeep sea, identifying the major processes thatcontrol these rates, <strong>and</strong> developing conceptualmodels of the sensitivity of these processes toclimate variability <strong>and</strong> change. A clearer view ofthe role of the ‘biological pump’ (the transfer ofcarbon to the deep sea in particulate form) in theSouthern Ocean in regulating atmospheric CO 2isa necessary step towards the development <strong>and</strong>verification of reliable carbon cycle models forthe simulation of future atmospheric CO 2levels<strong>and</strong> thus future climate change. Underst<strong>and</strong>ingof the modern biological pump is also a usefulaid in the interpretation of past changes in theSouthern Ocean environment, <strong>and</strong> thus theirapplication to estimating future changes.Key achievements in <strong>2005</strong>-06• Demonstration that carbon export to theocean interior from the naturally ironfertilised,high phytoplankton biomass watersover the Kerguelen plateau in the Indiansector of the Southern Ocean is large perunit of iron supplied. This contrasts stronglywith the results of short-term artificial ironfertilisation experiments which found lowcarbon export efficiencies. This work wasundertaken in collaboration with the CO2-03:Iron Biogeochemistry project <strong>and</strong> Europeanresearchers as part of the French KEOPSprogram (Blain et al., Nature, in review).• Demonstration that the carbon isotopiccomposition of Southern Ocean deep watermasses has closely tracked that of the Pacificover most of the past 160,000 years (Moy,Howard, <strong>and</strong> Gagan, in press, Journal ofQuaternary Science). These new data fromSouth Tasman Rise challenge the traditionalview that the North Atlantic component of the‘conveyor belt’ circulation usually modulatesthe composition of Southern Ocean deepwater masses. Similarly, these resultssuggest that the conveyor belt circulation hasbeen active throughout the late Pleistocene<strong>and</strong> not, as thought previously, ‘shut off’during glacial stages.• Advances in observational strategiesfor the measurement of biogeochemicalproperties, including i) development ofviscous polyacrylamide gels for the insitu deceleration <strong>and</strong> isolation of fragilemarine aggregates for photo-micrometriccharacterisation (Ebersbach <strong>and</strong> Trull,Limnology <strong>and</strong> Oceanography, in review); ii)deployment of an in situ settling column to30 <strong>Antarctic</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> & <strong>Ecosystems</strong> CRC - <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>2005</strong>-06

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