Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...

Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ... Annual report 2005-06.indd - Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems ...
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appendix e: publicationsPublished conference abstractsAllison, I., Beland, M. and Carlson, C. (2005) Sea ice research within the International Polar Year2007-2008. International Glaciological Society International Symposium on Sea Ice, Dunedin NZ,December 2005Allison I, Hunter J, Craven M. (2005) Spatial and seasonal variability of ice-ocean interaction beneaththe Amery Ice Shelf. Conference Program & Abstract Book: Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, Australia,August 2005. p. 82 (no. 79)Brévière E, Poisson A, Tilbrook B, Metzl N, Lenton A, Schauer B, Pretty M and Brunet C (2005) Largetemporal air-sea CO 2flux variations in the Southern Ocean, South of Australia. Seventh InternationalCarbon Dioxide Conference abstract, September 2005, Boulder, CO, USA.Buesseler K, Bishop J, Boyd P, Casciotti K, Dehairs F, Lamborg C, Siegel D, Silver M, Steinberg D, SaitoS, Trull T, Valdes J, and Van Mooy B (2006) What we know from VERTIGO. ASLO-TOS-AGU OceanSciences meeting abstract, OS22H-02.Casciotti K, Dehairs F, and Trull T (2006) Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes in nitrate from contrasting sitesin the Pacific. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS26A-08.Cosca C, Feely R, Tilbrook B, Quay P, Wisegarver D, Wolfe C, Juranek L (2006) First underway fCO 2observations from the VOS container ship Columbus Waikato in the tropical and subtropical Pacific.ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS34J-03, February 2006, Honolulu, HI, USA.Delille B, Schoemann V, Lancelot C, Lannuzel D , De Jong J, Tilbrook B, Delille D, Borges A and TisonJ-L, (2005) What controls pCO2 dynamics in Antarctic sea ice and related air-ice CO 2fluxes?International Glaciological Society Symposium on Sea Ice abstract, December 2005, Dunedin, NewZealand.DiFiore P, Sigman D, Trull T, Lourey M, and Karsh K (2006) Nutrient supply and uptake in theSubantarctic mixed layer: Constraints from the isotopes of nitrate. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciencesmeeting abstract, OS24G-01.Ebersbach F, Trull T, and Moy C (2006) Sinking particle properties determined from image analysis ofpolyacrylamide gels deployed in drifting sediment traps during KEOPS: Implications for ecosystemcontrols on carbon export in the presence of persistent natural iron inputs. ASLO-TOS-AGU OceanSciences meeting abstract, OS35M-06.Griffiths B, Uitz J (2006) Photosynthetic parameters, size-fractionated chlorophyll and primaryproduction during the KEOPS Expedition east of Kerguelen Island January-February 2005. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS35M-09.Haward M and Potts T (2005) Trade-related measures as tools in the management of deep-sea fisheriesopportunities and problems. In Shotton R, (ed) Deep Sea 2003: Conference on the Governance andManagement of Deep-Sea Fisheries , Part 2 Conference Poster Papers and workshop papers, FAOFisheries Proceedings No 3/2 Rome FAO: 168.Howard W and Moy A (2005) Geological insights into carbon cycling. Proceedings, Greenhouse2005:Action on Climate Change, November 2005, Melbourne, VIC.Howard W (2006) Effects of climate change on biodiversity in the Southern Ocean. Proceedings,Australia-Germany Workshop on Biodiversity, March, 2006, Australian Academy of Science,Canberra, ACT.Lamborg C, Buesseler K, Valdes J, Bishop J, Casciotti K, Trull T, and Pike S (2006) A comparison ofremineralization time and space scales for sinking particles at station ALOHA. ASLO-TOS-AGU OceanSciences meeting abstract, OS23H-02.108 Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC - Annual Report 2005-06

appendix e: publicationsMassom R, Stammerjohn S, Scambos T, Adams N, Squire V, Williams T, Simmonds I, Turner J, SmithR, Fraser W, Martinson D, Iannuzzi R, Vernet M, Quetin L, Ross R, Fahnestock M and Pook M (2006)Extreme sea ice conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula region, their impact and possible links with thedisintegration of the Larsen Ice Shelf. Abstracts of the International Workshop on Antarctic PeninsulaClimate Variability: Observations, Models, and Plans for IPY Research.McInnes K, Macadam I, Hubbert G, Abbs D, and Bathols J (2006) Storm surges and climate changein Eastern Victoria. In Climate, water and sustainability: 13th National AMOS Conference [abstractvolume], Newcastle, NSW (Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Publication, no. 21).Park S, Boering K, Etheridge D, Ferretti D, Kim K, Langenfelds R, van Ommen T, Steele P and TrudingerC (2005) Trends in the Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Tropospheric Nitrous Oxide andImplications for the Global Budget. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A44B-03.Pike S, Andrews J, Trull T, and Buesseler K (2006) A high resolution study of particle export usingthorium-234 in the N Central Pacific and NW Pacific as part of the VERTIGO project. ASLO-TOS-AGUOcean Sciences meeting abstract, OS26A-07.Sasaki K, Watanabe S, Sagishima K, Rintoul S, Tilbrook B and Fukasawa M (2006) Preliminary resultsof chlorofluorocarbons in Australia Antarctic Basin obtained in 2004/2005 cruises. ASLO-TOS-AGUOcean Sciences meeting abstract, OS45F-10, February 2006, Honolulu, HI, USA.Savoye N, Trull T, Jacquet S, and Dehairs F (2006) 234Th-based export production during the KEOPSnatural iron fertilization. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS33F-04.Sohrin Y, Lai X, Norisuye K, Mikata M, Minami T, Bowie A (2006) Spatial and temporal distribution ofFe, Ni, Cu and Pb along 140E in the Southern Ocean in 2001/2002 austral summer. Eos Trans. AGU,87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS16M-11.Trull T, Buesseler K, Lamborg C, Pike S, Moy C, Bray S, Ebersbach F, and Manganini S (2006) In-situparticle sinking rates and forms at mesopelagic depths from the Sub-tropical and Sub-Arctic Pacific.ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS23H-05.Uitz J, Claustre H, Griffiths B, and Ras J (2006): A specific Bio-optical primary production model tunedto the Kerguelen Iron-enriched region. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS35M-07.Ussher S, Bowie A, Achterberg E, Worsfold P (2006) Iron distributions and speciation along the AtlanticMeridional Transect (AMT). Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS35M-18.van Ommen T, Usoskin I, Solanki S, Morgan V, Kromer B, Schüssler M and Beer J (2005) Coherentdecadal to centennial variability in Holocene insolation and Antarctic climate. ESF ResearchConference on Polar Regions and Quaternary Climate: Toward an integrative view of climate inAntarctica and circum-Antarctic regions.Wake B, Bowie A, Butler E, Haddad P (2006) Selenium speciation in the Southern Ocean south ofAustralia. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS16M-12.Warner R (2006) Reassessing the input-output mass budget of East Antarctica between 50°E and140°E. WCRP Workshop Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability, Abstract Number P48, PosterAbstract Volume p. 81.Williams M and Warner R (2005) A frazil ice model for embedding within three-dimensional oceancirculation models. Dynamic Planet 2005 ‘Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet withGeodetic and Oceanographic Tools’ a Joint Assembly of International Associations: IAG, IAPSO andIABO. Abstract number 076, Abstract Volume.Williams M and Warner R (2005) A frazil ice model for embedding within three-dimensional oceancirculation models. IGS Symposium on Sea Ice, Dunedin, New Zealand, Abstract No. 44A107.Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC - Annual Report 2005-06 109

appendix e: publicationsMassom R, Stammerjohn S, Scambos T, Adams N, Squire V, Williams T, Simmonds I, Turner J, SmithR, Fraser W, Martinson D, Iannuzzi R, Vernet M, Quetin L, Ross R, Fahnestock M <strong>and</strong> Pook M (2006)Extreme sea ice conditions in the <strong>Antarctic</strong> Peninsula region, their impact <strong>and</strong> possible links with thedisintegration of the Larsen Ice Shelf. Abstracts of the International Workshop on <strong>Antarctic</strong> Peninsula<strong>Climate</strong> Variability: Observations, Models, <strong>and</strong> Plans for IPY Research.McInnes K, Macadam I, Hubbert G, Abbs D, <strong>and</strong> Bathols J (2006) Storm surges <strong>and</strong> climate changein Eastern Victoria. In <strong>Climate</strong>, water <strong>and</strong> sustainability: 13th National AMOS Conference [abstractvolume], Newcastle, NSW (Australian Meteorological <strong>and</strong> Oceanographic Society Publication, no. 21).Park S, Boering K, Etheridge D, Ferretti D, Kim K, Langenfelds R, van Ommen T, Steele P <strong>and</strong> TrudingerC (<strong>2005</strong>) Trends in the Nitrogen <strong>and</strong> Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Tropospheric Nitrous Oxide <strong>and</strong>Implications for the Global Budget. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A44B-03.Pike S, Andrews J, Trull T, <strong>and</strong> Buesseler K (2006) A high resolution study of particle export usingthorium-234 in the N Central Pacific <strong>and</strong> NW Pacific as part of the VERTIGO project. ASLO-TOS-AGUOcean Sciences meeting abstract, OS26A-07.Sasaki K, Watanabe S, Sagishima K, Rintoul S, Tilbrook B <strong>and</strong> Fukasawa M (2006) Preliminary resultsof chlorofluorocarbons in Australia <strong>Antarctic</strong> Basin obtained in 2004/<strong>2005</strong> cruises. ASLO-TOS-AGUOcean Sciences meeting abstract, OS45F-10, February 2006, Honolulu, HI, USA.Savoye N, Trull T, Jacquet S, <strong>and</strong> Dehairs F (2006) 234Th-based export production during the KEOPSnatural iron fertilization. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS33F-04.Sohrin Y, Lai X, Norisuye K, Mikata M, Minami T, Bowie A (2006) Spatial <strong>and</strong> temporal distribution ofFe, Ni, Cu <strong>and</strong> Pb along 140E in the Southern Ocean in 2001/2002 austral summer. Eos Trans. AGU,87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS16M-11.Trull T, Buesseler K, Lamborg C, Pike S, Moy C, Bray S, Ebersbach F, <strong>and</strong> Manganini S (2006) In-situparticle sinking rates <strong>and</strong> forms at mesopelagic depths from the Sub-tropical <strong>and</strong> Sub-Arctic Pacific.ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS23H-05.Uitz J, Claustre H, Griffiths B, <strong>and</strong> Ras J (2006): A specific Bio-optical primary production model tunedto the Kerguelen Iron-enriched region. ASLO-TOS-AGU Ocean Sciences meeting abstract, OS35M-07.Ussher S, Bowie A, Achterberg E, Worsfold P (2006) Iron distributions <strong>and</strong> speciation along the AtlanticMeridional Transect (AMT). Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS35M-18.van Ommen T, Usoskin I, Solanki S, Morgan V, Kromer B, Schüssler M <strong>and</strong> Beer J (<strong>2005</strong>) Coherentdecadal to centennial variability in Holocene insolation <strong>and</strong> <strong>Antarctic</strong> climate. ESF ResearchConference on Polar Regions <strong>and</strong> Quaternary <strong>Climate</strong>: Toward an integrative view of climate in<strong>Antarctic</strong>a <strong>and</strong> circum-<strong>Antarctic</strong> regions.Wake B, Bowie A, Butler E, Haddad P (2006) Selenium speciation in the Southern Ocean south ofAustralia. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS16M-12.Warner R (2006) Reassessing the input-output mass budget of East <strong>Antarctic</strong>a between 50°E <strong>and</strong>140°E. WCRP Workshop Underst<strong>and</strong>ing Sea-level Rise <strong>and</strong> Variability, Abstract Number P48, PosterAbstract Volume p. 81.Williams M <strong>and</strong> Warner R (<strong>2005</strong>) A frazil ice model for embedding within three-dimensional oceancirculation models. Dynamic Planet <strong>2005</strong> ‘Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Underst<strong>and</strong>ing a Dynamic Planet withGeodetic <strong>and</strong> Oceanographic Tools’ a Joint Assembly of International Associations: IAG, IAPSO <strong>and</strong>IABO. Abstract number 076, Abstract Volume.Williams M <strong>and</strong> Warner R (<strong>2005</strong>) A frazil ice model for embedding within three-dimensional oceancirculation models. IGS Symposium on Sea Ice, Dunedin, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>, Abstract No. 44A107.<strong>Antarctic</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> & <strong>Ecosystems</strong> CRC - <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>2005</strong>-06 109

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