Phytoplankton as an indicator of water quality health status

Phytoplankton as an indicator of water quality health status Phytoplankton as an indicator of water quality health status


Why is phytoplankton important?• Produces oxygen – needs of aquaticlife• Algae are the basis of most aquaticfood webs• Algae help to ‘purify’ water byabsorbing nutrients & heavy metals• Aquaculture – live feed• Industries - foods, nutraceuticals,pharmaceuticals, biofuels.Algae can be valuable indicators of environmental quality:Sensitive to changes in pH, nutrient or temperature.Monitor species composition & density - identifychanges in water quality.

Trophic State of Lakes• Oligotrophic• Unproductive lakes, low N & P); low poductivity; veryclear waters, high hypolimnetic O 2, high species diversity.• Mesotrophic• Intermediate level of productivity; clear water lakes withsubmerged aquatic plants & medium levels of nutrients.• Eutrophic• Productive with high nutrient supply, high productivity;Algae blooms – fish kills• Hypereutrophic• very nutrient-rich and productive lakes (eg. >100 ugP/L) – severe algal blooms; low transparency.(< 1m)

Trophic State <strong>of</strong> Lakes• Oligotrophic• Unproductive lakes, low N & P); low poductivity; veryclear <strong>water</strong>s, high hypolimnetic O 2, high species diversity.• Mesotrophic• Intermediate level <strong>of</strong> productivity; clear <strong>water</strong> lakes withsubmerged aquatic pl<strong>an</strong>ts & medium levels <strong>of</strong> nutrients.• Eutrophic• Productive with high nutrient supply, high productivity;Algae blooms – fish kills• Hypereutrophic• very nutrient-rich <strong>an</strong>d productive lakes (eg. >100 ugP/L) – severe algal blooms; low tr<strong>an</strong>sparency.(< 1m)

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