Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

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More Praise forTaliban"Rashid combines close journalistic field experience with theTaliban and long-term knowledge of Afghanistan in this workof great depth and understanding."—Barnett R. Rubin, authorof The Fragmentation of Afghanistan and The SearchforPeace in Afghanistan"This is an impressive analysis of the Taliban movement inAfghanistan, of its background and impact on that country,and of the wider regional^nd geopolitical implications of theTaliban's advent to power. It would be hard to see howanyone could rival the ränge and detail of this account: thisbids well to be the leading book on the subject."—FredHalliday, author of Revolution and World PoUtics: The Riseand Fall ofthe Sixth Great Power"[Rashid] covers the origin and rise ofthe Taliban, its conceptsof Islam on questions of gender roles and drugs, and theimportance ofthe country to the developmentof energyresources in the region A lucid and thoroughly researchedaccount."—Library Journal"Rashid... brings urgency to a conflict in Central Asia of whichmost Americans and many Europeans are mostiy ignorant. Here veals a nation with a rieh culture of contradictions andcomplexities that have never been fathomed by its numerousconquerors."—Booklist"A gripping account of one ofthe horror stories of post-ColdWarpolitics."—Jonathan Groner, Salon

TalibanMilitant Islam,Oil and Fundamentalismin Central AsiaFor my mother,what I have seen she taught me to see.I hope I have honoured it.And for Angeles.Ahmed RashidYale Nota BeneYale University PressNEW HAVEN • LONDON

More Praise forTaliban"Rashid combines close journalistic field experience with theTaliban and long-term knowledge of Afghanistan in this workof great depth and understanding."—Barnett R. Rubin, authorof The Fragmentation of Afghanistan and The SearchforPeace in Afghanistan"This is an impressive analysis of the Taliban movement inAfghanistan, of its background and impact on that country,and of the wider regional^nd geopolitical implications of theTaliban's advent to power. It would be hard to see howanyone could rival the ränge and detail of this account: thisbids well to be the leading book on the subject."—FredHalliday, author of Revolution and World PoUtics: The Riseand Fall ofthe Sixth Great Power"[Rashid] covers the origin and rise ofthe Taliban, its conceptsof Islam on questions of gender roles and drugs, and theimportance ofthe country to the developmentof energyresources in the region A lucid and thoroughly researchedaccount."—Library Journal"Rashid... brings urgency to a conflict in Central Asia of whichmost Americans and many Europeans are mostiy ignorant. Here veals a nation with a rieh culture of contradictions andcomplexities that have never been fathomed by its numerousconquerors."—Booklist"A gripping account of one ofthe horror stories of post-ColdWarpolitics."—Jonathan Groner, Salon

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