Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

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INDEX ~ 276Rakhmanov, Imomali (President ofTajikistan) 123Raphel, Robin 46-6,165-6,178,181Rashid, Abdul 118-19Rashid, Mullah Abdul 125-6Razaq, Mullah Abdul 49,51,59Razzak, Mullah Abdul 100Reagan, President 172Red Cross, International Cotnmitte(1CRC) 18,50,59,74,126,207Rehami, Mullah Mohammed 17Rehman, Amir Abdul 'Iron Amir'(1880-1901)12Rehman, Dr Abdur 43Rehman, Fazlur 44Rehman, Flight-Lieutenant Khalilur121Rehman, King Abdul 68Rehman, Maulana Fazlur 26,90, 201Rehmen, General Akhtar Abdur 120Reuters 167Richardson, Bill (US Ambassador toUN) 71,181,196Rishkor army garrison 139Rohrabacher, Dana 181-2Roman Empire 68Rostam, Sohrab 63Rouzi, Majid58Roy, Olivier 87,130,187Rubin, Barnett 108,177Rukh, Shah (son of Taimur) 37-8Rumi (Persian poet) 57Russia 1-5,44,53,56,60-1,66,72,77arms supplies 76and Britain treaties 209Central Asian 44, 209Revolution (1917) 147Tashkent meeting 77troops 60Unocal 171Safavid dynasty 9-10,197Sahar, General Saleem 63Salang Highway/tunnel 47,52-3, 59Salim 75Samangan province 59Samarkand 9,38,147Santos, Charles 171Sarbanar (son of Qais) 10Sari Pul province 59Satobi 43,48-9Saudi Arabia 5,44-5,48,50,54,58,72,89-92,116,198,200-5Afghan conflict 197aid for Hikmetyar's Hizbae-Islamiparty 198Arab-Afghans 137Bin Laden 77, 211Central Asian Republics 200-1Council of the Assembly of SeniorUlema 201foreign policy 199, 211funds to Mujaheddin 197Intelligence Service 48,130-1,170Iran relations 196-7,199,206madrassas funds 90Red Crescent 131relations with Central Asia 200-1Royal Family 75,133-4,138-9,168,201,211Talibans 77,176,179-80,201-2, 211ulema 133US relations 179,182Wahabbi creed 85Save the Children 65,109,113Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul 85,131-2,199Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relationsfor South Asia 45Sergeyev, Igor 78Sestanovich, Stephen 156Sevan, Benon 49Shad, Queen Gowhar 38,112-13Shafiq, Mohammed Musa 84Shah, King/ex-King Zahir 82,85,88Shah, Taimur 11Shah, Zahir 85Sharia90,93,107,115-16law 58,64,83, 88,102,106,194Sharif, Prime Minister Nawaz 61,137-8,168,173,180Afghan cease-fire 204government (1990-93) 90Muslim League 121Talibans 188Sharjah 120,192Sheikh, Najmuddin 169Sher, Ahmed 69-70Shevardnadze, Eduard 200Shias57,69, 74Afghans 197Hazaras34,45,62-4,69,139Iran 74Islams 83Muslims 68,132Persia 88and Sunnis war 211Shiberghan56,63,70,72,74Shiism 83Shindand 36-7Shomali valley 62,64Shorish-Shamley, Zieba 183Sikhs 82-3Silk Route 9,56,68,190,192,207Simmons, Tom 165Sind 20Sipah-e-Sahaba party (SSP) 74,92Sonderberg, Nancy 78Sony 193South Asia 7Southern Afghanistan 21Sovietinvasion of Afghanistan (1979) 11,84-5,197,208Red Army 1Spetsnatz (Special Forces) 18Union 200, 208withdrawal (1989) 175, 208Special Services Group 28Spin Baldak, Afghanistan 27-9,189Sri Lanka 68Stalin, Joseph 147Stanakzai, Sher Mohammed 101, 202Starobin, Paul 175State Bank of Afghanistan 124Stevenson, Robert Louis, Treasurebland 17Sudan, National Islamic Front 136Sufism 84-5SunniArabia 194fundamentalism 205Hanafis 83, 85, 88Islams 74, 88Pashtuns 69,197,199INDEX - 277Supreme Council for the Defence ofthe Motherland 52-3Sureda, Jose Louis 158Swedish Committee 110Tacitus (Roman historian) 74Taggert, Chris 166Taimur (Tamerlane) 9,112Tajikistan, Soviet Socialist Republic of44,60,93Afghanistan border 60, 77CIA attack 129conflict 209heroin addiction 122Masud61,148Pashtun alliance 52Tashkent meeting 77Uzbek-Hazara alliance 69Tajiks 7, 21,35,49,51-3,61-2,64,68-9,73-4,83,101,208Takhar province 59Talbott, Strobe 161-2,164-5,179,181Talibans 1-8, 20, 23-4,31,34-6,40-6,48-62,64-5,67-8,70,75-7,85airforce and airport operations 184Ashkhabad talks 78casualties 77control of Afghanistan 211culture 105-16fiefdoms 213gender policies 105-16,175,180government 212governors 99international relations 79,118Islamicsl,87,93,lll,176Kunduz expeditionary force 99leaders 125,139,191meeting with anti-Taliban Alliance71mullahs 170-1origins of 17-30pipeline 159political and military organisation95-104prisoners 64religious police 65,105-6Shuras60

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