Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

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NOTES ~ 249IntroductionNotes1. Huntington, Samuel P, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the NewWorld Order, Simon and Shuster, New York 1966.2. Verrier, Anthony, Francis Younghusband and the Great Game, Jonathan Cape,London 1991.3. Polo, Marco, The Travels of Marco Polo, Dell Publishing, New York 1961.4. BabuX'Nama, translated by Nette Bevendge, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore1979.5. Noelle, Christine, State and Tribe in Nineteenth Century Afghanistan, Curzon<strong>Press</strong>, London 1997.6. Rubin, Barnett, 'Afghanistan the forgotten crisis,' Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol15 No.2, UNHCR 1996.Chapter 11. US aid began with US$30 million in 1980, rising to US$80 million in 1983,to US$250 million in 1985, to US$470 million in 1986, to US$630 million in1987 until 1989. US aid continued until Kabul fell to the Mujaheddin in 1992.Between 1986-89 total aid to the Mujaheddin exceeded US$1 billion dollars ayear. Rubin, Barnett, 'Afghanistan the forgotten crisis,' Refugee Survey QuarterlyVol 15 No.2. UNHCR 1996.2. I conducted several interviews with Mullah Hassan in Kandahar in 1995,1996and 1997.3. Dupree, Nancy Hatch, A Historical Guide to Afghanistan, Afghan TouristOrganization, Kabul 1970.4- I conducted several interviews with Mullah Ghaus in 1996 and 1997.5. Yousufzai, Rahimullah. 'Taliban head says Rabbani sabotaging UN peaceefforts,' the News, 2 February 1995.6. This profile of Mullah Omar has been built up over five years after interviewswith dozens of Taliban leaders. I am grateful to Rahimullah Yousufzai's articles ashe is the only journalist to have interviewed Omar.7. Goldenberg, Suzanne, 'Place where the Taliban began and certainty ends', theGuardian, 13 October 1998.8. Bums, John and Levine, Steve, 'How Afghans' stern rulers took hold', NewYork Times, 11 December 1996.9. Dawn, 4 November 1994.10. The Ambassadors were from the USA, UK, Spain, Italy, China, and SouthKorea. The delegation included officials from the United Nations.11. Interviews with senior Pakistan government officials and transporters inQuetta, March 1995.12. Davis, Anthony, 'How the Taliban became a military force', in Maley, William(ed.), Fundamentalism Reborn? Afghanistan and the Taliban, C. Hurst, London1998. Davis's military account is the most detailed to date on the capture of SpinBaldak and Kandahar by the Taliban.13. Interviews with Pakistani intelligence officers, Kandahar, April 1995.14. Muslim, 17 November 1994.15. The Nation, 18 February 1995.16. Dawn, 18 March 1995.Chapter 21. Seward, Desmond, The Monks of War, the Military Religious Orders, Penguin,London 1972. The great military orders, the Templars, the Hospitallers and theTeutonic Knights, were founded in the twelfth century.2. Interviews with Taliban soldiers, Kandahar, March 1995.3. Sikorski, Radek, Dust of the Saints, Chatto and Windus, London 1989.4- Byron, Robert, The Road to Oxiana, Macmillan, London 1937.5. Byron wrote on his first sight of the minarets, "No photograph, no description,can convey their colour of grape-blue with an azure bloom, or the intricate convolutionsthat make it so deep and luminous. On the bases, whose eight sides aresupported by white marble panels carved with baroque Kufic, yellow, white, olivegreen and rusty red mingle, with the two blues in a maze of flowers, arabesquesand texts as fine as the pattern on a tea-cup.' (Byron: The Road to Oxiana)6. Dupree, Nancy Hatch, A Historical Guide to Afghanistan, Afghan TouristOrganization, Kabul 1970.7. Interview with Ismael Khan, September 1993.8. Interview with Mullah Wakil Ahmad, Kandahar, May 1995.9. Dupree: A Historical Guide to Afghanistan.

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