Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

Yale University Press NEW HAVEN & 9 780300"089028 - Sito Mistero

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234 ~ TALIBAN8 June. US FBI places Bin Laden on top of ten most wanted fugitives. Fearsof US attack on Bin Laden increase.26 June. Ex-King Zahir Shah holds consultative meeting in Rome, but Talibanreject any peace-making role for him. USA closes seven embassies inAfrica for three days because of Bin Laden threats.6 July- US imposes trade and economic sanctions against Taliban and freezetheir assets in the USA. Taliban prepare for massive summer offensive againstMasud as thousands of Pakistani and hundreds of Arab recruits join Taliban.15 July. Former Senator Abdul Ahad Karzai, a leading Afghan nationalist,murdered in Quetta after meeting with Zahir Shah.The US State Departmentand the UN condemn the murder.16 July. The Foreign Ministers of Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan meet inTashkent and pledge co-operation in combating Islamic extremism in CentralAsia.19 July. The 'Six plus Two' talks begin in Tashkent. President Islam Karimovcalls for cease-fire and UN session on Afghanistan.20 July. Tashkent talks without firm conclusions.23 July. Masud in Tashkent and meets President Karimov.27 July. UN planes stop flying to Kabul as rockets fired by Masud hit airport.Taliban offensive imminent.28 July. Taliban offensive begins on three fronts as they advance towardsBagram. 130 killed on both sides in first day of fighting.1 August. Bagram falls to Taliban, but heavy fighting as Masud tries to recaptureit.2 August. Taliban capture Charikar as Masud retreats to Panjshir. 200,000people flee the Shomali valley creating new refugee crisis.3 August. Taliban advance in north from Kunduz and take Imam Sahib andSher Khan Bandar, cutting Masud's supply links to Tajkistan. 3000 casualtiesin fighting so far.5 August. Masud counter-attacks and retakes Charikar and pushes Talibanback to former positions near Kabul. 400 Taliban killed and 500 captured.8 August. Masud recaptures lost ground in the north.10 August. Washington freezes assets of Taliban airline Ariana in the USAbecause of its links to Bin Laden.13 August. Taliban retake Bagram.15 August. UN appeals to Taliban not to create more refugees and haltfighting as Taliban pursue scorched-earth policy in Shomali valley. Thousandsarrested in Kabul.17 August. Pakistan attempts mediation but rejected by Northern Alliance.24 August. Massive bomb blast in Kandahar outside Mullah Omar's home,killing 40 people including Omar's two step-brothers and six Arabs.5 September. Heavy fighting as both sides launch renewed offensives in northand around Kabul.10 September. UNDCP says Afghanistan's opium production doubles to 4600tons in 1999. Ninety-seven per cent of cultivation under Taliban control.APPENDIX 3 ~ 23520 September. Russia says Afghanistan-based Afghans, Pakistanis and Arabsfighting in Dagestan and Chechnya.25 September. Taliban advance towards Taloquan, capital of Northern Alliance.Heavy fighting.27 September. UN criticizes outside support for Afghan factions. Talibanrecapture Imam Sahib.29 September. Northern Alliance shoot down Taliban SU-22 fighter overTaloquan as fighting intensifies.4 October. Pakistan's ISI chief visits Kandahar and demands extradition ofPakistani terrorists from Afghanistan. Mullah Omar agrees to co-operate.12 October. Military coup in Pakistan overthrows government of Prime MinisterNawaz Sharif.15 October. US Security Council imposes limited sanctions on Taliban.200018 January. Francesc Vendrell appointed new UN Secretary General's SpecialRepresentative to Afghanistan.6 February. Afghan civilians hijack international flight from Kabul and forceplane to fly to London where hijacking ends peacefully after 4 days.March Organisation of the Islamic Conference hold unsuccessful talks betweenTaliban and NA.27 March. Ismail Khan escapes from Taliban jail in Kandahar and arrives inIran. Taliban launch abortive offensive against Masud.April. Severe draught trips Afghanistan and Taliban appeal for internationalhelp.1 July. Taliban launch their summer offensive north of Kabul but repulsedwith heavy casualties.10 July. Bomb blasts in Pakistan embassy in Kabul.28 July. Taliban launch attack in the north against Masud's forces. IslamicMovement of Uzbekistan based in northern Afghanistan launches attacks inUzbekistan.5 September. After four-week siege and heavy fighting, Taliban capture Taloqanin Takhar province from Masud, who retreats to Badakhshan province.150,000 refugess flee and put pressure on Tajikistan. Central Asian and Russianleaders condemn Taliban advances.

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