Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 4 2.1. Some results on ...

Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 4 2.1. Some results on ... Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 4 2.1. Some results on ...
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and since d is mono we get that(ε C Z ′′) ◦ C ρ Z ′′ = Z ′′76Let us prove that ( Z ′′ , C ρ Z ′′)∈ C A and thus formula (54) will say that d is amorphism in C A. Since ∆ C is a functorial morphism and by definition of C ρ Z ′′, thelower left square serially commutes. We have(CCd) ◦ ( C C ρ Z ′′)◦ C ρ Z ′′(54)= ( C C ρ Z ′)◦ (Cd) ◦ C ρ Z ′′(54)= ( )C C ρ Z ′ ◦ C ρ Z ′ ◦ d C ρ Z ′coass= ( ∆ C Z ′) ◦ C ρ Z ′ ◦ d(54)= ( ∆ C Z ′) ◦ (Cd) ◦ C ∆ρ CZ ′′ = (CCd) ◦ ( ∆ C Z ′′) ◦ C ρ Z ′′and since CCd is a monomorphism we get( )C C ρ Z ′′ ◦ C ρ Z ′′ = ( ∆ C Z ′′) ◦ C ρ Z ′′that is that C ρ Z ′′is coassociative. Moreover we haved ◦ ( ε C Z ′′) ◦ C ρ Z ′′ε C = ( ε C Z ′) ◦ (Cd) ◦ C ρ Z ′′(54)= ( ε C Z ′) ◦ C ρ Z ′ ◦ d C ρ Z ′counit= dso that C ρ Z ′′ is also counital. Therefore ( Z ′′ , C ρ Z ′′)∈ C A and d is a morphism inC A. Now we want to prove that it is an equalizer in C A. Let ( E, C ρ E)∈ C A andf : ( E, C ρ E)→(Z ′ , C ρ Z ′)be a morphism in C A such that (K ϕ d 0 ) ◦ f = (K ϕ d 1 ) ◦ f.Then, by regarding f as a morphism in A we also have that(Ld 0 ) ◦ f = (Ld 1 ) ◦ f.Since (Z ′′ , d) = Equ A (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ) , there exists a unique morphism h : E → Z ′′ suchthatd ◦ h = f.Now we want to prove that h is a morphism in C A. In fact, let us consider thefollowing diagramEC ρ EhC ρ Z ′′Z ′′ d Z ′C ρ Z ′CE Ch CZ ′′ Cd CZ ′ .Since d ∈ C A, the right square commutes. Since f ∈ C A we haveso that we have(Cd) ◦ (Ch) ◦ C ρ E = (Cf) ◦ C ρ E = C ρ Z ′ ◦ f = C ρ Z ′ ◦ d ◦ h(Cd) ◦ C ρ Z ′′ ◦ h (54)= C ρ Z ′ ◦ d ◦ h = (Cd) ◦ (Ch) ◦ C ρ Eand since Cd is a monomorphism, we deduce thatC ρ Z ′′ ◦ h = (Ch) ◦ C ρ E

i.e. h ∈ C A. Therefore (Z ′′ , d) = EquC A (K ϕ d 0 , K ϕ d 1 ). Now, since K ϕ : B → C A isan equivalence of categories, there exist X ′′ , e ∈ B such thatK ϕ X ′′ = ( Z ′′ , C ρ Z ′′)and Kϕ e = dand thus (X ′′ , e) = Equ B (d 0 , d 1 ). Moreover, sinceZ ′′ d Z ′sis a contractible coequalizer and (Z ′′ , d) = (C UK ϕ X ′′ , C UK ϕ e ) (, we deduce thatCUK ϕ X ′′ , C UK ϕ e ) (is a contractible coequalizer of (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ). Then (LX ′′ , Le) =CUK ϕ X ′′ , C UK ϕ e ) is a contractible coequalizer of (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ) so that (LX ′′ , Le) =Equ A (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ).□The following is a slightly improved version of Theorem 3.14 p. 101 [BW] for thedual case.Theorem 4.62 (Generalized Beck’s Precise Cotripleability Theorem). Let L : B →A be a functor, let C = ( C, ∆ C , ε C) be a comonad on a category A. Then L isϕ-comonadic if and only if1) L has a right adjoint R : A → B,2) ϕ : LR → C is a comonads isomorphism where LR = (LR, LηR, ɛ) with ηand ɛ unit and counit of (L, R) ,3) for every ( X, C ρ X)∈ C A, there exist Equ B(αX, R C ρ X), where α = (Rϕ) ◦(ηR), and L preserves the equalizerLd 0tLd 1 ZEqu Fun(α C U, R C Uγ C) ,4) L reflects isomorphisms.In this case in B there exist equalizers of reflexive L-contractible equalizer pairsand L preserves them.Proof. Assume first that L is ϕ-comonadic. Then by definition L has a right adjointR : A → B and a comonad morphism ϕ : LR → C such that the functor K ϕ =Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is an equivalence of categories. Let K ϕ ′ be an inverse of K ϕ . Thenin particular K ϕ ′ : C A → B is a right adjoint of K ϕ so that by Proposition 4.47 forevery ( ) ( )X, C ρ X ∈ C A, there exists Equ B αX, R C ρ X where α = Θ (ϕ) = (Rϕ) ◦(ηR) and thus ( (K ϕ, ′ k ϕ) ′ = EquFun α C U, R C Uγ C) . Then we can apply Theorem 4.55to get that L preserves the equalizer ( (K ϕ, ′ k ϕ) ′ = EquFun α C U, R C Uγ C) , L reflectsisomorphisms and ϕ : LR → C is a comonads isomorphism.Conversely, by assumption 1) L has a right adjoint R :( A → B so) that (L, R)(is an adjunction)and by assumption 2) there exist Equ B αX, R C ρ X , for everyX, C ρ X ∈ C A so that we can apply one direction of Proposition 4.47. Thus thefunctor K ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A has a right adjoint D ϕ : C A → B. Now, by applyingTheorem 4.55 in the converse direction, we deduce that K ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is anequivalence of categories, i.e. L is ϕ-comonadic.In the case L is ϕ-comonadic, by Lemma 4.61, in B there exist equalizers ofreflexive L-contractible equalizer pairs and L preserves them.□77

i.e. h ∈ C A. Therefore (Z ′′ , d) = EquC A (K ϕ d 0 , K ϕ d 1 ). Now, since K ϕ : B → C A isan equivalence of categories, there exist X ′′ , e ∈ B such thatK ϕ X ′′ = ( Z ′′ , C ρ Z ′′)and Kϕ e = dand thus (X ′′ , e) = Equ B (d 0 , d 1 ). Moreover, sinceZ ′′ d Z ′sis a c<strong>on</strong>tractible coequalizer and (Z ′′ , d) = (C UK ϕ X ′′ , C UK ϕ e ) (, we deduce thatCUK ϕ X ′′ , C UK ϕ e ) (is a c<strong>on</strong>tractible coequalizer of (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ). Then (LX ′′ , Le) =CUK ϕ X ′′ , C UK ϕ e ) is a c<strong>on</strong>tractible coequalizer of (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ) so that (LX ′′ , Le) =Equ A (Ld 0 , Ld 1 ).□The following is a slightly improved versi<strong>on</strong> of Theorem 3.14 p. 101 [BW] for thedual case.Theorem 4.62 (Generalized Beck’s Precise Cotripleability Theorem). Let L : B →A be a functor, let C = ( C, ∆ C , ε C) be a com<strong>on</strong>ad <strong>on</strong> a category A. Then L isϕ-com<strong>on</strong>adic if and <strong>on</strong>ly if1) L has a right adjoint R : A → B,2) ϕ : LR → C is a com<strong>on</strong>ads isomorphism where LR = (LR, LηR, ɛ) with ηand ɛ unit and counit of (L, R) ,3) for every ( X, C ρ X)∈ C A, there exist Equ B(αX, R C ρ X), where α = (Rϕ) ◦(ηR), and L preserves the equalizerLd 0tLd 1 ZEqu Fun(α C U, R C Uγ C) ,4) L reflects isomorphisms.In this case in B there exist equalizers of reflexive L-c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer pairsand L preserves them.Proof. Assume first that L is ϕ-com<strong>on</strong>adic. Then by definiti<strong>on</strong> L has a right adjointR : A → B and a com<strong>on</strong>ad morphism ϕ : LR → C such that the functor K ϕ =Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is an equivalence of categories. Let K ϕ ′ be an inverse of K ϕ . Thenin particular K ϕ ′ : C A → B is a right adjoint of K ϕ so that by Propositi<strong>on</strong> 4.47 forevery ( ) ( )X, C ρ X ∈ C A, there exists Equ B αX, R C ρ X where α = Θ (ϕ) = (Rϕ) ◦(ηR) and thus ( (K ϕ, ′ k ϕ) ′ = EquFun α C U, R C Uγ C) . Then we can apply Theorem 4.55to get that L preserves the equalizer ( (K ϕ, ′ k ϕ) ′ = EquFun α C U, R C Uγ C) , L reflectsisomorphisms and ϕ : LR → C is a com<strong>on</strong>ads isomorphism.C<strong>on</strong>versely, by assumpti<strong>on</strong> 1) L has a right adjoint R :( A → B so) that (L, R)(is an adjuncti<strong>on</strong>)and by assumpti<strong>on</strong> 2) there exist Equ B αX, R C ρ X , for everyX, C ρ X ∈ C A so that we can apply <strong>on</strong>e directi<strong>on</strong> of Propositi<strong>on</strong> 4.47. Thus thefunctor K ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A has a right adjoint D ϕ : C A → B. Now, by applyingTheorem 4.55 in the c<strong>on</strong>verse directi<strong>on</strong>, we deduce that K ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is anequivalence of categories, i.e. L is ϕ-com<strong>on</strong>adic.In the case L is ϕ-com<strong>on</strong>adic, by Lemma 4.61, in B there exist equalizers ofreflexive L-c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer pairs and L preserves them.□77

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