Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 4 2.1. Some results on ...

Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 4 2.1. Some results on ... Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 4 2.1. Some results on ...
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74we have that Ld ϕ K ϕ Y is mono and hence we obtainso that L̂η is a functorial isomorphism.(L̂ηY ) ◦ (ɛLY ) ◦ (Ld ϕ K ϕ Y ) = LD ϕ K ϕ YDefinition 4.56. Let ( L, C ρ L)be a left comodule functor for a comonad C =(C, ∆ C , ε C) such that L has a right adjoint R. Then we can consider a canonicalcomonad morphismcan := (Cɛ) ◦ (C ρ L R ) : LR → Cwhere ɛ denotes the counit of the adjunction (L, R) . A left C-Galois functor is aleft C-comodule functor ( L, C ρ L)with a right adjoint R such that can is a comonadisomorphism.Corollary 4.57. Let ( L, C ρ L)be a left C-Galois comodule functor such that Lpreserves equalizers, L reflects isomorphisms and let C = ( C, ∆ C , ε C) be a comonadon A. Assume that, for every ( X, C ρ X)∈ C A, there exists Equ B(αX, R C ρ X)whereα = (Rcan) ◦ (ηR) where R is the right adjoint of L and η is the unit of theadjunction. Then we can consider the functor K can : B → C A. Then the functorK can is an equivalence of categories.Proof. We can apply Theorem 4.55 to the case ϕ = can.Theorem 4.58 (Beck’s Theorem). Let (L, R) be an adjunction where L : B → A andR : A → B. Let α = Θ (Id LR ) = ηR and assume that, for every ( X, LR ρ X)∈ LR A,there exists Equ B(ηRX, R LR ρ X). Then we can consider the functor K = Υ (IdLR ) :B → LR A and its right adjoint D : LR A → B. The functor K is an equivalence ofcategories if and only if1) L preserves the equalizer2) L reflects isomorphisms.(D, d) = Equ Fun(ηR LR U, R LR Uγ LR) .Proof. Apply Theorem 4.55 taking ϕ = Id LR and thus α = Θ (Id LR ) = ηR.Definition 4.59. Let C = ( C, ∆ C , ε C) be a comonad on the category A and letL : B → A. The functor L is called ϕ-comonadic if it has a right adjoint R : A → Bfor which there exists ϕ : LR → C a comonad morphism such that the functorK ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is an equivalence of categories with D ϕ : C A → B which isright adjoint.Definition 4.60. Let L : B → A be a functor. The functor L is called comonadicif it has a right adjoint R : A → B such that the functor K = Υ (Id LR ) : B → LR Ais an equivalence of categories with right adjoint D : LR A → B.Lemma 4.6ong>> Let L : B → A be a ϕ-comonadic functor and let(53) X ′ d 0 Xd 1□□□

e a L-contractible equalizer pair in B. Then (53) has an equalizer d : X ′′ → X ′ inB andLX ′′ Ld LX ′ Ld 0 LXLd 1is an equalizer in A.Proof. Since L is a ϕ-comonadic functor we know that K ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is anequivalence of categories. Then, instead of consideringin the category B, we can considerX ′ d 0 Xd 1K ϕ X ′ K ϕd 0 K ϕ XK ϕd 1in C A which is a C U-contractible equalizer pair. Let us denote by ( Z ′ , C ρ Z ′):= Kϕ X ′and ( )Z, C ρ Z := Kϕ X so that we can rewrite the C U-contractible equalizer pair asfollows(Z ′ , C K ϕd 0ρ Z ′) ( )Z, C ρ ZK ϕd 1We want to prove that this pair has an equalizer in C A. Since the pair (K ϕ d 0 , K ϕ d 1 )is a C U-contractible equalizer in C A, we have thatZ ′′ d Z ′sis a contractible equalizer and thus, by Proposition ong>>19, an equalizer in A. Let usconsider the following diagramC ρ Z ′′C C ρ Z ′′Ld 0tLd 1Z ′′ d Z ′C ρ Z ′CZ ′′ Cd CZ ′ ∆ C Z ′∆ C Z ′′C C ρ Z ′ ZLd 0Ld 1CLd 0CLd 1CCZ ′′ CCd CCZ ′ CCLd 0 CCLd 1 Z CZC C ρ ZC ρ Z CCZBy Proposition ong>>20, all the rows are contractible equalizers. Since Ld 0 = C UK ϕ d 0and Ld 1 = C UK ϕ d 1 where K ϕ d 0 and K ϕ d 1 are morphisms in C A, we have that theupper right square serially commutes. Moreover, since we also have that ∆ C is afunctorial morphism, the lower right square serially commutes. We also have thatC ρ Z ′◦d is a fork for (CLd 0 , CLd 1 ) and, since (CZ ′′ , CZ ′ , CZ, Cd, CLd 0 , CLd 1 , Cs, Ct)is a contractible equalizer, in particular (CZ ′′ , Cd) = Equ A (CLd 0 , CLd 1 ); by theuniversal property of the equalizer, there exists a unique morphism C ρ Z ′′ : Z ′′ →CZ ′′ such that(54)C ρ Z ′ ◦ d = (Cd) ◦ C ρ Z ′′.∆ C Z75

e a L-c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer pair in B. Then (53) has an equalizer d : X ′′ → X ′ inB andLX ′′ Ld LX ′ Ld 0 LXLd 1is an equalizer in A.Proof. Since L is a ϕ-com<strong>on</strong>adic functor we know that K ϕ = Υ (ϕ) : B → C A is anequivalence of categories. Then, instead of c<strong>on</strong>sideringin the category B, we can c<strong>on</strong>siderX ′ d 0 Xd 1K ϕ X ′ K ϕd 0 K ϕ XK ϕd 1in C A which is a C U-c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer pair. Let us denote by ( Z ′ , C ρ Z ′):= Kϕ X ′and ( )Z, C ρ Z := Kϕ X so that we can rewrite the C U-c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer pair asfollows(Z ′ , C K ϕd 0ρ Z ′) ( )Z, C ρ ZK ϕd 1We want to prove that this pair has an equalizer in C A. Since the pair (K ϕ d 0 , K ϕ d 1 )is a C U-c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer in C A, we have thatZ ′′ d Z ′sis a c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer and thus, by Propositi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2.</str<strong>on</strong>g>19, an equalizer in A. Let usc<strong>on</strong>sider the following diagramC ρ Z ′′C C ρ Z ′′Ld 0tLd 1Z ′′ d Z ′C ρ Z ′CZ ′′ Cd CZ ′ ∆ C Z ′∆ C Z ′′C C ρ Z ′ ZLd 0Ld 1CLd 0CLd 1CCZ ′′ CCd CCZ ′ CCLd 0 CCLd 1 Z CZC C ρ ZC ρ Z CCZBy Propositi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2.</str<strong>on</strong>g>20, all the rows are c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizers. Since Ld 0 = C UK ϕ d 0and Ld 1 = C UK ϕ d 1 where K ϕ d 0 and K ϕ d 1 are morphisms in C A, we have that theupper right square serially commutes. Moreover, since we also have that ∆ C is afunctorial morphism, the lower right square serially commutes. We also have thatC ρ Z ′◦d is a fork for (CLd 0 , CLd 1 ) and, since (CZ ′′ , CZ ′ , CZ, Cd, CLd 0 , CLd 1 , Cs, Ct)is a c<strong>on</strong>tractible equalizer, in particular (CZ ′′ , Cd) = Equ A (CLd 0 , CLd 1 ); by theuniversal property of the equalizer, there exists a unique morphism C ρ Z ′′ : Z ′′ →CZ ′′ such that(54)C ρ Z ′ ◦ d = (Cd) ◦ C ρ Z ′′.∆ C Z75

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