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BookNewsSeptember 2011 New Releases - more inside...The Help..Fiction $32.99 Non-Fiction $65.00 Kids $19.95 DVD $59.99 Audio $29.99New postage rates: For orders over $70 postage is FREEINHERITANCE 09.11.11Exciting Events Coming Up!29 Sep - Frankston Library Members Night18 Oct - Kaz Cooke “Womens Stuff” in-store8 Nov - Nicholas Sparks “The Best of Me”Pre-orderNOWEragon & Eldest now $19.95 eachBrisingr now $21.95robinsons bookshop and cafe3/11 Station Street, Frankston, Victoria, 3199tel: 03 9783 6488 fax: 03 9781’s Oldest General Independent Bookshop

<strong>Book</strong><strong>News</strong>September 2011 New Releases - more inside...The Help..Fiction $32.99 Non-Fiction $65.00 Kids $19.95 DVD $59.99 Audio $29.99New postage rates: For orders over $70 postage is FREEINHERITANCE 09.11.11Exciting Events Coming Up!29 Sep - Frankston Library Members Night18 Oct - Kaz Cooke “Womens Stuff” in-store8 Nov - Nicholas Sparks “The Best of Me”Pre-orderNOWEragon & Eldest now $19.95 eachBrisingr now $21.95robinsons bookshop and cafe3/11 Station Street, Frankston, Victoria, 3199tel: 03 9783 6488 fax: 03 9781’s Oldest General Independent <strong>Book</strong>shop

STRIKEThe BaseballsA very good friend of mine introduced me to this albumand I fell in love instantaneously. I adore retro 50’s& 60’s music, particularly the rock and roll of Elvis,and I’m often caught singing along to the “Grease”soundtrack in my car. There is something so timeless about that era ofmusic, and when I first heard this album I was blown away. The tracksare more modern – from Snow Patrol to Katy Perry & Usher… but you’dnever know it. The songs have all been re-imagined and given a new,improved sound – reminiscent of something Elvis would perform. Youwon’t be able to resist “Strike” the toe-tapping, hip shaking first albumfrom “The Baseballs.”Laura.KNUFFLE BUNNY FREEMo WillemsI know it’s a little strange to be reviewing a picturebook, but I really love the Knuffle Bunny series andam a big fan of Mo Willems work! So you’ll just have to indulge me as Italk about how much I really enjoyed, what seems to be, the last bookof Knuffle Bunny.In Knuffle Bunny we meet the main character, a very young girl calledTrixie and her favourite toy Knuffle Bunny, who she accidently leaves atthe Laundromat! Despite several attempts to tell her Dad, it’s not untilthey get home that her Mum instantly realises the problem and theyrush back to rescue him! In Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of MistakenIdentity, Trixie is a little older and at school, where she takes her KnuffleBunny to show everyone. Unfortunately, another girl in school has onetoo!! It gets even worse when she arrives home to find that she broughthome the wrong bunny! Time for a night-time switch!Finally we get to Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion. Trixieis older again, and going on plane trip with Mum and Dad to visit herGrandparents. It isn’t until they’re settled in that Trixie realises somethingbad has happened... she accidently left Knuffle Bunny on theplane!! Everyone tries to cheer her up, but at first Trixie is too unhappyto enjoy herself. Slowly she starts to realise that she is ok without KnuffleBunny and that maybe she doesn’t need him that much anymore.I know I’m repeating myself, but I really loved these stories and MoWillems has written an outstanding story to finish it off. I especially lovethe sweet ending!Nicole.THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERSVanessa DiffenbaughThe Language of Flowers is gritty and meaningful;it will take you deep and bring you into dark places.This debut novel by Vanessa Diffenbaugh is extraordinaryand I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to bea bestseller. If I could scream from the rooftops aboutthis book I would. Sometimes when you read a book you just know thisis it, this is the book that will touch your heart in an extraordinary way.The Language of Flowers tells the story of Victoria, a girl who has neverknown the security of a real family or home. Switching between Victoriaas a child and as an adult we are told the story of her haunted past andhow she came to love and know flowers, while also learning of how shehas grown as an adult and what her future holds. Up until the age of 9this little girl was passed around from foster parents to group homesnever quite being enough for any of them to want to hold on to. This isof course until she is brought to Elizabeth, a single woman who liveson a flower farm and wants nothing more than a daughter of her own.Victoria of course pushes the limits every chance she gets expectingMeredith her social worker to be called to take her away. When Victoriais 18 years old and emancipated from State care, she sleeps in a parkalone where she has created her own garden hidden behind the trees.But just as Victoria starts to get her life together someone from her pastcomes back and she finds herself imprisoned by the lies that were toldback then. Vanessa Diffenbaugh should be congratulated for tellingsuch a wonderful heartbreaking story.Susanne.Introducing FlipbacksReviewsSTRAIGHT LINE TO MY HEARTBill CondonWhenever I pick up a Bill Condon book the title tells me toexpect a traditional, Young Adult plot line, but every singletime, I come away with a much more valuable readingexperience, and often a fresh appreciation of myself and ofbeing a teenager in Australia.School is over. Not just for the year, but forever. And forteenagers fresh out of VCE, wanting a break from their school texts, “AStraight Line To My Heart,” is poignant and hilarious in one neat packagethat speaks directly to anyone experiencing a first love, first job, or first reallife decisions.The characters are “full-on-weird,” “beautiful” and “top-notch” in an eclecticmix of vibrant people in the tiny town of Gungee, all sporting equally outrageousnicknames.Like Tiff, the protagonist, I like words and I rarely do tears, but I found myselfchoking up, and laughing at the same time. As the title suggests, this bookis a “straight line to the heart,” and try as you may, you won’t stop it frommaking you feel.EmilyTHE ABSOLUTISTJohn BoyneJohn Boyne has a gift for bringing characters to life intragic settings: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is set in theconcentration camps of WWII, and The House of SpecialPurpose tells the story of the demise of the Romanovdynasty. His new novel, The Absolutist focuses on a youngman named Tristan before, during and after the Great War.The narrative bounces through Tristan’s life so that you learn pieces of thestory but you have to try to fill in the gaps, until it is all revealed at the veryend. The ending is unexpected, poignant and heartbreaking. The parts of thestory that are set in the trenches of WWI vividly portray the real horrors thatyoung soldiers faced, having to cope with their own mortality.The Absolutist is a story of love, betrayal and regret. It poses the moral question:Is it excusable for soldiers to kill other humans during war? And what ifyou are a drafted soldier, who sees any killing as murder?This is the fifth of John Boyne’s books I have read, and the fifth one I haveloved. The combination of his use of big, historically tragic themes and hisparsimonious writing style makes his books easily accessible to all readers..MelissaTHE HARE WITH THE AMBER EYESEdmund DeWaalThis book won the 2010 COSTA Biography award , so youknow it is going to be good but it still doesn’t prepare youfor how good it actually is.In the mid 90’s, Edmund’s uncle Iggie dies in Tokyo andleaves Edmund to look after a collection of 264 netsuke(Japanese wood and ivory carvings in miniature, none of them bigger than amatchbox).Edmund, a potter himself, is intrigued by the tiny sculptures anddecides to take some time off to trace the history of the collection while it hasbeen in his family’s possession.So begins a journey that spans not just most of Europe but the course ofa turbulent century as well. From Edmund’s family beginnings of empirebuilding in Odessa to Paris in the latter years of the 19th century, where thereader rubs shoulders with the likes of Monet, Manet, Degas, Proust and ahost of other notable personages.The netsuke then find their way to Vienna where their survival is threatenedby the First World War, the occupation of Vienna by the Nazis and the onsetof the second “war to end all wars”.I won’t spoil the story by telling you what happens next as you will have tobuy the book to find out. Suffice it to say, that the netsuke’s journey is thejourney of Edmund’s Ephrussi family.Simon.The Netherlands has given us a lot of things, from edam cheese, clogs andwindmills, as well as some of the best artists in the world, but back in 2009at Manuscripta - a book and literary exhibition - Dutch Christian publishinghouse, Jongbloed, introduced the Flipback book. The Dutch refer to it as the'Dwarsligger', now a registered trademark to describe a convenient pocketbook that fits in your shirt or jean pocket or in your purse. It is made fromthe same wafer-thin paper used for bibles and will stay open on it's pageswithout the need of both hands to hold it open. Great for Commuters!

A LITTLE BIRD TOLD MEJeff ApterPB $35.00Raised on the Nullarbor by theirfree-spirited parents, youngKasey Chambers and brotherNash would sometimes go formonths without encounteringanother human being. Then, as The Dead RingerBand, the family would perform in rough-and-tumbleoutback pubs, playing for little more than petrolmoney and sleeping in swags by the highway underthe stars.PEARL JAM TWENTYPearl JamHB $49.99For over two decades Pearl Jamhave been one of the most influentialand popular bands on theplanet, but have maintained theirpersonal integrity by refusing thetraditional trappings of rock fame. Praised for theirrejection of rock star excesses and their fearlessadvocacy of causes they believe in, even when theyrisked losing their popularity.DesignPHAIDON ATLAS OF21ST CENTURY WORLDARCHITECTUREPhaidonPB $29.95Organized geographically and illustratedwith global, sub-regionaland city maps, The buildingsare easily located. The book contains over 1,000buildings including 50 new projects, each of whichis illustrated with a single image and accompaniedby a brief description, with addresses, websites andtelephone numbers.ROMANTIC ENGLISHHOMESRobert O’ByrneHB $65.00Ever since the English aristocracyfirst embarked on GrandTours in the seventeenth century,the passion for developing collectionshas been a national trait of England. As aresult, the country’s aristocratic palaces becamerepositories of treasure gathered from around theglobe. Romantic English Homes features 14 suchhouses, the majority never before photographed.HOUSES BY THE SEAEmmanuelle GraffinPB $39.95From the rugged Atlantic coastto the Mediterranean and thetropical shores of the Pacific,there are many ways of spendingone’s life by the sea. This book showcases thirtythreeexceptional houses from around the world in avariety of styles, from traditional to contemporary.NEW VINTAGEThan Scoon & AnastasiaKariofyllidisHB $45.00New Vintage is filled with easyprojects to make your home hipand divine. This book will be yourinspiration to live more beautifully.New Vintage shows you how to invigorateevery room in your house. It contains easy-tofollow-how-toprojects on restoring antique pieces,making curtains and cushions, as well as painting.With step-by-step photos guiding you through eachproject, you will be able to create a lush, invitinghome you love.PersonalDevelopmentMASTERS OF WISDOM HHTHE DALAI LAMAAlan Jacobs (ed.)PB $19.99His Holiness the Dalai Lama isrevered throughout the world forhis work promoting peace, love,and compassion, as well as for theprofound yet practical wisdom of his spiritual teachings.This illuminating anthology covers the majorthemes of his thought, including Science and Religion,Compassion and the Individual, the Pillars of WorldPeace, Personal Responsibility, Buddhist Teaching,and Opening the Eye of Awareness.BE CONFIDENT!Anthony GunnPB $16.95At some stage or another everyoneis affected by a lack of self- confidence. In fact, it is often ourown worst enemy. But there aresimple ways to overcome this. BeConfident is a straightforward and effective 10-stepguide to improving your social confidence and livinglife to the fullest.THE END OF DIETINGDonna AstonPB $29.95The End of Dieting is the instructionmanual for body maintenancethat we didn’t get. Donna’s expertadvice is presented in a commonsenseway that demystifiesmetabolism and nutrition. The book includes easy-tofollowsteps, explanatory case studies, and a flexiblemenu planner to give you all the help you’ll need.New AgeHEAVEN IS FOR REALTodd BurpoPB $22.95The true story of the four-year oldson of a small town Nebraska pastorwho during emergency surgeryslips from consciousness andenters heaven. He survives andbegins talking about being able to look down and seethe doctor operating and his dad praying in the waitingroom. The family didn’t know what to believe but soonthe evidence was clear.CollectingRENNIKS AUSTRALIANCOIN & BANKNOTE VAL-UES 24/EAlan B. PittPB $30.00This comprehensive guide to AustralianCoins & Banknote Valuescontains over 2,000 photographs,and thousand of valuations. This book is a must for allcollectors, whether you are an advanced collector ora beginner. Latest information compiled on computerdatabases ensures up to date accuracy of pricing.CraftSIMPLICITY FABRICGUIDESPIRAL $29.99From Simplicity one of the mostfamous names in sewing, comes acomprehensive guide to all thingsfabric and fiber related. Lavishlyillustrated throughout with colourand archival photographs of fabrics and fabric-relateditems, this is the essential tome for textile fans everywhere.It covers fabric basics, natural and man-madefibers, fabric types, specialty finishes, trademarkfabrics and more!Non FictionCELTIC NEEDLEPOINTAlice StarmorePB $24.99Using her stunning eye for design& knowledge of traditional designs,Alice Starmore brings you 18 originalprojects inspired by the artistryof the Celts.KNIT WITKatie BoyettePB $27.99Offers twenty projects for knittedtoys, including a nifty ninja, alovable lobster, and a three-eyedpirate, in a book with easy-to-followinstructions and full-color step-by-step photographs.THE LIBERTY HOMESEWING BOOKHB $39.95This book has been created toinspire the reader & to provideirresistible original designs for thehome. Divided into 3 chapters - Essential, Organisationand Luxury - this book contains projects rangingfrom practical fold-up shopping bags to elegantcushions, through handy display boards and slipcoversto indulgent kimonos, beanbags and throws.CookingHUNGRYGuy MirabellaHB $49.99Guy Mirabella is a man of manypassions. The way he cooks andwrites about food is a reflection ofthem all: art, design, film, travel,music, his Sicilian heritage and hisfamily. Hungry is a lavish tribute to the food and spiritof generosity with which Guy approaches cooking.SPANISH COOKINGMiguel MaestreHB $49.95Spanish people love their food &these recipes are a collection ofMiguel’s favourites. He shares hisculinary traditions, & his experience working in someof the world’s best restaurants.MY KITCHENPete EvansHB $45.00Focussing on casual home cookingas a lifestyle, Pete keeps it relaxedwith fresh ingredients and flavoursfor every meal of the day. Featuresthe dishes Pete loves to prepare forhis family.Popular CultureASPHALT RENAISSANCEK WennerPB $29.99Street painting by innovative artistKurt Wenner who revolutionisedthis ancient art by creating atechnique that produces astoundingimages in 3D that reach out of the pavement towardthe viewer and appear perilously deep.THE REAL MAD MENAndrew CracknellPB $34.99The story of modern advertisingstarts here, with these real MadMen – and women – of MadisonAvenue who created the most radicaland influential advertising ever,transforming the methods, practice and execution ofthe business. Their legacy still resounds in the industrytoday.

FictionGeneral FictionTHE BRINY CAFESusan DuncanPB $32.95Ettie Brookbank is the heart andsoul of Cook’s Basin, a sleepyoffshore community comprisinga cluster of dazzling blue bays.But for all the idyllic surroundings, Ettie can’t helpwondering where her dreams have disappearedto. Until fate offers her a lifeline - in the shape of alopsided little caf on the water’s edge.KILL ME IF YOU CANJames PattersonPB $32.95Matthew Bannon, a poor art studentliving in New York, finds aleather bag filled with diamondsduring a chaotic attack at GrandCentral Station. Plans for aworry-free life with his gorgeous girlfriend Katherinefill his thoughts until he realises that he is beinghunted, and that whoever is after him won’t stopuntil they have reclaimed the diamonds.DAMNEDChuck PalahniukPB $29.9513 year old Madison has problems:she’s overweight, ignoredby her movie star parents, & inlove with her adopted brother.She’s also dead. But not justdead. Madison is in Hell.LUTHER: THE CALLINGNeil CrossPB $29.99DCI John Luther has an extraordinaryclearance rate. He commandsoutstanding loyalty fromfriends and colleagues. Nobodywho ever stood at his side has abad word to say about him. But Luther seethes witha hidden fury that at times he can barely control.Sometimes it sends him to the brink of madness,making him do things he shouldn’t; things waybeyond the limits of the law.KILL ALEX CROSSJames PattersonPB $32.95The President’s son & daughterare abducted, & Detective AlexCross is one of the first on thescene. A deadly contagion in thewater supply cripples half of the capital, and Crossdiscovers that someone may be about to unleashthe most devastating attack the United States hasever experienced.FALLEN ANGELSTara HylandPB $29.99On a dark December night, ababy girl is left at the Sistersof Charity Orphanage. Oneyear later, movie star FrancesFitzgerald takes her own life.Her husband, wealthy businessman MaximilianStanhope, is rumoured to know more. What is theconnection between these two events?SURVIVING MAGGIEJohn FingletonPB $29.99Nothing could have preparedhim for what he discovered.Harold spent his early childhoodon the streets foraging for foodfor himself & his sister. Then, at eleven, Harold wasremoved to a state orphanage in Brisbane, wherethe treatment he and others endured haunted himforever.EMPIRE DAYDiane ArmstrongPB $32.99Empire Day, 1948. A back streetin Bondi is transformed as thefireworks of Cracker Night cast amagical glow over its humble cottages.But Australia as a whole isbeing transformed in this postwar era and the peopleof Wattle Street know that life will never be the sameagain. The ′reffos′ have moved in, and their strangeways are threatening the comfortable world of salt-ofthe-earthlocals.THE TIME OF MY LIFECecelia AhernPB $29.99Lucy Silchester has received anappointment card. Actually, she′sbeen invited along a few times tothis appointment, but she keepsbrushing the gold embossedenvelope under the shag pile carpet. She′s taken hereye off the ball and has busied herself with work (ajob she doesn′t love), helping out friends, fixing hercar, feeding her cat, seeing her family and devotingher time to their life dramas.SPIRIT HOUSEMark DapinPB $32.99Long ago, Jimmy Reubens was aPOW on the Thai-Burma Railway.For more than four decades, hehas staved off the ghosts of hispast by drinking too much, outstayinghis welcome at his local RSL, and bickering withhis three closest mates. But the past won’t stay buriedforever.ALL THAT I AMAnna FunderPB $29.95Ruth Becker, defiant and cantankerous,is living out her days inthe eastern suburbs of Sydney.She has made an uneasy peacewith the ghosts of her past – and apart of history that has been all but forgotten. Anotherlifetime away, it’s 1939 and the world is going to war.Ernst Toller, self-doubting revolutionary and poet, sitsin a New York hotel room settling up the account ofhis life.THE RACE AN ISAAC BELLADVENTURECussler Clive & Scott JustinPB $29.95It is the early years of the 20thcentury, air travel is in its infancy,and newspaper publisher PrestonWhiteway is offering $50,000 forthe first flier to cross America in less than fifty days.He is even sponsoring one of the candidates – abarnstorming woman flier named Josephine Frost –and that’s where Isaac Bell comes in.LOVERSVendela VidaPB $29.9928 years ago, Peter and Yvonnehoneymooned in the beautifulcoastal village of Datca, Turkey.Now Yvonne is a widow, hertwin children grown. Hoping toimmerse herself in memories of a happier time - aswell as sand and sea - Yvonne returns to Datca. Buther plans for a restorative week in Turkey are quicklycomplicated.THE LOST EMPIRE OFATLANTISGavin MenziesPB $35.00After a chance conversation inEgypt in 2008, bestselling historianGavin Menzies launched himself ona quest that would reveal the truthbehind the mystery of Atlantis and her destruction.SONG OF ACHILLESMadeline MillerPB $29.99Greece in the age of Heroes. Patroclus,an awkward young prince,has been exiled to the kingdomof Phthia. Here he is nobody, justanother unwanted boy living in theshadow of King Peleus and his golden son, Achilles.Achilles, ‘best of all the Greeks’, is everything Patroclusis not - strong, beautiful, the child of a goddess- and by all rights their paths should never cross.RSVPHelen WarnerHB $29.99Four women, one wedding and aday to remember - or rather forget…Anna’s world is rocked whenshe receives an invitation to herex Toby’s nuptials - Toby was TheOne, The Love of Her Life, The One That Got Away.Will attending his Big Day finally give her the senseof closure she so desperately craves? Or will it onlyre-open old wounds?COVENANTDean CrawfordPB $29.99Humanity has always believed it isthe only intelligent species of life inthe universe. But while excavatingin Israel, an archaeologist unearthsa tomb that has remained hiddenfor 7,000 years. Inside lies a secret of such magnitudethat the story of mankind is instantly rewritten - and itsfuture thrown into terrible danger. Only one man canpiece history back together again.THE DECISIONPenny VincenziPB $32.99Set against a vibrant sixties backdrop,this is the story of two brightyoung things: Eliza, an ex-debmaking a splash in the world offashion, and Matt, a working-classboy carving out a serious name for himself in property.Their story begins with a love affair, closely followed bya marriage, followed by a baby.Literary/<strong>Book</strong> ClubsTHE CAT’S TABLEMichael OndaatjePB $29.95In the early 1950s, an eleven-yearoldboy boards a huge liner boundfor England – a ‘castle that was tocross the sea’. At mealtimes, heis placed at the lowly ‘Cat’s Table’with an eccentric group of grown-ups and two otherboys, Cassius and Ramadhin. As the ship makes itsway across the Indian Ocean, through the Suez Canal,into the Mediterranean, the boys become involved inthe worlds and stories of the adults around themsexual fantasy.HOUSE OF HOLESNicholson BakerHB $29.99Visit the House of Holes, where themotto is PLEASURE FIRST, anddiscover a solution to every sexualproblem, insight into every sexualintrigue, or play out your greatest

THE SLAPChristos TsiolkasPB $24.99To smack or not to smack isthe question that reverberatesthrough the interconnected livesdissected in Christos Tsiolkas’award-winning novel, now aprime time ABC TV series, starring Melissa Georgeand Alex Dimitriades.THE HELPKathryn StockettPB $19.95Enter a vanished world: Jackson,Mississippi, 1962. Whereblack maids raise white children,but aren’t trusted not to stealthe silver. There’s Aibileen, raising her seventeenthwhite child and nursing the hurt caused by her ownson’s tragic death; Minny, whose cooking is nearlyas sassy as her tongue; and white Miss Skeeter,home from College, who wants to know why herbeloved maid has disappeared.SARAH THORNHILLKate GrenvilleHB $39.95Sarah Thornhill is the youngestchild of William Thornhill,convict-turned-landowner. Shegrows up in the fine house herfather is so proud of, a strongwilledyoung woman who’s certain where her futurelies. She’s known Jack Langland since she was achild, & always loved him. But the past is waiting inambush with its dark legacy.REINVENTION OF LOVEHelen HumphreysPB $29.99When Charles Saint-Beuve, aFrench literary journalist metVictor Hugo, an ambitious youngwriter who intended to becomefamous, he was swept into aworld of grand emotions, a world where words canbecome swords. But it is not Victor he is really attractedto - it is his wife Adele.THE LANGUAGE OFFLOWERSVanessa DiffenbaughPB $32.99The Victorian language offlowers was used to expressemotions: honeysuckle for devotion,azaleas for passion, & redroses for love. After a childhood spent in the fostercare system, Victoria Jones is unable to get closeto anybody, and her only connection to the world isthrough flowers and their meanings.CAINJose SaramagoPB $29.952 decades after Portuguesenovelist & Nobel Laureate JoséSaramago shocked the religiousworld with his novel The GospelAccording to Jesus Christ, hedoes it again with Cain, an Old Testament satire.Crime/SuspenseFLASH AND BONESKathy ReichsPB $32.95In the run up to the biggest NA-SCAR raceweek of the year, DrTemperance Brennan is calledto a landfill site backing ontothe Charlotte speedway trackin North Carolina. Someonehas discovered a barrel of hardened asphalt with ahuman hand poking through the top.WE ALL FALL DOWNMichael HarveyPB $29.99Chicago.A biological weapon is set off inthe subway and quickly spreadsthrough the city’s west side. Kellygoes into the subway with a teamtrained in microbial forensics andgets a hard lesson in “black biology” and the dimensionsof the ‘coming biological war’.SIREN’S STINGMiranda DarlingPB $29.99Aboard a luxury yacht the minderof the world’s greatest-and mosttemperamental-opera star, StevieDuveen manages to thwart a pirateattack off the coast of Somalia,but soon realises the attack is merely one salvo in aruthless campaign of terror. Other vessels are beinghijacked, and ransoms in the multimillions are beingdemanded.WATCH OUT FOR MESylvia JohnsonPB $29.99In Australia, in 1967, four childrentell a lie to get out of trouble. Asa result, an immigrant workeris wrongly accused of a crimewith horrific results. Nearly fortyyears later, in London, police gun down an innocentelectrician because he might have been concealingexplosives in the overcoat he was wearing. In Sydney,a short time later, during a heavy-security internationalconference attended by the American President,another suspected terrorist pushes his way throughthe heat of summer, wearing an overcoat...DOUBLE DEXTERJeff LindsayPB $32.99Dexter Morgan is not your averageserial killer. He enjoys his day jobas a blood spatter analyst for theMiami Police Department...but helives for his night-time hobby of hunting other killers.Dexter is therefore not pleased to discover that someoneis shadowing him, observing him and copying hismethods.SHELTERHarlan CobenPB $22.99When our hero’s father, Brad, diesin a mysterious accident in SouthAmerica, Myron is his closest,albeit estranged, relative left and isassigned to be his legal guardian.Will uncle and nephew be able to live with oneanother? And will our hero be able to resist gettinginvolved in solving a mystery disappearance at hisnew high school?THE RETRIBUTIONVal McDermidPB $32.99There is one serial killer who hasshaped and defined police profilerTony Hill’s life. One serial killerwhose evil surpasses all others.One serial killer who has the powerto chill him to the bone: Jacko Vance. And now Jackois back in Tony’s life. Even more twisted and cunningthan ever before, he is focused on wreaking revengeon Tony - and DCI Carol Jordan - for the years he hasspent in prison.THE FORGOTTEN AF-FAIRS OF YOUTHAlexander McCall SmithPB $29.99As the editor of an applied ethicsjournal, Isabel Dalhousie is usuallytucked away in her editorial office,in the comfortable Edinburghhouse & does not often meet manyfellow philosophers. But she meets Jane Cooper, anAustralian who is spending a sabbatical in Scotland.FictionParanormalTHE SOOKIE STACK-HOUSE COMPANIONCharlaine HarrisPB $32.99A unique guide to SookieStackhouse and her dark fantasysouthern-Gothic world, as well asan in-depth look at the awardwinningHBO series TRUE BLOOD.THE VAMPIRE SHRINKLynda HilburnPB $27.99Kismet Knight is a young psychologistwith a growing clinical practice,and she’s always looking forsomething to give her the edge inher chosen career. When her newclient turns out to be a Goth teenager who desperatelywants to become a vampire, Kismet is inspired tobecome the vampire shrink, offering her services topeople who believe they are undead.Sci-Fi/FantasyDEN OF THIEVES #1David Chandler PB$24.99Croy is a knight errant, & bearer ofan ancient blade with a powerfuldestiny. He believes in honour. Hebelieves that people are fundamentallygood, and will do the right thingif you give them a chance. Unfortunately, Croy lives inthe city of Ness.THE OMEN MACHINETerry GoodkindPB $29.99An accident leads to the discoveryof a mysterious machine that hasrested hidden deep undergroundfor countless millennia. Themachine awakens to begin issuinga series of increasingly alarming, if minor, omens. Theomens turn out to be astonishingly accurate, and evermore ominous.THE MEASURE OF THEMAGICTerry BrooksPB $32.99Five centuries ago, a catastrophicdemon war left the world in ruins.Since then, the survivors - humans,elves and other mutants - have found sanctuary in amountain valley protected by magic. But now theseprotective wards have failed, and a ruthless troll armyis on the brink of invasion.DARKNESS FALLS #2Cate TiernanPB $22.99He is the thorn in my side,nightmare of my past, destroyer ofmy family ...And the one whose feveredkisses I had relived over andover as I lay exhausted and unableto sleep. And yet night after night, he had not broughthimself to knock on my door. Nastasya has lived formore than 400 years but things never get any easier.Graphic NovelKITE RUNNERKhaled HosseiniPB $26.99A story of fathers, sons, friendship,betrayal, & the casualties of fate.1970s Afghanistan: 12-year-oldAmir is desperate to win the localkite-fighting tournament & his friendHassan promises to help him. But neither of the boyscan foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon,an event that is to shatter their lives...

ChildrensPre-SchoolALL FOR ONEJill MurphyPB $16.95Marlon wants to play Musketeerswith Basher, Boomps-a-daisyand Alligatina. But by the time he’s dressed up, thegame has changed - and it seems to be a case of allfor one and one for all... except Marlon!TICKLING TIGERSSean TaylorPB $16.99The tickling tigers are on theprowl! Daddy tiger is teaching hiscubs his best tickling tips and itisn’t long before the jungle is filled with laughter! Butjust who is the tickliest creature of all?OTTO THE BOOK BEARKate CleminsonPB $14.95Otto is a <strong>Book</strong> Bear & nothingmakes him happier than whenpeople read his book. But he alsohas a very special secret - when no one is lookinghe can come to life and explore the house.CAN WE LICK THESPOON NOW?Carol GoessPB $14.95What’s the best thing about makinga cake? Licking the spoon, of course! What’sthe worst thing about making a cake? Waiting!Share in the fun as Dad and the children get busyin the kitchen. A light-hearted book about making achocolate cake and all the things that can go wrongin the process.THE NAKED BOY ANDTHE CROCODILEAndy Griffiths(ed)PB $16.99The thirteen stories included inthis book tell tales of playing withfriends, riding motorbikes, pickingberries, hunting for emu eggs and wild pigs, terrifyingturkeys and angry mamus.THE BICYCLEColin ThompsonHB $27.99Features separate illustrationsfrom internationally acclaimedartists - including Quentin Blake,Shaun Tan, Tony Ross and Freya Blackwood -which celebrate the liberating joy of two wheels.Sprinkled throughout are delightful quotes fromfamous people.PRUDENCE WANTS APETCathleen DalyHB $24.99Prudence wants a pet. Desperately. ‘No,’ says Dad,‘pets cost too much to keep.’ ‘No,’ says Mum, ‘petsmake noise.’ But Prudence is determined. She findsher own pet and it’s a . . . branch. But Branch isn’texactly the pet of her dreams, and neither is Twig,Mr Round (a car tyre), or her baby brother Milo. WillPrudence ever find the perfect pet?KNUFFLE BUNNY FREEMo WillemsPB $16.95Trixie is growing up! KnuffleBunny and Trixie are going ona very exciting holiday abroad to visit “Oma” and“Opa” in Holland. But when they finally get there,Trixie can’t find her best friend Knuffle Bunny anywhere!With the absence of her beloved fluffy friend,everyone tries their best to help Trixie enjoy the restof her holiday.POINT TO HAPPYMiriam SmithPB $27.95A picture book with an attachedpointer created for children withautism. Written in consultation with autism expert ToniGiannone, a speech pathologist who has been directorof two schools for students with ASD, & has recentlyfounded her own school, The Speech Academy.SLIGHTLY INVISIBLELauren ChildPB $16.99Charlie and friend Marv are insearch of strange and trickycreatures. And they would like tosearch without Lola bothering andinterrupting. Luckily, Lola knows exactly how to catchstrange and tricky creatures and enlists a little bit ofhelp from her invisible friend, Soren Lorensen, and, ofcourse, one or three drops of pink milk.Junior FictionBAD CAT GOOD CATLynne Reid BanksPB $12.99Cats aren’t there for people,people are there for cats. At leastthat’s how Turk believes thingsshould be. He takes every liberty with his family.Peony is a model of good-catliness until she fallsunder Turk’s spell. Should cats be good or bad? Theyfind out when they are left to fend for themselves aftertheir humans go on holiday without them.T WRECK ASAURUSKyle MewburnPB $5.00It’s hard being the only evolvedboy in your tribe. Arg does his bestto fit in. But nobody really understandshim. His mum is bewilderedby his desire to wear clothes. Hisolder sister, Hng, is constantly annoyedby his cleverness. 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Especially a 13-storeytreehouse that has a bowling alley,a see-through swimming pool, atank full of sharks, a library full of comics, a secretunderground laboratory, a games room, self-makingbeds, vines you can swing on, a vegetable vaporiserand a marshmallow machine that follows you aroundand automatically shoots your favourite flavouredmarshmallows into your mouth whenever it discernsyou’re hungry.GET RICH QUICK CLUBRose ImpeyPB $12.99Banksy is dedicated to his ambitionto become mega-rich through hisvarious money-making schemes.His business partners – & next-doorneighbours – are the Baxter Brothers.Billy has boundless confidence & enthusiasm, &Sam is 6 going on 60. And then there’s Dingdong, theircousin, who is reluctantly allowed to join in, especiallyif she can help them out of a tight fix…CROW COUNTRYKate ConstablePB $15.99Sadie isn’t thrilled when her motherdrags her from the city to live in thecountry town of Boort. But soon shestarts making connections - connectionswith the country, with the past, with 2 boys,Lachie & Walter, & with the ever-present crows.GAMERUNNERB.R. CollinsPB $15.99Rick is a Gamerunner. His job isto test there are no glitches in TheMaze - the computer game thatis more than just a game. In TheMaze you become your avatar. You fight, run & loot,all the time avoiding the deadly slicing traps - whirlingblades that appear from nowhere. Rick has knownnothing outside The Maze & his life at the headquartersof Crater, the company that created The Maze.PEGASUSRobin McKinleyPB $14.95On her twelfth birthday, PrincessSylviianel is ceremonially boundto her own Pegasus, Ebon. Fora thousand years humans andpegasi have lived peacefully in thebeautiful green country beyond the wild lands. Theyrely on human magicians and pegasi shamans as theironly means of real communication – but not Sylvi andEbon.

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And now withher allegiances in question, her future is on the line.CRYPT: THE GALLOWSCURSEAndrew HammondPB $14.99When a crime is committed andthe police are at a loss, the CovertResponse Youth Paranormal Team(or CRYPT for short) is called in tofigure out whether something paranormal is at work.Jud is their star agent.FINAL FRIENDS #1Christopher PikePB $18.99When Jessica Hart decides tothrow a party in order to get toknow some of the hot new guysat school, she could never havepredicted that by the end of thenight someone would be dead… Most people figured itwas suicide … they figured wrong.DAVIDMary HoffmanPB $18.99Michelangelo’s statue of David isrenowned all over the world. Thousandsflock to Florence to admirethe artistry behind this Renaissancemasterpiece, and to admire thebeauty of the human form captured in the marble. 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