Texas Coastal Hypoxia Linked to Brazos River Discharge as ...

Texas Coastal Hypoxia Linked to Brazos River Discharge as ... Texas Coastal Hypoxia Linked to Brazos River Discharge as ...

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Aquat GeochemFig. 2 Station map for BR: June (TX-06-07), SEAMAP: June (CR0276), BR: July (TX-07-07), BRRR(TX-08-07), and BR: September (TX-09-07) cruises of co<strong>as</strong>tal <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> in summer 2007. Bathymetry con<strong>to</strong>ursshown are 10, 20, 30, and 40 m isobathsof these cruises is <strong>to</strong> <strong>as</strong>sess fisheries s<strong>to</strong>cks and health in relation <strong>to</strong> DO and otherhydrographic (salinity and temperature) observations. Trawl stations are determined on arandom grid with areal coverage of the continental shelf from about the 5-m isobath <strong>to</strong> theshelf break (about 200 m depth). Dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature data werecollected during the central co<strong>as</strong>tal <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> leg of cruise CR0276 on June 26–28, 2007. Thedata were collected using a Seabird CTD and Seabird SB43 dissolved oxygen probe. Allinstruments and sensors are fac<strong>to</strong>ry-calibrated once per year. All data are processed andquality controlled by NOAA. Locations of the SEAMAP data are shown in Fig. 2; Table 3presents the SEAMAP hydrographic and DO data used in this study.2.3 <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> (BR) Hydrographic and DO Data SetsShort surveys close <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> mouth were conducted by D.I.V.E., LLC, on June14 (TX-06-07), July 14 (TX-07-07), and September 18, (TX-09-07) 2007. This group alsoparticipated in the August 8, 2007 cruise. DO and water temperature were me<strong>as</strong>ured usinga YSI-55 DO meter, and conductivity w<strong>as</strong> me<strong>as</strong>ured using a Pinpoint Salinity Moni<strong>to</strong>r.Comparisons of me<strong>as</strong>urements made using TAMU’s YSI-650 and D.I.V.E.’s YSI-55 andPinpoint Salinity Moni<strong>to</strong>r were within acceptable <strong>to</strong>lerances for co<strong>as</strong>tal ocean observations(i.e., *1 PSU). Locations of the BR stations are shown in Fig. 2; Table 4 presents thehydrographic and DO data used in this study.2.4 <strong>River</strong> <strong>Discharge</strong> Data<strong>River</strong> discharge time-series data for the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> were obtained from the U.S. GeologicalSurvey (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/tx). Daily discharge values from the gage near123

Aquat GeochemTable 2 Summary of summer 2007 hydrographic and DO data from BRRR cruise (TX-08-07)Station Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Totaldepth (m)Observ.depthDO(mL L -1 )Temperature(°C)SalinityPSS-781A 28° 56.549 0 95° 12.689 0 12.19 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.05 27.39 –Surface – – 32.721B 28° 53.549 0 95° 10.868 0 16.00 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 1.92 27.25 35.57Surface – – 31.982A’ 28° 50.223 0 95° 22.056 0 9.75 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 1.97 28.35 –Surface – 29.22 6.952A 28° 50.071 0 95° 22.285 0 13.08 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 1.97 28.31 34.73Surface – – 32.872B 28° 47.581 0 95° 20.388 0 18.99 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.07 27.56 35.50Surface – – 31.552C 28° 44.502 0 95° 18.462 0 17.50 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.70 27.38 34.36Surface – – 31.242D 28° 42.061 0 95° 16.402 0 21.18 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.56 27.61 35.76Surface – – 31.473A 28° 45.019 0 95° 32.020 0 9.45 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.76 28.59 35.44Surface – 30.39 32.313B 28° 42.857 0 95° 29.914 0 13.72 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.96 27.98 35.56Surface – 30.15 31.533C 28° 39.565 0 95° 27.883 0 17.07 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.89 27.89 35.68Surface – 30.67 31.163D 28° 37.464 0 95° 25.939 0 18.29 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.96 27.62 35.72Surface – 30.33 32.104A 28° 41.549 0 95° 40.539 0 10.06 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.24 28.14 35.32Surface – 30.57 32.604B 28° 38.522 0 95° 38.380 0 13.62 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.59 27.77 35.37Surface – 30.38 30.564C 28° 36.104 0 95° 36.581 0 15.09 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.86 27.90 35.68Surface – 30.63 31.634D 28° 33.527 0 95° 35.011 0 19.51 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 4.17 27.92 35.74Surface – 32.20 32.435A 28° 38.513 0 95° 49.005 0 8.53 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 1.91 28.10 –Surface – 30.41 33.675B 28° 35.505 0 95° 47.155 0 12.68 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.41 27.97 35.30Surface – 30.53 32.815C 28° 33.122 0 95° 44.756 0 15.70 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 4.10 27.90 35.56Surface – 30.71 32.835D 28° 30.542 0 95° 43.728 0 19.26 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.44 27.41 35.70Surface – 30.71 32.516A 28° 34.518 0 95° 57.979 0 8.29 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 2.44 28.05 35.77Surface – 30.76 30.676D 28° 25.507 0 95° 52.431 0 20.42 Bot<strong>to</strong>m 3.21 27.63 35.77Surface – 30.79 32.91123

Aquat GeochemTable 3 Summary of 26–28 June 2007 hydrographic and DO data from SEAMAP cruise (CR0276)Station Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Depth (m) DO(mL L -1 )Temperature(°C)SalinityPSS-78116 28° 48.44 0 94° 44.20 0 3 3.72 28.28 33.3628° 48.44 0 94° 44.20 0 21 2.01 26.52 35.70124 28° 40.63 0 95° 06.51 0 2 4.19 28.69 31.8928° 40.63 0 95° 06.51 0 26 0.50 26.26 35.25125 29° 10.31 0 94° 52.31 0 2 4.45 29.20 28.9929° 10.31 0 94° 52.31 0 13 3.56 28.66 28.67126 28° 57.61 0 94° 59.65 0 3 4.49 29.08 30.9728° 57.61 0 94° 59.65 0 19 0.66 27.37 33.31127 28° 44.93 0 95° 27.67 0 2 3.76 28.88 31.1728° 44.93 0 95° 27.67 0 12 3.71 28.62 31.49128 28° 30.65 0 95° 46.74 0 3 4.18 28.77 32.2928° 30.65 0 95° 46.74 0 17 1.27 27.68 33.13129 28° 29.88 0 95° 30.08 0 3 4.27 28.85 32.0328° 29.88 0 95° 30.08 0 26 0.73 25.88 35.84130 28° 37.22 0 95° 24.35 0 2 4.22 28.77 32.0828° 37.22 0 95° 24.35 0 22 0.40 26.41 34.83131 28° 39.09 0 95° 18.58 0 1 4.21 28.73 31.9728° 39.09 0 95° 18.58 0 22 0.68 26.42 35.15132 28° 46.24 0 95° 27.89 0 3 3.84 28.91 31.0628° 46.24 0 95° 27.89 0 10 3.69 28.85 31.21133 28° 43.85 0 95° 29.97 0 1 4.05 28.82 31.3328° 43.85 0 95° 29.97 0 13 3.47 28.62 31.78134 28° 36.62 0 95° 45.89 0 3 4.36 28.91 31.5028° 36.62 0 95° 45.89 0 14 3.31 28.75 31.35135 28° 31.56 0 95° 45.74 0 2 4.40 29.22 31.8128° 31.56 0 95° 45.74 0 17 1.21 27.30 33.97136 28° 27.68 0 95° 37.63 0 3 4.28 29.11 32.0228° 27.68 0 95° 37.63 0 24 0.74 25.90 35.84137 28° 26.94 0 95° 58.75 0 2 4.58 29.59 31.5528° 26.94 0 95° 58.75 0 17 1.53 27.87 32.97Rosharon, TX (USGS 08116650), between the years 1967 and 2011 were analyzed. A dailyclima<strong>to</strong>logy of the river discharge w<strong>as</strong> calculated by averaging daily values for the44 years considered. Variability about the daily mean values w<strong>as</strong> calculated by determiningthe standard deviation of the log-transformed daily values (which have a re<strong>as</strong>onablynormal distribution in the log-transformed space). In addition, daily discharge data forthe <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> near Hempstead, TX (USGS 08111500), and near Highbank, TX (USGS08098290), were used for comparison with <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> d 18 O data.2.5 Oxygen Iso<strong>to</strong>pic Me<strong>as</strong>urementsTo trace freshwater sources over the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf, 16 surface samples were collected from<strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf waters during the TX-08-07 survey cruise, and five samples were collected on123

Aquat GeochemTable 4 Summary of summer 2007 hydrographic and DO data from BR cruises (TX-06-07,TX-07-07,TX-09-07)Station Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Totaldepth (m)TX-06-07 14-June TX-07-07 16-Jul TX-09-07 18-SepDO(mL L -1 )Temp.(°C)SalinityPSS-78DO(mL L -1 )Temp.(°C)SalinityPSS-78DO(mL L -1 )Temp.(°C)SalinityPSS-78B2001A-T 28° 54.787 0 95° 18.492 0 5 1.67 26.2 31 4.15 28.7 23.89B2001A-B 0.25 25.7 35 3.09 29.8 28.66B2001-T 28° 53.552 0 95° 20.361 0 5 4.04 27.0 25.30 1.83 26.8 27 4.45 28.7 25.17B2001-B 1.49 26.4 33.03 0.28 25.8 35 4.10 28.9 25.70B2002-T 28° 52.081 0 95° 22.124 0 5 3.82 27.6 2.13 3.37 28.2 4 4.62 28.7 6.90B2002-B 1.29 25.8 33.03 0.27 25.9 35 3.95 28.7 23.62B2003-T 28° 50.327 0 95° 24.440 0 5 4.49 29.5 30.34 2.38 26.5 31 4.81 28.8 10.19B2003-B 2.78 27.4 32.02 0.71 25.8 35 3.68 29.2 25.84B4001A-T 28° 53.365 0 95° 17.217 0 10 2.79 27.8 21 4.74 29.1 25.30B4001A-B 0.29 25.7 36 3.51 29.3 29.40B4001-T 28° 51.837 0 95° 19.084 0 10 3.42 28.8 22.82 2.98 27.9 12 4.66 28.3 25.64B4001-B 0.62 25.5 34.24 0.62 25.9 35 3.35 29.4 30.00B4002-T 28° 50.114 0 95° 20.350 0 10 4.49 29.8 30.34 4.01 27.4 25 4.55 29.1 25.91B4002-B 1.80 25.9 34.57 0.64 25.9 35 3.39 29.4 30.47B4003-T 28° 48.360 0 95° 22.510 0 10 3.76 27.4 34 4.48 29.2 25.91B4003-B 0.93 25.8 36 3.40 29.4 30.54B5501A-T 28° 50.327 0 95° 16.600 0 20 3.67 27.4 36B5501A-B 1.45 25.7 35B5501-T 28° 49.702 0 95° 17.153 0 20 4.73 29.0 22.61 3.89 27.6 36B5501-B 1.62 25.4 34.91 0.90 25.8 35B5502-T 28° 48.360 0 95° 18.492 0 20 4.44 28 34B5502-B 1.23 25.9 35123

Aquat GeochemTable 4 continuedStation Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Totaldepth (m)TX-06-07 14-June TX-07-07 16-Jul TX-09-07 18-SepDO(mL L -1 )Temp.(°C)SalinityPSS-78DO(mL L -1 )Temp.(°C)SalinityPSS-78DO(mL L -1 )Temp.(°C)B5503-T 28° 46.400 0 95° 20.381 0 20 4.57 28.7 35B5503-B 2.16 26.3 35T/B in station name indicates me<strong>as</strong>urement at the <strong>to</strong>p 1 m or bot<strong>to</strong>m 1 m of water column, respectivelySalinityPSS-78123

Aquat GeochemMay 25, 2008 (TX-05-08). These data are compared with d 18 O and salinity data forLouisiana shelf water collected during July 1994 (Zerai 2001), May and August 2005(Wagner and Slowey 2011), and April (LA-04-08) and July (LA-07-08) 2008 (Strauss2010). The Louisiana shelf data characterize mixing where Mississippi and Atchafalayadischarge is the dominant freshwater source.Water samples were refrigerated and analyzed for 18 O/ 16 O at TAMU’s Stable Iso<strong>to</strong>peGeosciences Facility (TAMU; http://stableiso<strong>to</strong>pe.tamu.edu). Oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pe analyseswere carried out using an equilibration method, where 250-lL aliquots of water wereinjected in<strong>to</strong> an airtight vial containing an atmosphere of 99.7% He and 0.3% CO 2 . Waterswere equilibrated for two days at *22°C. Following equilibration, the headspace CO 2 w<strong>as</strong>analyzed using a Thermo Finnigan DeltaPlusXP Iso<strong>to</strong>pe Ratio M<strong>as</strong>s Spectrometer attached<strong>to</strong> a G<strong>as</strong>Bench II au<strong>to</strong>mated g<strong>as</strong> preparation and delivery system. All data are reported ind-notation where d 18 O is defined <strong>as</strong>:d 18 O ¼ðR sample =R standard 1Þ1000 ð1Þand R is the 18 O/ 16 O ratio. Oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pe me<strong>as</strong>urements were standardized using ViennaStandard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW; d 18 O = 0%); precision for standard analyses w<strong>as</strong>±0.06%.3 Results3.1 Development, Breakdown, Dispersal of Near-Bot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>Hypoxia</strong>Near-bot<strong>to</strong>m observations of DO concentration in June 2007 showed along-shelf and crossshelfvariability in co<strong>as</strong>tal waters near the BR mouth (Fig. 3a). The stations visited duringthe short survey (TX-06-07) in mid-June were hypoxic. Wind conditions during this cruiseand the week prior were predominately directed up-co<strong>as</strong>t (from southwest <strong>to</strong> the northe<strong>as</strong>t)and upwelling favorable (b<strong>as</strong>ed on NDBC observations). This pattern likely resulted in thefreshwater BR plume being driven up-co<strong>as</strong>t <strong>to</strong>ward Galves<strong>to</strong>n, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>. MODIS true-colorsatellite imagery on June 10, 2007 shows the plume <strong>as</strong> brownish suspended particulatematerial extending shoreward and up-co<strong>as</strong>t, consistent with a co<strong>as</strong>tal oceanic response of ariver plume <strong>to</strong> an upwelling favorable wind stress (Yankovsky and Chapman 1997).Surface salinities were in the low 20s near the BR mouth at the same locations (Table 4).Subsequent nearshore observations from the SEAMAP cruise (CR0276) on 26–28 Junealong the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>t showed persistently low DO (Fig. 3a) and stratified conditions(Table 3). The lowest DO waters were seen at the 20 m isobath and between 95° and96°W.Near-bot<strong>to</strong>m DO concentrations on July 14, 2007 were lowest nearshore and up-co<strong>as</strong>t ofthe BR mouth and showed a cross-shore gradient <strong>to</strong> higher DO concentrations of about2mLL -1 at about 10 km from shore (Fig. 3b). Surface salinity w<strong>as</strong> about four at the rivermouth and incre<strong>as</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> more than 30 at the offshore stations (Table 4).The hypoxia encountered in mid-July is coincident with the peak river discharge of the<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> in summer 2007 (Fig. 4). The discharge rates of July 2007 reached1,900 m 3 s -1 , an order of magnitude larger than typical July rates, and are also thehighest ever recorded at <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> gauging station USGS 8116650. The high dischargerate supplied freshwater <strong>to</strong> the shelf, presumably contributing <strong>to</strong> the stratifiedwater column.123

Aquat GeochemFig. 3 a Near-bot<strong>to</strong>m dissolved oxygen concentrations near BR mouth near Freeport, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>, on June 14,2007. Dissolved oxygen concentrations of less than 1.4 mL L -1 is considered hypoxic. b Near-bot<strong>to</strong>mdissolved oxygen concentrations near BR mouth, near Freeport, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>, on July 14, 2007. c Near-bot<strong>to</strong>mdissolved oxygen concentrations near BR mouth, near Freeport, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> on August 7, 2007 BRRR cruise.d Near-bot<strong>to</strong>m dissolved oxygen concentrations near BR mouth, near Freeport, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> on September 18,2007The August 2007 survey observed low DO concentrations near the BR mouth coincidentwith low-salinity surface water (Fig. 3c). The DO pattern w<strong>as</strong> not spatially uniformand showed alongshore and cross-shore variability. Surface salinities near the BR mouthwere about seven and incre<strong>as</strong>ed with distance from the mouth <strong>to</strong> about 30–32. Near-bot<strong>to</strong>msalinities were above 35. The distribution and variability of DO and surface salinity suggestthat the reduced stratification decre<strong>as</strong>ed water column stability and promoted ventilation ofnear-bot<strong>to</strong>m waters, thereby incre<strong>as</strong>ing oxygen concentration. The unfavorable se<strong>as</strong>encountered, with 1.0–1.5 m significant wave height caused by relatively strong winds(National Data Buoy Center observations; http://ndbc.noaa.gov), also contributed <strong>to</strong> ventilationby reducing stratification through mixing of the freshwater plume.On September 12, 2007, Hurricane Humber<strong>to</strong> formed rapidly off the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>t southof Freeport, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>. The hurricane moved quickly <strong>to</strong> the northe<strong>as</strong>t and made landfall on 13September near High Island, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> (94.5°W). Just prior <strong>to</strong> landfall, Hurricane Humber<strong>to</strong>reached Category One status, with wind speeds in excess of 110 km h -1 . The windscreated surface waves that would have broken down the stratification and ventilated thebot<strong>to</strong>m waters. Observations on 18 September show bot<strong>to</strong>m salinities ranging from 23.6123

Aquat GeochemFig. 4 Hydrograph of river discharge (m 3 /s) of the BR. Daily mean discharge for years 1967–2010 isshown <strong>as</strong> heavy blue line; red line is 2007 hydrograph and green line is 2008 hydrograph. Blue d<strong>as</strong>h linesrepresent plus and minus one standard deviation of the log-transformed distribution from the mean value(discharge data from USGS)near the BR mouth <strong>to</strong> about 30 offshore and less than the 32–35 salinity range observedearlier. Near-bot<strong>to</strong>m dissolved oxygen concentrations are above 3.5 mL L -1 in the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>hypoxic region, thus indicating the end of the summer 2007 <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>tal hypoxia event(Fig. 3d).The time his<strong>to</strong>ry of dissolved oxygen concentration on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf is shown in thewhisker plot of Fig. 5. Average DO concentration decre<strong>as</strong>ed from *1.6 mL L -1 in June <strong>to</strong>0.6 mL L -1 in July. In August, the mean DO value incre<strong>as</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> *3.0 mL L -1 . After theSeptember hurricane, the mean DO concentration is 3.5 mL L -1 . An analysis of varianceFig. 5 Box-and-whisker plot of dissolved oxygen concentration (mL L -1 ) data from four cruises duringsummer 2007. The center horizontal line of the box represents the mean value for the cruise; the upper andlower edges of the box represent the 75th and 25th percentiles of the data, respectfully. The whiskers extend<strong>to</strong> the most extreme data points that are not considered outliers. Outliers are plotted individually <strong>as</strong> ‘‘?’’.Two medians are considered <strong>to</strong> be different at the 5% significance level if the notched regions of the boxesdo not overlap123

Aquat GeochemFig. 6 Bot<strong>to</strong>m salinity minus surface salinity, DS B-T , versus near-bot<strong>to</strong>m oxygen concentration (blue dots)for SEAMAP (CR0276) stations near the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> mouth on June 26–28, 2007. Regression line is solid,95% confidence interval (d<strong>as</strong>hed line) bracket the regression line. The coefficient of determination is equal<strong>to</strong> 0.79 with a p-value less than 0.0001(ANOVA) shows that the difference in mean DO concentration between cruises is significant(F-statistic is 17.4; degrees of freedom is 54; p-value\10 -8 ). A comparison of theindividual mean values shows that the means for the June and July cruises (TX-06-07,SEAMAP-CR0276, TX-07-07) differ at the 95% confidence level from the means for theAugust (TX-08-07) and September (TX-09-07) cruises.The salinity difference between bot<strong>to</strong>m and <strong>to</strong>p (DS) is used <strong>as</strong> a proxy for stabilityfrequency (obtained from vertically differentiating the water column density) because notall cruises recorded full water column profiles. While not perfect, the salinity differencedoes offer a re<strong>as</strong>onable representation of water stability and therefore a me<strong>as</strong>ure of verticalmixing and the e<strong>as</strong>e of ventilation of the lower layers. A linear regression between DS andbot<strong>to</strong>m DO shows a significant negative correlation for the June SEAMAP cruise,r 2 = 0.79 and p-value \0.0001 (Fig. 6). The July (TX-07-09) data also show significantnegative correlation (r 2 = 0.34) with a p-value of 0.01. None of the other cruises, however,yield a significant correlation between DS and bot<strong>to</strong>m DO.3.2 Oxygen Iso<strong>to</strong>pic Compositions of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>–Louisiana Shelf WatersThe relationships between oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pe and salinity data of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf surface watersare illustrated in Fig. 7 and listed in Table 5. Cruise TX-08-07 surface water d 18 O averaged0.6% and ranged from 0.4 <strong>to</strong> 0.8%, with salinity ranging from 30.6 <strong>to</strong> 33.7 andaveraging 32.1. The TX-05-08 surface water d 18 O averaged -0.2% with a smaller range of-0.3 <strong>to</strong> -0.1%. The corresponding salinities were 28.7–29.5 with an average of 29.2. Asexpected, d 18 O me<strong>as</strong>urements of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf waters correlate with salinity. The salinity–d 18 O regression for each set of surface water samples is <strong>as</strong> follows:andTX-08 07 d 18 O ¼ 0:122 0:022 S 3:46ð0:70Þ r 2 ¼ 0:581 ð2Þ123

Aquat GeochemFig. 7 Plot of d 18 O versus salinity of surface waters collected from the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf in 2007 and 2008 andLouisiana shelf in 2008. Solid lines represent mixing lines between the d 18 O of spring river discharge andGulf of Mexico seawater (salinity = 36.5, d 18 O = 1.1%). Dotted lines represent mixing zones (±1r of theaverage). The 2007 <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf values identify BR discharge <strong>as</strong> the dominant source of freshwater. In 2008,concurrent with reduced rainfall over e<strong>as</strong>tern <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>, values identify Mississippi–Atchafalaya discharge <strong>to</strong> bethe dominant freshwater source at the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> locality. The strong <strong>Brazos</strong> influence on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelfwitnessed in 2007 may be only <strong>as</strong>sociated with high discharge events, or potentially reduced transport ofMississippi–Atchafalaya dischargeTX-05 08 d 18 O ¼ 0:186 0:017 S 5:64ð0:48Þ r 2 ¼ 0:976 ð3ÞAssuming two-component mixing between freshwater and seawater, these regressionsimply that the d 18 O of the freshwater source on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf during August 2007 w<strong>as</strong>-3.5 ± 0.7%, where<strong>as</strong> the d 18 O of freshwater source on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf during May 2007w<strong>as</strong> much lower at -5.6 ± 0.5%.4 Discussion4.1 Circulation and Water Column Stability Affecting <strong>Hypoxia</strong> on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> ShelfThe series of observations in June, July, August, and September 2007 captured the formation,breakup, and dissipation of a co<strong>as</strong>tal hypoxic event that formed off the BR mouth.The event w<strong>as</strong> coincident with uncharacteristically large BR discharge (Fig. 4), whichprovided freshwater that incre<strong>as</strong>ed water column stability and inhibited vertical mixing andventilation of the lower layers of the water column.The spatial distribution of near-bot<strong>to</strong>m DO concentrations across the shelf providebroad spatial context <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>tal observations. Observations from the full SEA-MAP cruise in 2007 show a plume of hypoxic near-bot<strong>to</strong>m DO concentrations extendingfrom the BR mouth southwestward along the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>t <strong>to</strong> Matagorda Bay (Fig. 1). Here,<strong>as</strong> reported in Pokryfki and Randall (1987), ‘‘the hypoxic area is not homogeneous,’’showing a break between the hypoxic are<strong>as</strong> of Louisiana and <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>. In 2007, the breakoccurred just south of Galves<strong>to</strong>n, TX.123

Aquat GeochemTable 5 Summary of d 18 O data from 2007 and 2008 <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf cruisesDate Station Stationdepth (m)Latitude Longitude Salinity d 18 O(%)Cruise TX-08-078/8/2007 3D 18.3 28° 37.46 0 N 95° 25.94 0 W 32.10 0.488/8/2007 4D 19.5 28° 33.53 0 N 95° 35.01 0 W 32.43 0.538/8/2007 5D 19.3 28° 30.54 0 N 95° 43.73 0 W 32.51 0.698/8/2007 5A 8.5 28° 38.51 0 N 95° 49.01 0 W 33.67 0.758/9/2007 4A 10.1 28° 41.55 0 N 95° 40.54 0 W 32.60 0.648/8/2007 3B 13.7 28° 42.86 0 N 95° 29.92 0 W 31.53 0.568/8/2007 4B 13.6 28° 38.52 0 N 95° 38.38 0 W 30.56 0.518/8/2007 5B 12.7 28° 0 35.51 0 N 95° 47.15 0 W 32.81 0.648/8/2007 5C 15.7 28° 33.12 0 N 95° 44.75 0 W 32.83 0.658/8/2007 3C 17.1 28° 39.56 0 N 95° 27.88 0 W 31.16 0.548/8/2007 2A 13.1 28° 50.07 0 N 95° 22.28 0 W 32.87 0.748/8/2007 2B 19.0 28° 47.58 0 N 95° 20.39 0 W 31.55 0.448/8/2007 2C 17.5 28° 44.50 0 N 95° 18.46 0 W 31.24 0.418/8/2007 2D 21.2 28° 42.06 0 N 95° 16.40 0 W 31.47 0.598/8/2007 2E 16.0 28° 53.55 0 N 95° 10.87 0 W 31.98 0.628/8/2007 2F 12.2 28° 56.55 0 N 95° 12.69 0 W 32.27 0.65Cruise TX-05-085/25/2008 2 18.1 28° 42.36 0 N 95° 24.19 0 W 28.70 -0.305/25/2008 3 18.3 28° 45.44 0 N 95° 19.64 0 W 28.91 -0.245/25/2008 4 12.1 28° 49.88 0 N 95° 20.49 0 W 29.30 -0.195/25/2008 5 10.1 28° 50.77 0 N 95° 21.27 0 W 29.37 -0.165/25/2008 6 7.8 28° 51.63 0 N 95° 21.48 0 W 29.54 -0.14The results discussed in Sect. 3.1 suggest that in late June and July, during peak riverdischarge, the more stratified the waters, the lower the bot<strong>to</strong>m DO values. The lack ofcorrelation for June and September is due <strong>to</strong> a distribution in DO and salinity values thatare <strong>to</strong>o narrow <strong>to</strong> provide a sufficient spread for the regression. The lack of correlation inthe August cruise suggests that the relationship between water column stability and bot<strong>to</strong>mDO concentration w<strong>as</strong> more complicated than a simple linear relationship and may beattributable <strong>to</strong> the competing influences of multiple forcing processes.The spatial heterogeneity of the salinity and DO fields on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf encounteredduring the August 2007 cruise w<strong>as</strong> a result of energetic wind activity, peak windsexceeding 7.5 m/s and directionally varying (b<strong>as</strong>ed on observations of NDBC Buoy42035), on the shelf that advected and dispersed the surface freshwater plume. Thereduction in stratification, therefore, would lead <strong>to</strong> the ventilation of the bot<strong>to</strong>m waters.The amount of ventilation depends upon the strength of stratification. The strength ofstratification is spatially and temporally varying <strong>as</strong> the freshwater plume responds <strong>to</strong>surface wind driving. Under such non-steady conditions, the relationship between watercolumn stability and near-bot<strong>to</strong>m DO concentration is non-linear (DiMarco et al. 2010;Kiselkova 2008). Significant correlation on the Louisiana shelf between water columnstability and near-bot<strong>to</strong>m DO w<strong>as</strong> observed during July of years 1992–1994 (Belabb<strong>as</strong>si2006). The summer of 1993, which had the highest correlation, w<strong>as</strong> also a period of123

Aquat GeochemFig. 8 Oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pic compositions of waters from the Atchafalaya, <strong>Brazos</strong>, and Mississippi <strong>River</strong>s <strong>as</strong> afunction of day of the year. Where more than 1 year’s samples were collected, data are connected by linesand labeled. Note that the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> w<strong>as</strong> experiencing flooding during the June 1987 sampling, hence theunusually low summer values. Upper inset shows relationship between discharge and oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>piccomposition of <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> water (1987–1988, 2001–2002, and 2008)unusually high flooding of the Mississippi–Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong>s and a spatially homogeneoussurface salinity field.The distribution of freshwater and the variability of water column stability on the<strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>–Louisiana shelf can be driven by multiple forcing processes including: freshwaterdischarge variability and surface salinity (Nowlin et al. 2005) and solar insolation andatmospheric forcing variability (Cho et al. 1998; DiMarco et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 2009).However, the general pattern is that water column stability varies se<strong>as</strong>onally. Bianchi et al.(2010) show a 25-year composite of water column stability versus bot<strong>to</strong>m oxygen, representedin their figure <strong>as</strong> oxygen deficit, from observations for all se<strong>as</strong>ons. Here, the b<strong>as</strong>icpattern is se<strong>as</strong>onal with winter having a low stability and relatively high bot<strong>to</strong>m DO, andspring–summer with relatively higher stability and low DO values. Within se<strong>as</strong>ons, there isconsiderable variability of the stability/DO relationship, suggesting that periods of linearityand non-linearity likely occur during a given se<strong>as</strong>on (Kiselkova 2008). The occurrence ofperiods of non-linear and linear stability/DO relationships in a single se<strong>as</strong>on is supportedby the observations on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf in 2007.4.2 Oxygen Iso<strong>to</strong>pic Characterization of Freshwater SourcesApplication of oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pes <strong>as</strong> a tracer for freshwater sources requires an understandingof river discharge and its oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pic composition. Summer 2007 w<strong>as</strong> an unusual timeof frequent flooding in the BR b<strong>as</strong>in of central <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>, with more than 30 cm of precipitationin are<strong>as</strong> of the BR watershed in June alone (National Climate Data Center;http://www.dcdc.noaa.gov). Figure 4 shows mean se<strong>as</strong>onal variation of BR discharge for1967–2010 along with 2007 and 2008 discharge. Daily mean discharge peaks in May123

Aquat GeochemTable 6 Summary of oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pe data for relevant river watersLocality Date Day of year d 18 O ReferenceMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 5/10/2000 131 -6.56 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 5/23/2000 144 -6.08 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 6/6/2000 158 -5.02 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 6/23/2000 175 -6.03 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 6/18/2000 170 -5.60 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 8/25/2000 238 -5.19 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 9/21/2000 265 -5.64 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 11/28/2000 333 -5.91 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 12/14/2000 349 -6.77 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 1/24/2001 24 -6.74 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 2/27/2001 58 -6.51 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 3/14/2001 73 -6.32 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 4/2/2001 92 -7.50 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 5/11/2000 132 -4.80 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 5/24/2000 145 -3.79 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 6/7/2000 159 -5.54 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 6/23/2000 175 -4.65 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 7/19/2000 201 -5.12 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 8/25/2000 238 -4.84 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 9/19/2000 263 -5.13 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 11/30/2000 335 -4.15 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 12/12/2000 347 -4.73 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 1/30/2001 30 -5.86 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 2/28/2001 59 -5.68 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 3/15/2001 74 -5.17 aAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 4/3/2001 93 -5.68 aMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 2/11/2008 42 -6.15 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 3/10/2008 70 -6.26 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 4/7/2008 98 -6.98 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 4/21/2008 112 -6.13 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 5/5/2008 126 -5.94 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 5/27/2008 148 -6.26 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 6/9/2008 161 -5.86 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 6/23/2008 175 -6.05 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 7/8/2008 190 -5.92 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 8/18/2008 231 -4.85 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 10/20/2008 294 -5.97 bMississippi <strong>River</strong> at St. Francisville, LA 11/17/2008 322 -5.73 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 1/17/2008 17 -6.00 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 2/12/2008 43 -5.73 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 3/11/2008 71 -5.35 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 3/25/2008 85 -6.17 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 4/8/2008 99 -6.21 b123

Aquat GeochemTable 6 continuedLocality Date Day of year d 18 O ReferenceAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 4/22/2008 113 -5.47 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 5/6/2008 127 -5.05 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 5/28/2008 149 -5.55 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 6/10/2008 162 -5.54 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 10/21/2008 295 -5.55 bAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> at Melville, LA 11/13/2008 318 -5.55 b<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 6/9/1987 160 -3.99 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 7/25/1987 206 -3.29 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 8/27/1987 239 -2.80 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 9/20/1987 263 -2.66 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 11/24/1987 328 -3.01 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 1/7/1988 7 -3.04 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 3/12/1988 72 -2.27 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 4/1/1988 92 -2.32 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 4/23/1988 114 -1.65 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> at SH 21 near Bryan TX 5/21/1988 142 -1.88 c<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> (@ Hempstead) 4/14/2008 105 -1.63 d<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> (@ Waco) 7/17/2008 198 -0.94 d<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> near Brazoria (BR-1) 12/19/2001 353 -3.30 e<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> near Brazoria (BR-1) 1/28/2002 28 -3.30 e<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> near Brazoria (BR-1) 3/4/2002 63 -2.70 ea Lee and Veizer (2003)Landwehr and Coplen (unpublished)Coffman and Grossman (unpublished)dStrauss (2010)e Hyeong and Lawrence (2003)f Coplen and Kendall (2000)(*400 m 3 s -1 ) and is at a minimum in the summer months (*100 m 3 s -1 ), particularlyJuly through Oc<strong>to</strong>ber. In contr<strong>as</strong>t, discharge for summer 2007 exceeds 1,800 m 3 s -1 prior<strong>to</strong> the August 8 sampling trip.The oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pic compositions of river waters discharging in<strong>to</strong> the Gulf of Mexicodepend upon the latitude and altitude of the watershed, time of year, and amount ofprecipitation (Craig 1961; Kendall and Coplen 2001). Unfortunately, time-series d 18 O datafor river waters are sparse. Figure 8 and Table 6 show a compilation of available d 18 O datafor the <strong>Brazos</strong>, Atchafalaya, and Mississippi <strong>River</strong>s plotted <strong>as</strong> a function of day of the year.<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> waters collected sporadically in 1987, 1988, 2001, 2002, and 2008 rangefrom -4.0 <strong>to</strong> 1.6% (B. K. Coffman and E. L. Grossman, unpublished data; Hyeong andLawrence 2003; this study), depending on se<strong>as</strong>on and especially discharge (Fig. 8). Mississippiand Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> waters collected in 2000, 2001, and 2008 also depend onse<strong>as</strong>on and discharge and range from -7.5 <strong>to</strong> -4.9% and -6.2 <strong>to</strong> -3.8%, respectively(Lee and Veizer 2003; Wagner and Slowey 2011; T. Coplen and J. Landwehr, unpublisheddata, 2010).123

Aquat GeochemMississippi <strong>River</strong> water d 18 O values are low due <strong>to</strong> the higher average elevation andlatitude of its b<strong>as</strong>in and sub-b<strong>as</strong>ins, including the Missouri, Ohio, and Arkans<strong>as</strong> <strong>River</strong>b<strong>as</strong>ins. The higher d 18 O of Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> water is mainly caused by the contribution of18 O-enriched waters of the Red <strong>River</strong> (Coplen and Kendall 2000), which flows along the<strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>–Oklahoma border before joining the Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> in Louisiana. TheAtchafalaya also receives 30% of the Mississippi <strong>River</strong> flow at the Old <strong>River</strong> ControlStructure, which contributes 18 O-depleted water. The d 18 O of Mississippi and Atchafalaya<strong>River</strong> waters is generally lowest during winter and spring and highest during the summerand fall (Fig. 8). The low values during the spring are caused by the influence of snowmelt,which also results in a pulse of high discharge. The sparse oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pe data for <strong>Brazos</strong><strong>River</strong> waters indicate incre<strong>as</strong>ing d 18 O values from late spring through summer 1987, <strong>as</strong>light decre<strong>as</strong>e in winter 1987–1988, and an incre<strong>as</strong>e through spring 1988. The low June1987 value w<strong>as</strong> caused by excessive rainfall and flooding (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?08098290), which disrupted the usual summer incre<strong>as</strong>e in d 18 O. Hyeong and Lawrence(2003) report a low average value of -3.8% following heavy rains in December of 2001.Even when its d 18 O values are lowest, <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> water still exhibits significantly higherd 18 O than Mississippi <strong>River</strong> water. There is an overlap of 0.2% between the range of d 18 Ovalues for the <strong>Brazos</strong> and Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong>s; however, this trend reflects the combinationof extremes: flooding on the <strong>Brazos</strong> during 1987 and unusually low Atchafalaya dischargeduring the summer of 2000 (http://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/cgi-bin/watercontrol.pl?03045). The low-salinity waters advecting westward <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf will contain a mixtureof Mississippi and Atchafalaya discharge, and thus Mississippi–Atchafalaya and <strong>Brazos</strong><strong>River</strong> waters will be iso<strong>to</strong>pically distinct during both high and low flow regimes of the<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong>.4.3 Oxygen Iso<strong>to</strong>pic Tracing of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>–Louisiana Shelf WatersAs discussed earlier, the d 18 O me<strong>as</strong>urements for <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf surface waters collected inAugust 2007 (TX-08-07) and May 2008 (TX-05-08) follow linear trends with salinity andsuggest two-component mixing with freshwater sources having distinctly different d 18 Ovalues (Fig. 7). The y-intercept of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf surface waters collected during TX-08-07(-3.5 ± 0.7%) is lower than the average d 18 O of <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> water (-2.2 ± 1.3%), butmatches d 18 O values for <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> water during high-discharge conditions in June andJuly 1987 (-4.0 and -3.3%, respectively; Table 5), an analog for August 2007 conditions.This supports a <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> source of freshwater and suggests that <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> dischargecreated stratification and consequently hypoxia off the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>t. TX-05-08 samplesfrom the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf, however, yield an intercept of -5.6 ± 0.5%, between the means ofMississippi and Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> waters, -6.1 ± 0.6 and -5.3 ± 0.6%, respectively(Lee and Veizer 2003; Wagner and Slowey 2011; T. Coplen and J. Landwehr, unpublisheddata, 2010), and suggesting downco<strong>as</strong>t (i.e., <strong>to</strong> the west) transport of water. These twocontr<strong>as</strong>ting years show both the Mississippi–Atchafalaya and <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong>s having adominant influence on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf locality. Further surveys are needed <strong>to</strong> determine theminimum <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> discharge required <strong>to</strong> trigger hypoxia on the adjacent <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf.Previous analyses (Belabb<strong>as</strong>si 2006; Bianchi et al. 2010; Dale et al. 2010) have shown thata minimum vertical stratification, that is, stability frequency of about 40 cycles h -1 isneeded for bot<strong>to</strong>m oxygen levels on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>–Louisiana shelf <strong>to</strong> fall <strong>to</strong> hypoxic levels.As with <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> water, annual averages may not fully represent the d 18 OofMississippi and Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> waters that entered the Louisiana shelf during spring orsummer, prior <strong>to</strong> westward advection, and <strong>to</strong> collection at the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> sample sites. With123

Aquat Geochemminor exception, Fig. 8 shows that summer and fall precipitation tends <strong>to</strong> be enriched in18 O relative <strong>to</strong> winter and spring precipitation. This effect is seen in the salinity–d 18 Orelationships for Louisiana shelf waters, which track the influx of Mississippi andAtchafalaya freshwater. The freshwater endmember for May (-6.0%) is 1.7% lower thanthat for August (-4.3%; Wagner and Slowey 2011). Wagner and Slowey (2011) interpretedthis <strong>as</strong> a reflection of the dominant influence of the Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> water duringthe summer, when co<strong>as</strong>tal circulation promotes e<strong>as</strong>tward advection of Mississippi <strong>River</strong>discharge (Dinnel and Wiseman 1986; Nowlin et al. 2005).4.4 Mixing ModelWe have used a three-component mixing m<strong>as</strong>s balance model <strong>to</strong> estimate the relativepercentages of Mississippi–Atchafalaya and <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> freshwater fluxed <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>shelf. Because the discharge of the Mississippi and the Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong>s are mixed upontransport <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf, the model treats discharge from both rivers <strong>as</strong> a singlecomponent. Estimates show that roughly half of Mississippi <strong>River</strong> discharge is transported<strong>to</strong> the west and is then mixed with the flow of the Atchafalaya (Dinnel and Wiseman 1986;Etter et al. 2004).The m<strong>as</strong>s balance uses salinity <strong>as</strong> a me<strong>as</strong>ure of river input and d 18 O <strong>as</strong> a tracer offreshwater source, either the <strong>Brazos</strong> or Mississippi–Atchafalaya:F Br þ F M A þ F GoM ¼ 1 ð4ÞS m ¼ F Br S Br þ F M A S M A þ F GoM S GoM ð5Þwhere S = salinity, F = fraction, m = me<strong>as</strong>ured, Br = <strong>Brazos</strong>, M–A = Mississippi andAtchafalaya, and GoM = Gulf of Mexico. We can <strong>as</strong>sume that S Br & S M–A & 0 so thatS T = F GoM S GoM . As with salinity, d 18 O can be calculated using simple m<strong>as</strong>s balance:d 18 O m ¼ d 18 O Br F Br þ d 18 O M A F M A þ d 18 O GoM F GoM ð6ÞCombining Eqs. 4, 5, and 6 and solving for F Br yields the equation:F Br ¼ d18 O m d 18 O M A þ S mS GoMðd 18 O M A d 18 O GoM Þd 18 O Br d 18 ð7ÞO M AFollowing Wagner and Slowey (2011), a value of 36.1 is used for S GoM . Me<strong>as</strong>urements ofd 18 O at the Louisiana shelf break show d 18 O GoM <strong>to</strong> average 1.1% (Wagner and Slowey2011; Strauss 2010). For the combined Mississippi–Atchafalaya flux, late-spring d 18 Oriver water values best represent the discharge that would advect <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf by theearly summer, nearly a month-long journey (Nowlin et al. 2005). To adjust for theroughly 1% difference between Mississippi and Atchafalaya discharge, the value ford 18 O M–A is calculated b<strong>as</strong>ed on a 1:1 mixture of Mississippi and Atchafalaya discharge.For Mississippi <strong>River</strong> water, we have <strong>as</strong>signed a value of -6.2 ± 0.6%, and forAtchafalaya <strong>River</strong> water, a value of -5.3 ± 0.6%, which are the averages of spring 2008me<strong>as</strong>urements (Lee and Veizer 2003; T. Coplen and J. Landwehr, unpublished data,2010). Thus, the estimated d 18 O of Mississippi and Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> water expected <strong>to</strong>advect westward under spring circulation conditions is -5.8 ± 0.6%. For <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong>data, we use an average of June and July 1987 values (-3.6%), representing a highdischarge summer conditions.123

Aquat GeochemResults from the mixing model, using the above mentioned river water values, indicatethat during 2007, the fraction of <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> water on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf (F Br ) averaged11.6 ± 0.5% (±1r) and the Mississippi–Atchafalaya fraction (F M–A ) w<strong>as</strong> 0 ± 2.9%,where<strong>as</strong> in May of 2008, F Br averaged 0.8 ± 0.4% and F M–A w<strong>as</strong> 18.4 ± 1.0%. Thus, the2007 <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf waters were mainly diluted with BR discharge, while 2008 <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelfwaters were diluted with Mississippi–Atchafalaya discharge. Unfortunately, the absence ofriver water d 18 O data corresponding <strong>to</strong> the 2007 event precludes the results from beingabsolute. However, the calculation error <strong>as</strong>sociated with uncertainty in river d 18 O valuesdoes not invalidate the model. The sensitivities of F Br and F Ma <strong>to</strong> adjustments of d 18 O M–Awithin its standard deviation (±0.6%) are both less than 1% for 2007. Furthermore, for2007, F M–A is greater than F Br only when the d 18 O Br is raised <strong>to</strong> -1%, a value greater thanBR observations during periods of high and low discharge (Table 6; Fig. 8).The mixing model clearly shows that <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> w<strong>as</strong> the main source of fresh water <strong>to</strong>the study area on the inner <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf during the 2007 hypoxic event. In contr<strong>as</strong>t, Mississippi–Atchafalayadischarge w<strong>as</strong> the dominant source of fresh water <strong>to</strong> the May 2008<strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf. Additionally, the dilution of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf waters by Mississippi–Atchafalayadischarge in 2008, yielding an average salinity of 29.3, w<strong>as</strong> roughly twice that caused by thedramatically high discharge of the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> in 2007, where salinity averaged 32.1.5 ConclusionsObservations of salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>t near the<strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> mouth in summer 2007 show vertically stratified conditions between Juneand August resulting in low near-bot<strong>to</strong>m oxygen values. The lowest values occurred in Julyand coincide with the peak of discharge rates of the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong>. In September, thep<strong>as</strong>sage of a short-lived hurricane resulted in a breakdown of water column stratificationand the ventilation of near-bot<strong>to</strong>m waters.Oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pic compositions of shelf waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico wereused <strong>to</strong> identify the freshwater sources that stratify shelf waters and create conditionsfavorable for hypoxia formation. Although the Mississippi–Atchafalaya <strong>River</strong> Systemaccounts for[90% of freshwater discharge in<strong>to</strong> the northern Gulf of Mexico, hydrographicand oxygen iso<strong>to</strong>pe data indicate that high discharge of the <strong>Brazos</strong> <strong>River</strong> in summer 2007led <strong>to</strong> hypoxic-favorable conditions. Iso<strong>to</strong>pic m<strong>as</strong>s balance calculations suggest that duringsummer 2007, the <strong>Brazos</strong> w<strong>as</strong> the main source of fresh water <strong>to</strong> the inner <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf.Although these calculations are limited by a lack of synchronous data for river waters, theyare consistent with trends found in his<strong>to</strong>rical data. Iso<strong>to</strong>pe data from 2008 indicate thatMississippi–Atchafalaya waters were the dominant freshwater source on the <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>t.Thus, in some years, there is considerable capability of Mississippi–Atchafalaya discharge<strong>to</strong> stratify <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf waters and, <strong>as</strong> a consequence, cause <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> shelf hypoxia. Moreprecise identification of freshwater sources will require detailed time-series studies of d 18 Ovariation in major <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> and Louisiana rivers and wetlands.The observations during the high flow event of 2007 support that <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> co<strong>as</strong>tal hypoxiacan be driven by local forcing and can persist for several weeks. We conclude from thesefindings that despite the large and significant influence of the Mississippi–Atchafalaya<strong>River</strong> System, it is not the sole cause of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Identifyingthe relative influence of local sources and the frequency of occurrence of <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>co<strong>as</strong>tal hypoxia during low and normal river flow conditions is the subject of futureinvestigation.123

Aquat GeochemAcknowledgments This research w<strong>as</strong> supported by a Rapid Response Award by <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> Sea Grant CollegeProgram (No. 404538). Partial funding w<strong>as</strong> through a grant <strong>to</strong> S. DiMarco (NOAA-CSCORNA06NOS4780198), contribution number NGOMEX-132, and the TAMU Department of Oceanography.Support for the stable iso<strong>to</strong>pe analyses w<strong>as</strong> provided by a grant from <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong>’ Norman Hackerman AdvancedResearch Program (No. 010366-0053-2007). The authors thank the dedication of Drs. Matthew Howard,Timothy Dellapena, GERG Marine Technicians, high school students, Scott Hall, Nathaniel Weidner, JoshAndrews, and the cohort of TAMU and TAMUG graduate students for their fortitude and dedication duringthe August 7, 2007 small boat armada <strong>to</strong> collect the ocean samples. The authors also thank T. S. Bianchi(TAMU), N. Walker (LSU), A. Quigg (TAMUG), R. Smith (Yale), and M. Fisher (<strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> Parks and WildlifeDivision) for useful discussions related <strong>to</strong> this work. The thoughtful comments of four reviewers greatlyhelped <strong>to</strong> focus this manuscript. This work is dedicated <strong>to</strong> the memory of our friend and colleague ProfessorJohn W. Morse (Mackenzie et al. 2011).ReferencesBelabb<strong>as</strong>si L (2006) Examination of the relationship of river water <strong>to</strong> occurrences of bot<strong>to</strong>m water withreduced oxygen concentration in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation, <strong>Tex<strong>as</strong></strong> A&M University,College StationBianchi TS, DiMarco SF, Cowan JH Jr, Hetland RD, Chapman P, Day JW, Allison MA (2010) The scienceof hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: a review. 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