The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

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THE INTERIM CONSTITUTION OF NEPAL, <strong>2063</strong> (<strong>2007</strong>)AS AMENDED BY THE FIRST TO SIXTH AMENDMENTSABOUT THIS PUBLICATION<strong>The</strong> <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> as published here includes the changes made by the fiveamending Acts –the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (First Amendment), <strong>2063</strong> Chaitra 30(April 13, <strong>2007</strong>), and the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Second Amendment), 2064Jestha 30 (June 13, <strong>2007</strong>) the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Third Amendment) 13Poush 2064 (28 December <strong>2007</strong>), the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Fourth Amendment)2065 Jestha 16 (May 29, 2008), the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Fifth Amendment)2065 Ashar 29 (July 13, 2008) and the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Sixth Amendment)2065 Mangsir 26 (December 11, 2008). We have indicated what the changes were (bymeans <strong>of</strong> footnotes, and by emboldening changes made in the first amendment, andemboldening and underlining those made by the second amendment and using italicswhen inserting the changes made by the third amendment). <strong>The</strong> changes made by thefourth amendment are indicated in bold italics, the changes made in the fifth amendmentare indicated by bold, italics and underlining and the changes made in the sixthAmendment are indicated by tinted and italics. Integration <strong>of</strong> the amendments wasdone by Kedar Bhattarai and Basant Subba.Another distinctive feature is that we have included a detailed table <strong>of</strong> contents: it ispossible to see which article <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> appears on which page.<strong>The</strong> English translation is based on that which was initially done by Mr. Uday <strong>Nepal</strong>iand his team from the <strong>Nepal</strong> Law Society. <strong>The</strong> revised version was been prepared bystaff <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Constitution</strong> Advisory Support Unit, a unit within UNDP Kathmandu. Wehave made some changes which we believe make the meaning clearer. This involvedmany hours <strong>of</strong> careful study <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Nepal</strong>i original by the team <strong>of</strong> translators working inthe <strong>Constitution</strong> Advisory Support Unit <strong>of</strong>fice, UNDP, Kathmandu - Kedar Bhattarai,and Basant Subba – and by Surya Dhungel, and <strong>of</strong> discussion with Jill Cottrell. Usefulcomments were received from the UNMIN translation team headed by Dr. Mark Turin.We sent the translation to various other people, both <strong>Nepal</strong>ese and foreigners for theircomments, and they have all stated that they believe this is a useful venture. We are verygrateful to all these people for having taken the time and trouble.We have produced it in the form <strong>of</strong> a bilingual version: in book form the <strong>Nepal</strong>iappears on the right and the English on the left hand page. This will help readers <strong>of</strong>the English who also understand <strong>Nepal</strong>i to be sure <strong>of</strong> the meaning. We hope it willalso be helpful to translators <strong>of</strong> future constitutional documents.<strong>The</strong> text <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> is preceded in this book by a brief introduction to the<strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong>, and also by a “Simple Guide to the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong>", intendedfor members <strong>of</strong> the public who want to understand something about the document, butfor whom the original text is too time-consuming to read. Maybe some people will feelable to tackle the full document after reading the “Simple Guide".4<strong>The</strong> content <strong>of</strong> this volume is also available on the UNDP Support to <strong>Constitution</strong>Making website (http://www.undp.org.np/constitutionbuilding/constitutionnepal/contitutionfile/<strong>Interim</strong>_<strong>Constitution</strong>_bilingual.pdf).

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