The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

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THE INTERIM CONSTITUTION OF NEPAL, <strong>2063</strong> (<strong>2007</strong>)AS AMENDED BY THE FIRST TO SIXTH AMENDMENTS(3) If the Commission for the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority finds, uponinquiry or investigation carried out pursuant to clause (1), that any personholding any public <strong>of</strong>fice has misused his/her authority by committing an actwhich is defined by law as improper conduct, it may warn such person, orforward a recommendation to the authority concerned in writing to takedepartmental action or any other necessary action as prescribed by the law.(4) If the Commission for the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority finds, uponinquiry or investigation carried out pursuant to clause (1), that a person holdingany public <strong>of</strong>fice has committed an act which is defined by law as corrupt, it maylodge or caused to be lodged a case against such person or any other personinvolved therein in a court with jurisdiction in accordance with the law.(5) If the Commission for the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority finds, uponinquiry or investigation carried out pursuant to clause (1), that the nature <strong>of</strong>the work to be carried out by the person holding any public <strong>of</strong>fice falls underthe jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> another authority or body, it may forward a recommendationto the authority or body concerned in writing for necessary action.(6) Subject to this <strong>Constitution</strong>, other functions, duties, powers and procedures<strong>of</strong> the Commission for the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority shall be asdetermined by law.(7) <strong>The</strong> Commission for the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority may delegateany <strong>of</strong> its powers, functions and duties relating to the inquiry, investigation orlodging <strong>of</strong> cases, to the Chief Commissioner, Commissioner or any employee <strong>of</strong>the Government <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> to be exercised in compliance with the conditionsspecified.121. Annual report(1) <strong>The</strong> Commission for the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority shall submitan annual report *to the President on the work it has performed in accordancewith this <strong>Constitution</strong>, and **the President through the Prime Minister shallmake arrangements to submit such report before the Legislature-Parliament.(2) <strong>The</strong> annual report to be submitted pursuant to clause (1) shall contain interalia the total number <strong>of</strong> complaints lodged during the year at the Commissionfor the Investigation <strong>of</strong> Abuse <strong>of</strong> Authority; the number <strong>of</strong> cases in whichinvestigation has been completed, cases filed in court with jurisdiction inaccordance with law, with the number <strong>of</strong> cases pending, the cases in whichwarnings have been issued, or forwarded with recommendations in writing fordepartmental or any other necessary action; the achievements in preventingcorruption and the recommendations for improvements in the future.182*Amended on 2065 Jestha 15 (May 28, 2008) by the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2065. Originallyread: to the Prime Minister**Amended on 2065 Jestha 15 (May 28, 2008) by the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2065. Originallyread: the Prime Minister

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