The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - Digital Himalaya

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THE INTERIM CONSTITUTION OF NEPAL, <strong>2063</strong> (<strong>2007</strong>)AS AMENDED BY THE FIRST TO SIXTH AMENDMENTSExplanation: For the purpose <strong>of</strong> this Article the word 'Minister' shall alsomean a Minister <strong>of</strong> State who holds an independent portfolio in a Ministry.(5) <strong>The</strong> Prime Minister shall appoint Ministers on the recommendation <strong>of</strong> thepolitical parties concerned from among the members <strong>of</strong> the Legislature-Parliament.(6) <strong>The</strong> Prime Minister and other Ministers shall be collectively responsible tothe Legislature-Parliament, and the Ministers shall be individually responsibleto the Prime Minister and the Legislature-Parliament for the work <strong>of</strong> theirrespective Ministries.(7) <strong>The</strong> Prime Minister shall cease to hold <strong>of</strong>fice in the following circumstancesa) if he or she submits a written resignation *to the President,(1a) if a vote <strong>of</strong> no-confidence is passed against him/her pursuant toArticle 55b) if he/she ceases to be a member <strong>of</strong> the Legislature-Parliament; orc) if he/she dies.(8) <strong>The</strong> Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers, State Ministers and Assistant Ministersshall cease to hold their respective <strong>of</strong>fices in the following circumstances(a) if he or she submits a written resignation to the Prime Minister,(b) if the Prime Minister ceases to hold his/her <strong>of</strong>fice pursuant to clause (7),(c) if he/she is removed from his/her <strong>of</strong>fice by the Prime Minister upon therecommendation <strong>of</strong> or in consultation with the party concerned, or(d) if he/she dies.(9) If the Prime Minister ceases to hold <strong>of</strong>fice pursuant to clause (7), the existingCouncil <strong>of</strong> Ministers shall continue to function until a new Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers isconstituted.(10) In the case <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or theseniormost Minister shall act as Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister isselected.* Amended on 2065 Jesth 15 (May 28, 2008) by the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2065.Originally read: to the speaker <strong>of</strong> legislature parliament. Added on 2064 Jestha 30 (June 13, <strong>2007</strong>) by the <strong>Interim</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> (Second Amendment) Act, 2064.102

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