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location!location!location!Manuel AntonioManuel Antonio, with its 1700 acres of land mass and135,906 acres of marine reserve, is the smallest of the20 national parks that Costa Rica has put aside for totalprotection. Even so, it is the country’s second most visitedconservation area, after the Poas Volcano.Surrounded by lush, very wet tropical forest, the park’strails offer sightings of white-faced monkeys, sloths,coatis, raccoons, iguanas and many bird species, aswell as the Costa Rican squirrel monkey, which is mostabundantly found in Costa Rica.We invite you and your clients to come enjoy a closerelationship with nature, adventure, sports and recreationby visiting Manuel Antonio!unique experiencesOCTOBER 2010Pejibaye Fair (Heart of Palm Fruit Fair) -October 22 to November 1 (Weekends)Aside from having a magnificent tourism offering andintense biodiversity, Costa Rica also has a rich culturethat is strongly reflected in its gastronomy. One of itsmain staples, the heart of palm, is one of those. You cansee the best of it all during Costa Rica’s Peach PalmFruit Fair that will take place in the city of Tucurriquelocated in the province of Cartago next October 22to November 1. The fair features the famous heart ofpalm recipe contest, food sale, bull runs, concerts andtypical dances. The fair’s purpose is to rescue cookingrecipes and to promote the fruit’s consumption.NOVEMBER 2010Oxcart Fair and Parade - November 27 to 28Manuel Antonio offers breathtaking fusion of scenic mountainand beach beauty and an active lifestyle.TravelgreentipsThose looking to bring a few interesting souvenirs upontheir return from Costa Rica, should look into purchasingsustainable souvenirs that are mindful of the productsthat they use and the inclusion of their surroundingcommunity. Assure that each souvenir purchased says“Made in Costa Rica”. Not only will you purchase abeautifully hand-made piece, but you will also feel goodabout purchasing from a sustainable organization, inturn helping the local economy.DID YOU KNOW?Did you know that 17 different airlines travel to CostaRica from the U.S. and Canada?Costa Rica’s proximity to major hubs in the UnitedStates and the multitude of flight options makes it easyfor travelers to vacation there. It is a two and half hourflight from Miami, a five-hour flight from New York, afour-hour flight from Dallas and a six-hour flight fromLos Angeles.Oxcart drivers’ (boyeros) from all over the countrygather in La Sabana Park in San Jose and begin aparade towards downtown San Jose. Oxcart driversexhibit their most colorful carts in the parade; last yearmore than 300 participants attended the famous event.Boyero in San JoseNational Rural Community Tourism Fair -November 19 to 21This year’s National Rural Community Tourism fairwill be taking place in the National Center of Arts andTechnology located in Antigua Aduana. The weekendlongfair is full of great rates on packages for new andadventurous vacations spots in rural areas around thecountry.4 of 6

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