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what’s new in costa ricaFRONTIER AIRLINES ADDS NEW ROUTE TO <strong>COSTA</strong> <strong>RICA</strong>’S LIBERIA AIRPORTIn an effort to expand its international offerings, Frontier Airlines has added a new route that will service travelers between the airline’s hubat Denver International Airport and Costa Rica’s Daniel Oduber International (LIR) in Liberia. The increase has come at a time when CostaRica has been heavily promoting itself within international markets creating a higher demand for these flights.The new flight from Denver, Colorado will be available beginning on February 13, 2011 with weekly nonstop flights to and from its hub atDenver International Airport. The A319 service from Denver to Liberia is scheduled for departure at 8:25 a.m. and time of arrival is at 2:35p.m.Liberia to Denver service is scheduled for departure at 3:25 p.m. and time of arrival is at 8.10 p.m. Frontier became the only airline to offerservice between Denver and Costa Rica when it launched its route to San Jose back in 2007.“The addition of this new route to Liberia from Denver is ideal for Costa Rica because it will offer more travel options to a market that is veryimportant to the growth of our tourism offering,” said Carlos Ricardo Benavides, Minister of Tourism. “Denver is abundant with travelersthat connect with Costa Rica’s core travel offerings - adventure and nature - and this new opportunity will help to make that relationshipstronger,” he added.For more information on Frontier’s flights to Costa Rica, please visit www.frontierairlines.com<strong>COSTA</strong> <strong>RICA</strong> RECOGNIZED AS BEST PLACE TO VISIT SOLOCosta Rica came in first among the top ten places to travel solo, according to the ranking elaborated by the prestigious magazine Travel +Leisure.The magazine evaluated safety indexes by using the Global Peace Index and Happy Planet Index. The first index measures the peace level of149 countries, while the second measures the environmental impact and well-being of people in 143 countries around the world to determinewhich people are happier and live longer.“The country that came out as the safest and happiest in the world turned out to be the place where many Americans came to experienceadventure tourism for the first time,” said Travel + Leisure. “It is one of those rare countries without an army that adds new meaning to theterm ‘peaceful’ ” stated the magazine.The rest of the rankings included Vietnam, in second place; Laos and Bhutan, tied for third place; Malaysia came in fourth; Egypt andAustria, fifth; followed by Sweden, Tunisia, Germany, Holland and Switzerland, tied for ninth; and Chile filled out the top ten.Travel + Leisure magazine has a monthly readership of about 1,000,000 people. The majority of subscribers live in California, New York,and Florida. They also have influential markets in Mexico, Turkey, China, and Southern Asia.The Travel + Leisure ranking of the best places to visit can be found at the following link: http://www.travelandleisure.com/DESTINATION WEDDINGS DEPICTS MANUEL ANTONIO AS A WEDDING HAVENThe renown magazine ‘Destination Weddings & Honeymoons’ depicts a wedding between an American woman and a South African man inManuel Antonio, Costa Rica, in its September edition.The new copy of the magazine, on sale since August 17, published a 2-page article on the wedding between Kerry Bardwil and Richard Cokein the Tulemar Bungalows that took place last December 11, 2009.“Costa Rica was an incredible destination because of its diversity, beautiful beaches, tropical forests, magnificent animals and birds, as wellas the warmth of its people,” said Bardwil. “We stayed one month, but we could have stayed longer,” reports the magazine.Destination Weddings is a prestigious couples’ travel magazine that has been in circulation for the past five years. The magazine is publishedsix times a year and reaches 2.8 million people with its largest sales in Florida, New York, California, Illinois and Texas.<strong>COSTA</strong> <strong>RICA</strong>N SPAS AMONG INTERNATIONAL AWARD FINALISTSThree Costa Rican spas, among hundreds nominated, are listed as finalists in the recognized 2010 “Silver Sage Readers’ Choice Award”,conducted each year by Spa Magazine.Two of the finalists are located in Guanacaste and one in Alajuela. Among the nominated were JWMarriott Guanacaste Spa in Tamarindo;The Grand Spa and Tabacón Grand Spa Thermal Resort in Arenal, Alajuela; as well as the Four Seasons Resort’s Spa in the PapagayoPeninsula.The 2010 winners will be announced in the 2011 World Spa Guide found in Spa Magazine, which goes on sale in November.The Costa Rican Institute of Tourism congratulates the national spas that have reached this place of honor. We look forward to the readers’awards in Spa Magazine.2 of 6

HOTEL TABACÓN RECEIVES INTERNATION-AL ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATIONHotel Tabacón in La Fortuna, San Carlos receivedthe international ecological certification Luxury Eco-Certification Standard (LECS), the only worldwidevolunteer ecological certification program by a nongovernmentalorganization.LECS looks at areas like the environment, socialresponsibility, and requirements for EnvironmentalSustainability Global Criteria.Hotel Tabacón had to comply with 100 environmentaland social requirements in five main categories, suchas water and energy conservation, recycling, and localcommunity relations.GUANACASTE: VACATION IN PARADISEThe famous vacation guide, Endless Vacation, highlightssix Guanacaste tourist destinations in their recentpublicationThe road to happiness surrounded by beautiful beachesalong the Northern coast of Costa Rica makes Guanacastethe perfect place to enjoy a few vacation days inparadise.The review on Punta Islita, a hotel that has been locallyand internationally recognized multiple times for its socialbusiness responsibility practices; Bar Lolas, which offersorganic ingredients on its menu on Avellanas Beach; andthe amazing blue waves for surfing at Nosara Beach, arejust three of the Guanacaste attractions recommended inEndless Vacation.Enjoying the scenic beauty and being in touch with natureon the beach’s shores, makes vacationing in Guanacastean amazing experience. The arrival of the Olive Ridleyturtles to the Ostional and Grande beaches, as well asdiving and snorkeling in the tranquil waters of CulebraBay, in the Papagayo Peninsula, provides tourists theopportunity to discover an underwater world full ofdiversity.Besides the beaches, the sun, and the hotels committedto sustainable tourism, international quality food optionsplaces Guanacaste in a favorable position. The Mar ySol restaurant in Flamingo was ranked as one of the bestplaces to enjoy a beautiful sunset over an exotic cuisine.SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS FROM AROUNDTHE WORLD TO SPEAK DURING THE SECONDANNUAL PLANET, PEOPLE, PEACE CONFER-ENCE IN <strong>COSTA</strong> <strong>RICA</strong>The Costa Rica Tourism Board (ICT), in a joint effortwith the Costa Rican National Chamber of Ecotourism(CANAECO), will be hosting the world’s foremostleaders in sustainable tourism at its Second InternationalConference Planet, People, Peace (P3). The conferencewill be held in San Jose, Costa Rica November 1 - 3,2010 at the Ramada Plaza Herradura Hotel.La Ruta de los Conquistadores is comingto Costa Rica this November!This four-day competition through the rugged terrain ofCosta Rica is nearly 250 miles long as was voted by TimeMagazine as one of the Top 10 Endurance Competitionsin the world.3 of 6Journalist SPOTLIGHTAs a professional photographer for morethan 40 years, I have traveled the globeworking for most of the major publicationsand UN agencies. My experience with thelatter showed me that with education andcommunity involvement, a village canbecome sustainable.How did you become familiarized withCosta Rica’s sustainable practices?Involved in eco-tourism since the early1990s, I first heard about Costa Rica’sCST program 3 to 4 years ago when I wasthere and wrote about how the country wasleading the rest of the globe in sustainablepractices. Again, just a few months ago, IWeb: Click Herehad the privilege of interviewing Glenn Jampol, President of Costa Rica’sEcotourism Society (CANAECO), when he was in NYC accepting anaward from the Rainforest Alliance. This too allowed me to become muchmore familiarized with Costa Rica’s sustainable initiatives.If you could describe Costa Rica in three words to a potential traveler,what would they be? Why?Adventurous, challenging and dynamic. Costa Rica is adventure with acapital A. Whether it’s shooting the rapids in a rubber raft or climbing avolcano, the country is challenging in that it has so much natural beauty-- a gift that must be cherished and protected. Costa Rica is dynamic in itspotential to set the highest sustainability standards.What is your favorite region of the country? Why?Though I have not seen the entire country, I would probably choose theNicoya Peninsula because it is the first region I have visited. Nicoya isvery relaxing, laid-back and gives off a sense of community. I loved beingwoken by the howler monkeys and fording streams filled with sloe-eyedcattle or coming across a crocodile lazing in the shade of the mangroves.What types of travelers would you recommend Costa Rica to? Why?Costa Rica is appealing to adventurers, bird-watchers and families.Adventurers and other adrenaline junkies love all of the challenges thecountry poses. It’s a bird-watchers paradise and for families, the country issafe and offers a variety of experiences for different ages and budgets.What do you think is the biggest misconception about Costa Rica?Why?My perception is that many Americans think Costa Rica is like any otherLatin American country. However, being that Costa Rica has no military,this allows the country to spend more on education, alternative powersolutions like geo-thermal and solar, and sustainable tourism. This in turn,makes the country that much more appealing.Did a visit to Costa Rica motivate you to change your own habits whenyou got back home? How?I have been a fan of recycling for many years and my trips to Costa Ricahave made me more adamant about recycling, buying local produce andbeing more vocal about supporting sustainable practices.Is there anything else you’d like to add?Go to Costa Rica, a country truly and naturally rich.Dannielle HayesTravel Photographerand Writer212 473-7826604 737-4861dhayesfoto@earthlink.net

location!location!location!Manuel AntonioManuel Antonio, with its 1700 acres of land mass and135,906 acres of marine reserve, is the smallest of the20 national parks that Costa Rica has put aside for totalprotection. Even so, it is the country’s second most visitedconservation area, after the Poas Volcano.Surrounded by lush, very wet tropical forest, the park’strails offer sightings of white-faced monkeys, sloths,coatis, raccoons, iguanas and many bird species, aswell as the Costa Rican squirrel monkey, which is mostabundantly found in Costa Rica.We invite you and your clients to come enjoy a closerelationship with nature, adventure, sports and recreationby visiting Manuel Antonio!unique experiencesOCTOBER 2010Pejibaye Fair (Heart of Palm Fruit Fair) -October 22 to November 1 (Weekends)Aside from having a magnificent tourism offering andintense biodiversity, Costa Rica also has a rich culturethat is strongly reflected in its gastronomy. One of itsmain staples, the heart of palm, is one of those. You cansee the best of it all during Costa Rica’s Peach PalmFruit Fair that will take place in the city of Tucurriquelocated in the province of Cartago next October 22to November 1. The fair features the famous heart ofpalm recipe contest, food sale, bull runs, concerts andtypical dances. The fair’s purpose is to rescue cookingrecipes and to promote the fruit’s consumption.NOVEMBER 2010Oxcart Fair and Parade - November 27 to 28Manuel Antonio offers breathtaking fusion of scenic mountainand beach beauty and an active lifestyle.TravelgreentipsThose looking to bring a few interesting souvenirs upontheir return from Costa Rica, should look into purchasingsustainable souvenirs that are mindful of the productsthat they use and the inclusion of their surroundingcommunity. Assure that each souvenir purchased says“Made in Costa Rica”. Not only will you purchase abeautifully hand-made piece, but you will also feel goodabout purchasing from a sustainable organization, inturn helping the local economy.DID YOU KNOW?Did you know that 17 different airlines travel to CostaRica from the U.S. and Canada?Costa Rica’s proximity to major hubs in the UnitedStates and the multitude of flight options makes it easyfor travelers to vacation there. It is a two and half hourflight from Miami, a five-hour flight from New York, afour-hour flight from Dallas and a six-hour flight fromLos Angeles.Oxcart drivers’ (boyeros) from all over the countrygather in La Sabana Park in San Jose and begin aparade towards downtown San Jose. Oxcart driversexhibit their most colorful carts in the parade; last yearmore than 300 participants attended the famous event.Boyero in San JoseNational Rural Community Tourism Fair -November 19 to 21This year’s National Rural Community Tourism fairwill be taking place in the National Center of Arts andTechnology located in Antigua Aduana. The weekendlongfair is full of great rates on packages for new andadventurous vacations spots in rural areas around thecountry.4 of 6

very important partnersIl Viaggio TravelEscazu, San Jose, Costa Ricawww.ilviaggiocr.comContact: Emilio Zuñiga CubilloGeneral ManagerTel/fax: (506) 2289-8225 / (506)2228-1004Year Established:2005Why did you decide toimplement sustainable practicesfor your business?We wanted to prove that evensmall-sized companies can makea big difference. Our country ischanging and developing in a veryfast way and it is very necessaryto balance this development.Getting the Certification forSustainable Tourism (CST)offered by the Costa Rica TouristBoard is very difficult; however,implementing environmentallyfriendly practices is very easy.You should try it out!Of all the changes that havebeen made, which ones doyou think have had the mostimpact?Teaching our staff, suppliers andfamily how important this is sothey can implement it in theircompanies and homes. In ouroffice for example, drivers, tourguides and even families bringstheir recyclable waste so it can beprocessed with ours.Presently, there is a great pushon behalf of the ICT to makeCosta Rica a carbon neutralcountry by the year 2021. Inyour opinion, which sector ofthe industry needs the most helpin order to achieve that goal?We think hotels and thetransportation sector need todo a little more to achieve thisgoal. However, we do recognizethat tour operators, such as us,should be the ones supervisingand making sure all sectors arecommitted to the cause.In what way have sustainablebusiness practices impacted thecommunity?In every community of ourcountry there is at least onetourist company implementingsustainable practices. Each one ofthese sustainable projects givesjobs that benefit many differentfamilies. If you pay close attentionto this model, you will notice thatthe effect is exponential. It’s notonly beneficial to our planet, it isalso a way of living and servesas an economic support systemto individual workers and theirfamilies.What differences havethe initiatives made in thecommunity or in your businessin terms of the economy orexpenses?There is a significant savingsin some aspects, but there is asignificant investment too. In ourspecific case, I would say we havebroken even; however, the impactof our actions and initiatives havea much more important goalthan just being economicallyprofitable. So basically, this isa win-win situation from everypossible angle.What future sustainableprojects have been plannedfor your business and in yourcommunity?Education is what keeps peoplefrom ignorance. If you teach themthe importance of implementingsustainable practices in theirdaily lives, this will make a hugeimpact over time. Unfortunately,seminars about sustainablepractices usually cost more thanmost people can afford. So ournext short term project will beto provide FREE seminars tochildren from our local schools,their families and teachers on howthey can become one with theenvironment -- starting in theirhomes.For questions or comments aboutthe Costa Rica Pura Vida TravelNewsletter please contact:visitcostaricapress@bm.comor call 1-866-267-8274305-347-4396 76 of 86

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