oa 74 part 01 pilon layout - Ontario Archaeological Society

oa 74 part 01 pilon layout - Ontario Archaeological Society oa 74 part 01 pilon layout - Ontario Archaeological Society

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4 Ontario Archaeology No. 74, 2002A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay LowlandsJean-Luc PilonThe 1,100 year old Ouissinaougouk cache, located in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, consists of 343 objects, mostof which (88) are expedient tools (scrapers, notches, gravers, pièces esquillées, retouched flakes) or flake blanks(249). They appear to have been left in a birch-bark container and either set aside for future use and notretrieved, lost in a spring flood or simply left behind when camp was moved. Blood residues show that someof the artifacts had been used to process a wide range of animals, including ungulates, bear, canids, hare andsome kind of rodent (muskrat or beaver?), animals consistent with a cold season occupation. Transport scars(highly polished facets) indicate that the assemblage of items was carried over a considerable distance. Thecache represents the anticipated requirement for lithic implements during the coming cold season when accessto stone is severely curtailed by snow cover.Résumé à la fin de l’article.The Ouissinaougouk site (GfJi-2) is located in thesouthern portion of the Severn River drainage thatis found within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, lessthan 50 kilometres from the edge of the CanadianShield (Ouissinaougouk means the place at themouth of the Ouissinaou Sebe or BeaverstoneRiver in Cree) (Figure 1). Archaeological investigationswere undertaken on the north side of themouth of the Ouissinaou Sebe in 1983 (Pilon1987:163-178) (Figure 2). At that time, two siteswere identified there: GfJi-1, an Archaic site locatedon a now bypassed channel of the OuissinaouSebe, and GfJi-2, a multi-component site whichincluded Initial Woodland Laurel and TerminalWoodland Blackduck ceramics along with laterhistoric period artifacts. Three small excavationareas were expanded around initial positive testunits placed along a ten-metre stretch of the erodingbluff edge (Figure 3).Stratigraphically distinct occupations were associatedwith buried palaeosols as well as with themodern forest duff layer. Overbank deposition wasthe prime agent responsible for separating occupationaldebris from different time periods, as canclearly be seen in the Figure 4 profile.In the eastern area (units C-63 and C-64) excavatedat the Ouissinaougouk site, a remarkable collectionof objects was found that formed a very compactand dense concentration. This feature can bedescribed as a cache. Additional analyses have sincebeen conducted on the artifacts comprising thiscache. The results provide a unique insight into lifein the Hudson Bay Lowlands more than 1,100 yearsago.Caches and Tool KitsThe term “cache” has been used to describe a widerange of features and even behaviours that havearchaeological correlates (see Hiscock 1989 for alively debate about the definition of a cache).Caches occur in the archaeological literature frommost, if not all, regions of the world.Why were certain artifacts deposited andnever recovered? They could have beenconcealed until their positions were lost,but they might also have been intended asofferings, in which case it would be theirdefining characteristic that they were nevermeant to be retrieved. Deposits of thiskind have a very wide distribution and areas common in the New World as they arein the Old. But the same dualities permeatetheir investigation. Stores of artifactsthat were intended for recovery aredescribed as “caches” in American archaeology,just as offerings are sometimes characterizedas treasures (Bradley 1996:306).Specific attention can be focused on the featureor on its contents. Pits, variously interpreted

4 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay LowlandsJean-Luc PilonThe 1,100 year old Ouissinaougouk cache, located in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, consists of 343 objects, mostof which (88) are expedient tools (scrapers, notches, gravers, pièces esquillées, retouched flakes) or flake blanks(249). They appear to have been left in a birch-bark container and either set aside for future use and notretrieved, lost in a spring flood or simply left behind when camp was moved. Blood residues show that someof the artifacts had been used to process a wide range of animals, including ungulates, bear, canids, hare andsome kind of rodent (muskrat or beaver?), animals consistent with a cold season occupation. Transport scars(highly polished facets) indicate that the assemblage of items was carried over a considerable distance. Thecache represents the anticipated requirement for lithic implements during the coming cold season when accessto stone is severely curtailed by snow cover.Résumé à la fin de l’article.The Ouissinaougouk site (GfJi-2) is located in thesouthern portion of the Severn River drainage thatis found within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, lessthan 50 kilometres from the edge of the CanadianShield (Ouissinaougouk means the place at themouth of the Ouissinaou Sebe or BeaverstoneRiver in Cree) (Figure 1). <strong>Archaeological</strong> investigationswere undertaken on the north side of themouth of the Ouissinaou Sebe in 1983 (Pilon1987:163-178) (Figure 2). At that time, two siteswere identified there: GfJi-1, an Archaic site locatedon a now bypassed channel of the OuissinaouSebe, and GfJi-2, a multi-component site whichincluded Initial Woodland Laurel and TerminalWoodland Blackduck ceramics along with laterhistoric period artifacts. Three small excavationareas were expanded around initial positive testunits placed along a ten-metre stretch of the erodingbluff edge (Figure 3).Stratigraphically distinct occupations were associatedwith buried palaeosols as well as with themodern forest duff layer. Overbank deposition wasthe prime agent responsible for separating occupationaldebris from different time periods, as canclearly be seen in the Figure 4 profile.In the eastern area (units C-63 and C-64) excavatedat the Ouissinaougouk site, a remarkable collectionof objects was found that formed a very compactand dense concentration. This feature can bedescribed as a cache. Additional analyses have sincebeen conducted on the artifacts comprising thiscache. The results provide a unique insight into lifein the Hudson Bay Lowlands more than 1,100 yearsago.Caches and Tool KitsThe term “cache” has been used to describe a widerange of features and even behaviours that havearchaeological correlates (see Hiscock 1989 for alively debate about the definition of a cache).Caches occur in the archaeological literature frommost, if not all, regions of the world.Why were certain artifacts deposited andnever recovered? They could have beenconcealed until their positions were lost,but they might also have been intended asofferings, in which case it would be theirdefining characteristic that they were nevermeant to be retrieved. Deposits of thiskind have a very wide distribution and areas common in the New World as they arein the Old. But the same dualities permeatetheir investigation. Stores of artifactsthat were intended for recovery aredescribed as “caches” in American archaeology,just as offerings are sometimes characterizedas treasures (Bradley 1996:306).Specific attention can be focused on the featureor on its contents. Pits, variously interpreted

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 5Figure 1. Hudson Bay andsurrounding territory; the mapincludes the approximate limitsof the Hudson BayLowlands (hatched area) andthe confluence (marked by asquare) of the Sachigo Riverand Ouissinaou Sebe to thesouthwest of Fort Severn.Figure 3. Excavation units at the Ouissinaougouk site.Figure 2. Locations of GfJi-1 on a bypassed river channel(dashed lines) and the Ouissinaougouk (GfJi-2) site at themouth of the Ouissinaou Sebe.as having storage or refuse disposal functions, forexample, are common features on pre-contact,agricultural sites in southern <strong>Ontario</strong> (Ellis andFerris 1990) and often occur within dwellingstructures. Superficially similar features also occurover a much wider area, unrelated to agriculturalpeoples (see a summary by Loring 1989 fornortheastern North America). They are usuallydepressions or holes in which goods were stored,goods which might have included food, implementsor raw materials.Ethnographically and, in the Arctic at least,archaeologically, caches can be quite imposingsurface features, often constructed with stones,designed to keep animals away from the itemsbeing stored (see B<strong>oa</strong>s 1964 for examples). In theWestern Subarctic, caches could also be elevatedabove ground level with access to the storage

6 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002Figure 4. Stratigraphic profile of the units containing the Ouissinaougouk cache. The cache was lying approximately 50 cm in frontof this profile, within a humus layer.structure via a ladder of some kind (see Osgood1936 for examples). The most important characteristicis the intentional setting aside of goodsfor later use.A cache that has not been emptied is a frozenmoment in time, telling us about a person or agroup of people interested in the contents of thecache, some future intentions of those individuals,and aspects of the times in which they were living.In fact, caches evoke the notion of storage,of secreting something away for future usage.The items contained in a cache can inform usabout the technologies employed to produce theitems carefully put aside for later consumption.The articles placed in a cache can also tell usabout anticipated needs and preparations madeto meet these expected requirements.The notion of a “tool kit” is also a basic one topre-contact archaeology. It is usually thought ofas the full inventory of implements available t<strong>oa</strong>n individual or to a group at a given time, tocarry out a <strong>part</strong>icular task or activity (Binford1983:147). It is most certainly linked to somekind of underlying notion of self-sufficiencywhere it is assumed that people could readilymeet all their material needs themselves. Theidea may also reflect a kind of ideal world that weare attempting to reconstruct, where archaeologistslist the full range of implements required ata given time and by a given group to meet dailyrequirements. However, it is also clear that suchideals are most often fabrications of conveniencefor the archaeologists and opportunities to studytool kits are in fact quite rare given the complexnature of site formation processes and depositionalhistories. Most often archaeological specimensare considered <strong>part</strong> of the same assemblageif they are from the same soil layer and withinrelative proximity to each other. Absolute contemporaneityis not always to be inferred if soildevelopment precludes obvious stratigraphic separation,as can be the case in various depositionalsituations. However, when certain <strong>part</strong>icularlydiagnostic tool types occur over wide areas, theassociated elements of the respective assemblagesare assumed to relate to each other. Such inferredrelationships, sometimes demonstrated by way ofcomplex statistical manipulation (see Whallon1973 for example), are often the sole basis fordiscussions of tool kits.It is generally understood that a multitude offactors condition the make-up of an archaeologicalassemblage. Factors such as the time of yearmight determine, for instance, the prevalence of

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 7finished tools versus blanks and performs.Seasonality is also a factor that can influence theinventory of implements being used. It mayresult in the presence of implements associatedwith task or gender-specific kinds of activities.One has only to think of the fall caribouhunt=skin preparation=scrapers=women scenario.Many of these interpretations are based oncircumstantial evidence and inference, on generalassociations that cannot be easily demonstrated.Ouissinaougouk Site SeasonalityIn the past, historians and archaeologists thoughtthat if people did in fact use the Lowlands priorto the arrival of European traders on the shores ofHudson Bay, this presence was restricted to thewarm season (Bishop 1972; Dawson 1983). Atthis time of the year, it was thought that migratingwaterfowl would have provided the requiredfood resources. However, with the de<strong>part</strong>ure ofthe myriad of ducks and geese, human groupswere also believed to have retreated south to theShield where, although far from being abundant,resources could be found. A corollary to thisproposition is that the Lowlands were a dangerouslyimpoverished area during the wintermonths.This scenario has since been shown to beflawed, primarily in its fundamental underestimationof the ecological potential of the HudsonBay Lowlands (Julig 1982, 1988; Lytwyn 1993,1994, 2002; Lister 1988; Pilon 1987, 1988).While the spectacular migrations of waterfowlthrough the Lowlands represent an undeniablemanna in both the spring and the fall, otherimportant resources also collectively present considerablepotential value. These include a numberof fish species, moose, small and mediumsizedgame including muskrat and beaver, andespecially caribou. We should also add sea mammals(beluga, seals and in certain areas, walrus) tothe list since they are present in significant quantitiesin the immediate C<strong>oa</strong>stal Zone. However,it has not yet been demonstrated that these maritimeresources were ever exploited in pre-contacttimes.This more complete assessment of the region’secological potential served as the basis for theresearch that led to the discovery of theOuissinaougouk site, among others (Pilon 1984,1987). This work showed that people did in factremain within the Lowlands on a year-long basis,exploiting a wide range of resources, which, however,appeared centred on one focal resource,woodland caribou. This adaptive pattern hasbeen shown to be several thousand years old andmore recent discoveries in the Big Trout Lakearea to the south suggest that it may have begunas early as 7,000 years ago (Hamilton 2004).There was a marked dichotomy between thefaunal assemblages of those sites located withinthe C<strong>oa</strong>stal Zone (roughly defined as the regionbetween the shores of Hudson Bay andWhiteseal Falls, the last rapids on the SevernRiver, some 35-40 km upstream from the mouthof the river) and those found within the InlandZone (in this <strong>part</strong>icular case at the confluence ofthe Ouissinaou and Sachigo Rivers). While thewarm weather occupation of the C<strong>oa</strong>stal Zone isattested to by the br<strong>oa</strong>d spectrum of animalresources utilized (including migrating waterfowl)and a number of key seasonal indicators,such as medullary tissue in bird longbones(indicative of the death of a female during thespringtime), a cold weather occupation is indicatedin the Inland Zone by the heavy relianceupon caribou. This interpretation is strengthenedby ethnographic accounts of the locationsof wintering caribou, biological data regardingthe seasonal movements of caribou, the presenceof caribou antler in winter condition in faunalassemblages from inland sites, and the totalabsence of waterfowl from the inventories ofthese same sites. The seasonal interpretation ofthe Inland Zone sites is important in that itallows us to anticipate some of the forecastedneeds of the person who left the Ouissinaougoukcache behind.Archaeologists are often quite well aware of thefood, fuel, and housing requirements of humans,but lithics are often treated as a constant, thekind of material readily available from the immediateenvironment or through trade. While theremay be consideration given to raw material types

8 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002and the trade networks involved in obtainingvarious exotic stones, rarely is it acknowledgedthat, especially in northern latitudes, access tolithic raw materials is restricted to but a fewmonths of the year. Supplies of suitable lithicresources must therefore be carefully set aside forthose long months during which ice and snowmake their collecting virtually impossible. In thiscontext then, it is highly informative to review thecontents of the cache and some of the features ofthe objects making up this unique snapshot.The Ouissinaougouk CacheThe tools, tool blanks, flakes and lithic detritus thatcomprise the Ouissinaougouk cache (Table 1)formed a compact mound lying immediately ontop of a palm-sized piece of birch-bark (althoughthere were a few specimens beneath this bark),within a slight depression (see the middle image ofFigure 5). This group of objects was recovered fromwithin a dark, organic layer measuring 2 to 3 cm inthickness, lying approximately 20-30 cm below thecurrent surface, under a succession of alternatinghumus and overbank sand/silt deposits (Figures 4and 5). Nearby, in this same test unit, some calcinedbone fragments, scattered pieces of charc<strong>oa</strong>l andfire-cracked rocks were found within the samestratigraphic level as the cache and suggested proximityto a hearth feature. Within the area of thecache, the humic matrix appeared darker andTable 1. Ouissinaougouk artifacts.Artifact TypeFrequencyProjectile Points 1Bifaces 3Pièces esquillées 1 4Gravers/perforators 4Core Remnants 2Scrapers 2 62Notches 3 5Retouched/Used flakes 13Flakes 249Total 3431 does not include one made on a scraper2 includes one also used as a pièce esquillée and another thathas a notch3 does not include a scraper with a notch“greasier” than the surrounding humus of this level.As luck would have it, the cluster of stone toolsand debitage was neatly bisected by the wall of theinitial 50 cm x 50 cm test unit, which was laterexpanded in order to fully encompass the cache.I interpret the association of the cluster of lithicspecimens with the birch-bark fragment to indicatethat the 343 pieces of stone had originally been ina birch-bark container (possibly propped upagainst a long stone slab measuring approximately30 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm), which had subsequentlyand slowly collapsed, and eventually been coveredover with silt from floodwaters of the Ouissinaouand Sachigo Rivers. This collection thus representsa single moment in time, a very intentional gatheringof stone tools.The stratigraphic context of the Ouissinaougoukcache, as well as the overwhelming nature of thephysical association of its elements, leave no doubtthat these were objects intended to be kept togetherby their former owner and available for his orher use. As such, we are afforded the unique opportunityof examining and describing associationsbetween different artifact categories and a seasonal,activity-specific site.In attempting to assess the significance of varioustypes or classes of tools, the relative proportionsmust somehow be comparable. This task ismade very difficult when site collections are comprisedof whole, near-complete and fragmentaryimplements. Creative methods have been proposedto rectify and properly account for the presence ofincomplete and fragmentary implements (Shott2000). In the example presented here, such manipulationis not necessary as all of the tools are whole.Ouissinaougouk Cache ContentsProjectile Point (Figure 6a)Only one projectile point was found among the343 items comprising the cache. This point wascarefully thinned and retouched bifacially,although it is proportionately thick. Overall, thepoint’s shape is an isosceles triangle with a slightlyconvex base, low side-notches and straight to verylightly convex blade edges. The tip is somewhatrounded as a result of possible resharpening on oneside. The maximum dimensions are 4.8 cm x 2.6

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 9Figure 5. Composite of three views of the Ouissinaougouk cache during excavation (CD97-211:68,<strong>74</strong>,76). Visible in the middleimage is the thick, blanketing layer of sand overlying the dark, humic deposits in which the cache lay.cm x 10 mm.Morphologically this specimen resembles noother found to date in the Hudson Bay Lowlands,but then again, projectile points are not common.Similarly, the point does not fit within any knownlate prehistoric projectile point descriptions for theSubarctic. The general size and hafting characteristicsargue for an earlier dating, possibly in very LateArchaic or Initial Woodland times. The quality ofthe chipping is high and hints at the latter timeperiod rather than the former. Finally, a radiocarbondate of 1,120±50 years B.P. (Beta-77802) wasobtained for the birch-bark fragment which laydirectly under the cache. Nearby, a radiocarbondate obtained on charc<strong>oa</strong>l from a stratigraphiclayer slightly higher than the one which contained

10 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002Figure 6. Bifaces: GfJi-2:165(a); GfJi-2:166 (b); GfJi-2:167(c); GfJi-2:127 (d).the cache, yielded a date of 870±100 B.P. (Beta-7926). Laurel ceramic sherds were associated withthat sample. Thus, radiometric determinationscorroborate a late Initial Woodland dating for thecache (the Woodland period in northern <strong>Ontario</strong>is usually divided into Initial, Terminal andAceramic; see Pilon 1998).Bifaces (Figure 6b-d, Table 2)Three artifacts in this cache are termed bifaces.The items included in this br<strong>oa</strong>d category sharea number of attributes, foremost among thembeing the fact that they lack standardized shapes.Rather, all three exhibit clear evidence of c<strong>oa</strong>rseoverall bifacial reduction of the blanks and morecareful finishing of at least one edge. In fact, thecontrast between the finished edges and theunfinished edges is quite remarkable. In twoTable 2. Metrics of the Ouissinaougouk cache bifaces.Artifact Length Width Thickness(cm) (cm) (mm)GfJi-2:127 5.8 4.3 11GfJi-2:166 3.6 5.5 8GfJi-2:167 5.2 5.2 11instances (Figure 6b, c), unfinished edges arethick and actually present flat surfaces perpendicularto the facial plane of the implements. Effortsto thin these edges are attested to by multiple hingefractures emanating from these platforms. On theother hand, the longest edges on these tools exhibitfine, bifacial retouch. The third specimen (Figure6d) shows greater success in bifacially shaping ofthe piece, yet small remnants of the cortical surfaceof the original core are visible at either extremity. Itwould thus appear that these bifaces represent the

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 11bifacial production of expedient tools. There wasno apparent attempt to produce specificallyshapedtools. The most important considerationwas the creation of a thin, convex, bifaciallyretouched working edge.Pièces Esquillées (Figure 7)The Ouissinaougouk cache includes at least 5 artifactswhich share characteristics of items usuallyreferred to as wedges or pièces esquillées. All fivehave opposing edges which exhibit bifacial edgeretouch or crushing, or both. These edges are relativelyshort and quite straight but they may curvewhen viewed edge-on. The worked edges are parallelto each other, except for one of the specimenswhere they are slightly askew. The actual functionof these items is not known (Mazière 1984). Someauthors distinguish between pièces esquillées andbipolar cores. In the cases presented here, the possibilitythat they are cores seems precluded by thefact that no usable flakes were removed from thecrushed edges with the exception of very shortflakes that only modified the immediate edge characteristics.Three of the five specimens show considerableremnants of cobble cortex. One also has ascraper edge between the parallel pièces esquilléesedges (Figure 7d). It is impossible to determine ifone or the other function preceded the other or ifboth uses occurred simultaneously. However, fortabulation purposes, this specimen is included inthe scraper category.Ultimately the function of these implementsresides in the oral tradition of archaeologists ratherthan in a more objective realm. The proposedfunctions include the grooving and splitting ofbone, antler and perhaps wood, much in the sameway burins are thought to have been used. Thecharacteristic opposing retouched and/or crushededges would appear to be coincidental to use ratherthan the result of production.Gravers/Perforators (Figure 8a-c, Table 3)Four artifacts were identified as gravers or perforators.All are made from flake blanks. In twoFigure 7. Pièces esquillées:GfJi-2:161 (a); GfJi-2:159,160 (b), note these are two conjoinedpieces, exhibiting use andretouch as pièces esquilléesindividually and when originallyjoined; GfJi-2:115 (c);GfJi-2:153 (d), note the lefthand margin of this specimen issteeply retouched as a scrapingedge.

12 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002Figure 8. Gravers (a-c) and notches (d-f): GfJi-2:187 (a); GfJi-2:197 (b); GfJi-2:205 (c ); GfJi-2:2<strong>01</strong>h (d); GfJi-2:193 (e); GfJi-2:202a (f).instances (Figure 8b and GfJi-2:203m [not illustrated]),converging edges were retouched to formTable 3. Metrics of the Ouissinaougouk cachegravers/perforators.Artifact Length Width Thickness(cm) (cm) (mm)GfJi-2:187 3.3 2.7 4GfJi-2:197 2.7 2.0 4GfJi-2:203m 3.0 3.6 9GfJi-2:205 3.3 2.2 4short, thickened projections. This retouch is marginaland occurs as alternate flaking; that is, portionsof one edge (but not the entire edge) are unifaciallyflaked, then the second edge is unifaciallyflaked from the opposite face. In another instance,GfJi-2:205 (Figure 8c), two separate sets of convergingedges were similarly marginally modified s<strong>oa</strong>s to produce projections that appear to have beenwell used. The last implement (Figure 8a) in thisgroup exhibits two converging edges formed bysnapping away sections of the flake edges. The

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 13heavily used projection thus formed has the outwardappearance of an angle burin, however burinblows were definitely not involved in its production.This piece also exhibits a secondary projectionshowing use and minimal unifacial shaping.Notches (Figure 8d-f)Five items have been tentatively described asnotches. All are manufactured on flakes andcould initially be lumped together with theretouched/used flakes since their modification islimited to portions of their lateral margins.However, they all consist of intentionally flaked,steep-angled, unifacial concavities. These notchescould be interpreted as useful in attaching orsecuring the implements to hafts, but there isusually no other worked edge.One notable specimen is a large scraper with justsuch a concavity placed on a lateral margin (fortabulation purposes, this specimen is includedunder the scraper category) adjoining the scrapingface (GfJi-2:105). Two other cases exhibit minorretouch or use-wear along other portions of theirmargins (Figure 8d,e). One artifact was made onthe distal end of a medium sized flake that terminatedin a hinge fracture. It consists of two unifaciallyflaked concavities or notches separated by theextremity of the narrow hinge fracture.It would appear that these notches were not typicallycombined with other types of working edgesand thus they likely were used in separate functions,rather than combined in a more complexprocess. One final observation relates to the widthof the notches. If these were used to scrape andotherwise smooth shafts, in the way that spokeshaveswere employed, for example, they would beof relatively small diameters, on the order of lessthan one cm. Some are in fact on the order of threeto four mm. The smaller examples might havebeen used to process cordage, bark or sinew.CoresSeveral pieces in the cache attest to core platformareas and core rotation. These cores are all madefrom river cobbles of Hudson Bay Lowlandchert, as attested by a high incidence of cortex onmany of the flakes. Two items were retained ascore remnants. In reality, others could fit intothis category but they may just as easily bedescribed as chipping detritus.Retouched/Used FlakesA total of 13 flakes was determined to have marginalretouch or signs of use-wear (as determinedwith a 10x hand lens) that appeared to be morethan incidental edge damage that could havebeen caused by the conditions surrounding theirmanufacture and transport. Rather, they appearto represent the remains of either systematic edgemodification or scars from intentional use. Smallnicks and chips were quite common throughoutthe flake collection. Much of this damage doesnot seem to be the result of casual use.The flakes that did exhibit clear and extensiveretouch or use-wear are generally large. Three ofthese flakes bore, in addition to the edge retouch oruse wear, deliberately produced notches, probablyused to smooth shafts or items being made fromorganic materials (see Notches above). The averagedimensions of this category of expedient tool are:3.4 cm x 2.3 cm x 5.6 mm. In terms of the sizeclasses established for the debitage, the mean valuewould be in the second largest flake size class.Scrapers (Figure 9)As might be expected with such a large collectionof scrapers, there is a considerable amount ofvariation in terms of both size and shape. It isvery tempting to group the implements intomutually exclusive categories. Indeed, I didexactly that in describing the scrapers in a previousanalysis (Pilon 1987). However, upon reflectionand more careful study of the collection, itbecomes apparent there is a gradation of blankshapes that were apparently sought by thecraftsperson. These include square and rectangularspecimens (29). However, the sides of some of thescrapers are not parallel, but contracting orexpanding (30) to various degrees and are generallytermed triangular by many authors. Still otherexamples (3) are more irregular in shape and couldbe described as circular. The mean dimensions ofall the scrapers in this cache are 3.0 cm x 2.7 cm x7 mm. These figures include, however, the large,clearly shaped triangular specimen (Figure 9a).When it is excluded from consideration, the mean

14 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002Figure 9. A selection of scrapers:GfJi-2:106 (a); GfJi-2:154 (b), the end retouch isrelatively sharp and thisimplement may have beenused with a planning motion;GfJi-2:169 (c); GfJi-2:158(d), a side-scraper which mayhave functioned as a knife;GfJi-2:179 (e); GfJi-2:116(f); GfJi-2:175 (g); GfJi-2:150 (h); GfJi-2:171 (i);GfJi-2:109 (j); GfJi-2:117(k); GfJi-2:156 (l); GfJi-2:157 (m); GfJi-2:152 (n).dimensions are 2.9 cm x 2. 7 cm x 7 mm. It wouldthus appear that, overall, the scrapers are only marginallylonger than they are wide. They are consistentlythin, under one cm in maximum thickness.In most cases, retouching of the flake blanks wasrestricted to producing a single scraping face.However, 16 scrapers exhibit additional retouch onsecondary edges which may result from efforts tomodify the shape of the blanks. This retouch mayalso represent the creation of additional scrapingfaces. The measured angles of the scraping facesrange from 45 to 80 degrees with a mean of 61degrees.At least two of the scrapers present additionalworked edges which can be interpreted as relatingto different functions. In one instance, a wide,unifacially produced concavity characterizes oneof the lateral edges of the triangular scraper(GfJi-2:105). Presumably, this notch was used inscraping wood or bone shafts. In another specimen(Figure 7d), more-or-less parallel opposinglateral edges exhibit bifacial edge crushing andmicro-retouch consistent with implements usuallytermed pièces esquillées (see above) and that arepresumed to have served as tools used in slottingand splitting wood, antler, and bone.Debitage (Figures 10, 11, Table 4)A large proportion of the cache is comprised ofotherwise unaltered and unused flakes (n=249).

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 15Figure 10. Proportions of debitagecategories per size class (see Table 4for size class definitions).Figure 11. Distribution of flakefrequency across debitage sizeclasses (see Table 4 for class definitions).Table 4. Ouissinaougouk cache debitage summary.Size Class Frequency Percent Frequency byDebitage CategoryA (up to 1 cm x 1 cm) 87 35.0 (fl-1, flf-8, sh-78)B (up to 2 cm x 2 cm) 42 16.9 (fl-8, flf-17, sh-17)C (up to 3 cm x 3 cm) 69 27.7 (fl-44, flf-22, sh-3)D (greater than 3 cm x 3 cm) 51 20.5 (fl-37, flf-12, sh-2)fl=flake ffl=flake fragment sh=shatterOf these, 87 or 35 percent measure less than 1 cm 2These include a small flake (1), flake fragments(8) and pieces of shatter (78). They may havebeen inadvertently gathered up with the largerpieces and placed in the same bark container.Similarly, some of the larger flakes may have simplybeen broken at some time while in the containerand never withdrawn. Lastly, it is alwayspossible that even such small pieces could servesome useful purpose that has yet to be identified.The remaining specimens (162 or 65 percent)are of a size that could provide suitable blanks forlater tool production, regardless of whether theyare complete flakes, flake fragments or pieces ofshatter. The debitage found in this cache consistsmostly of large flakes or flake fragments while thesmaller pieces are mostly pieces of shatter.Stone-on-Stone Abrasion or Transport ScarsEvidence of stone-on-stone abrasion or transportscars was found on many of the artifacts, regardlessof whether they were a tool or a piece of debitage.This evidence is in the form of short, heavily polishedareas and arrises that retain similar polishedsegments (Figure 12). The polishing is not restrictedto potential working portions of implements, or topossible hafting sections. The polishing is randomlydistributed on high spots as well as withinflake scars protected by arrises. It seems veryclear that these shiny, polished facets resultedfrom fairly lengthy rubbing between the pieces ofstone, more than likely during transport from thesite of their creation and their final location atthe mouth of the Ouissinaou Sebe (the possibilityof post-excavation trauma can be effectively

16 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002blood residues were present on any of the implements.The presence of hemoglobin was ascertainedon four of the scrapers using a urinalysistest strip. However, as she noted “This is purelya preliminary step which denotes thepresence/absence of blood and cannot be acceptedas definitive” (Newman 1987:328).In 1992 the entire collection of 62 scrapers wasagain analyzed by Margaret Newman, then withthe Laboratory of <strong>Archaeological</strong> Science inCalifornia. She employed cross-over immunoelectrophoresis(CIEP) to identify the animalspecies whose blood protein was present on thescrapers. Her methods and findings are detailedin a 1992 report.While it was expected that more individualscrapers would be shown to have retained identifiableblood residues, it remains that ten did.These represent an interesting range of animalspecies or, more properly, animal families ororders. The antisera that she used were not fromspecies potentially found within the Hudson BayLowlands, but they can nonetheless serve as proxiesfor related species. As a result, residues wereidentified which probably related to caribou ormoose (on four implements), hare (on threeimplements), dog/wolf/fox (on two implements),bear (on one implement) and rodent (on oneimplement). One of the scrapers tested positivelyfor two species (bear and canid).The Cache as a Record of Previous BehaviourFigure 12. Three examples of highly polished facets interpretedas stone-on-stone abrasion: GfJi-2:117 (a); GfJi-2:106 (b);GfJi-2:167 (c).ruled out as each implement was individuallywrapped in tissue paper as they were removedfrom the excavation unit).Blood ResiduesIn 1984, Margaret Newman carried out a preliminaryexamination of the Ouissinaougoukcache scrapers in order to determine whetherThe Ouissinaougouk cache cannot easily berelated to a br<strong>oa</strong>der site context because archaeologicalinvestigations were limited to test pitting.Nonetheless, it informs us about past behaviourand the range of useful lithic objects that at leastone individual or perhaps a family grouprequired more than 1,100 years ago in theHudson Bay Lowlands.Within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, bedrock isan exceedingly rare occurrence. Exceptions arethe hills that rise in the Hawley Lake area southand west of Cape Henrietta Maria where JamesBay and Hudson Bay meet. Elsewhere over mostof the Lowlands, bedrock is buried beneath athick mantle of Tyrrell Sea clays and glacial

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 17deposits (MacDonald 1969). The underlyingPalaeozoic deposits produce low ridges, which,when they intersect with the flow of a majorriver, often produce rapids that slowly and graduallyerode the bedrock sill (Cumming 1969;Norris and Sanford 1969). Nodules of chert arethus exposed and then deposited below theserapids along with other suitable lithic materialswashed out of more recent glacial and post-glacialdeposits (Sanford, Norris and Bostock1968).The frequency of cortex among the debitageincluded in the cache and even on several of thescrapers shows that river cobbles were the primesource of the lithic raw material used by theOuissinaougouk craftsperson. The current interpretationof the archaeological land use pattern,and indeed the historically documented settlementsystem, strongly suggests that the southernreaches of the Lowlands were used during the coldseason when the focal resource was caribou, whichmoved into its winter range in those regions.Consequently, the cache must represent, amongother things, an intentional collection of rawmaterial for use over the period when access toriver cobbles was impossible, as well as an initialtransformation of these cobbles into a flexible andefficiently transported reserve of raw material.The transport scars noted on so many of theitems in the cache, be they implements or flakes,indicate these pieces had indeed travelled together,in direct contact with each other, for a considerableamount of time. The birch-bark fragmentcovered over by the pile of tools and blanks isinterpreted as the remains of the container inwhich they travelled. The lengthy trip suggestedby the polished facets lends some indirect supportto the proposition that the warm season was spentat some distance from the site, likely in the c<strong>oa</strong>stalarea several hundred kilometres to the north.Without having attempted to identify the <strong>part</strong>iculartype(s) of Hudson Bay Lowland chert thatwas used, we cannot suggest any <strong>part</strong>icular sourceregion for the contents of the cache, other than topropose that it was most likely somewhere alongthe Severn River given the abundance of cobblesthat have been noted, especially at rapids. Julig etal. (1992) offer cogent warnings against assumingthat all Hudson Bay Lowland chert was derivedfrom local sources. However, the location anddistance to the original source is only one elementcontributing to the time required to createthe abrasions on the tools and blanks. Another isthe actual route followed in reaching theOuissinaougouk site, which may have been circuitousindeed.The Cache as Expectations for the FutureThe moment frozen by this cache represents anindividual’s or perhaps a family group’s expectationsfor the future. It reveals something of theanticipated needs for lithic raw materials andstone tools over the course of the coming wintermonths (the role of wood, bone and antler implementswas certainly very considerable, but theavailable collection does not allow discussion ofthese material needs). We can discuss some ofthese, in spite of not knowing such important factorsas the number of people who might be drawingon this supply. For instance, it is interesting tonote that projectile points and bifaces in generalcount for very little in this assemblage (4 items outof 343 or barely more than 1 percent; even if weexclude the unmodified debitage, bifaces still onlyaccount for 4 of 92 implements or just over 4 percentof the total number of implements). Thestone tool inventory is overwhelmingly dominatedby unifacial scrapers, only one of whichinvolved careful shaping of the blank. Expediencywas certainly the order of the day. In fact, the flexibilityto create whatever functional working edgewas needed (scrapers, gravers, perforators, notches)with a minimal investment of energy is stronglyindicated by the large number of expedienttools in the cache. Similarly, the large number offlake blanks also suggests that the individual(s)needed to keep a ready supply of items that offeredthe flexibility of creating expedient implements asrequired. Additionally, the low reliance on bifacessuggests that many, if not most, tasks could beundertaken by less refined, expedient tools anddid not require more formalized lithic implements.In other contexts, an emphasis on bifaces versusunifaces and flake tools has been argued to

18 <strong>Ontario</strong> Archaeology No. <strong>74</strong>, 2002reflect greater or lesser degrees of mobility, wherean increased reliance on unifaces and flake tools istaken to indicate more sedentary settlement patterns(e.g., Cowan 1999; Morrow 1996). TheOuissinaougouk cache would appear to counterthis argument since it was left by highly mobilehunter-gatherers. This cache may thus serve as acautionary note in this regard, in that other culturalpreferences may also have been importantconsiderations in the ways that technologicalstrategies were set up, along with optimization ofavailable working edge and the physical propertiesof the implements themselves.Final ConsiderationsOne purpose of this presentation was to examinethe Ouissinaougouk cache in order to create aclearer picture of life at the mouth of theOuissinaou Sebe 1,100 years ago. Prior to thesenew analyses, ethnographic information concerningformer land use patterns, as well as theanalysis of faunal collections from archaeologicalsites that have been found within the InlandZone, had suggested that these occupations relatedto the cold season or that time of year whenthe variety of faunal resources was significantlyreduced and access to lithic raw materialsmarkedly curtailed.The blood residue analysis that was undertakenof the scrapers in the cache supports this interpretationof seasonality in that fish and avianspecies are absent from the admittedly short list ofidentified blood proteins.Additionally, transport scars suggest that thiscollection of implements and blanks had in factbeen gathered and transported for quite sometime. This might be taken as support for a coldseason occupation, when reserves of suitable stonemust be carefully curated and access to newsources is greatly reduced if not totally eliminated.The types of items found within the cachereflect the perceived future needs of the individual(s)planning to make use of its contents over acoming winter. Bifaces and bifacial implementsare not prominent. Rather, unifacial tools (scrapers,pièces esquillées, notches, gravers/perforatorsand used/retouched flakes) and blanks suitablefor quick transformation into similar kinds ofexpedient tools appear to be the most importantelement of the cache and, therefore, foremost inthe mind of the owner(s).Allusion was made in the opening of this articleto the concept of “cache” as well as to the br<strong>oa</strong>dlyused analytical device known as the “tool kit.”Some thoughts about the intentions behind thecreation of this cache are presented below, but first,some attention must be paid to the second idea.Without the benefit of careful excavations inareas adjacent to the cache, we cannot honestlyspeculate about what other stone implements (letalone artifacts made of perishable raw materials)were used by the individual or group that leftbehind this collection of stone tools and blanks.As an artificial listing of all things possible andavailable to an individual or to a group, does theOuissinaougouk cache represent the full range ofpossibilities? I would speculate that it likely doesnot. Items in daily use at the moment of thepreparation of the cache were clearly intendedfor later use. The tools taken away from the sitemay have included implements prepared for usein contexts different from those anticipated bythe cache and fulfilling markedly different functionsgiven seasonal variations in activities andresource exploitation techniques.At the same time, the Ouissinaougouk cache ismost eloquent about the flexibility of stone tooltechnology at this time. While there are severalimplements in the collection, there are by farmore blanks suitable for eventual transformationinto whatever tool might be required at a givenmoment in time.In this sense, the Ouissinaougouk cache standsin marked contrast to some biface caches whichare much more highly specialized with regards tothe kinds of blanks and therefore the kinds ofeventual tools that might be produced fromthem. One has only to think of Meadowoodcaches whose blades can certainly be transformedinto points or knives, but not much more.Other biface caches (e.g., Ellis and Deller 2002)have been interpreted as invoking ceremonial orritual activities, and still others reflect technologicalor material preparedness. They suggest that thecraftsperson(s) wished to maintain flexibility as

Pilon A Stone Tool Cache from the Hudson Bay Lowlands 19regards future needs and the bifaces are generalizedand lend themselves to transformation int<strong>oa</strong> wide array of implements.Earlier it was suggested that there are a varietyof reasons for the creation of a cache and its eventualdiscovery by archaeologists. While the variousanalyses and observations reported here doenlighten us about the history of this <strong>part</strong>icularcollection of stone tools and blanks, they remainsilent about the circumstances leading to theapparent abandonment of the collection.Was this stockpile of implements and blanksleft in the corner of a winter lodge that was notreturned to because of an accident while awayfrom the camp? Did the owner(s) intend toreturn but circumstances changed and theopportunity to return just never presented itself?Was the campsite caught in an unexpected springflood, burying the birch-bark container and itsprecious contents, as might be indicated by thelayer of sand and silt above the cache (Figure 5:middle image)? Might these objects have beenleft in anticipation of someone else passingthrough and needing a quick supply of stonetools? Answers to these questions are clearlybeyond the scope of archaeology but remain anintriguing source of rich speculation to drive furtherinvestigations.Acknowledgements. I express my sincere appreciationto my colleague, David Keenlyside, forhis critical reading of an earlier draft of this article.While the fieldwork that resulted in the discoveryof this unique collection of stone toolswas carried out more than 20 years ago and generouslysupported by <strong>Ontario</strong> HeritageFoundation funding and the Arctic WorkingGroup of the University of Toronto, several additionalpieces to this story were acquired morerecently, namely the blood residue analysis andthe radiocarbon dating of the birch-bark containerfragment. I am thus indebted to MargaretNewman for her residue analysis and to RichardMorlan for helping to provide the importantchronological anchor, and, of course, to theCanadian Museum of Civilization for providingthe institutional framework under which suchwork can take place.I thank Richard Gerrard of Toronto for hiscareful excavation of the Ouissinaougouk cachein the summer of 1983 and for his excellentmemory of the care he took in packaging the collectionfor shipping. Finally, I would like tothank Pat Julig, Susan Jamieson and AndrewStewart for reviewing the manuscript and providingconstructive comments that allowed usefulrefinement of some thoughts and clarificationof others. In the end, however, I retain fullresponsibility for all errors or omissions whichmay remain.References CitedBinford, Lewis1983 In Pursuit of the Past. Decoding the<strong>Archaeological</strong> Record. Thames and Hudson,New York, New York.Bishop, Charles A.1972 Demography, Ecology and Trade Among theNorthern Ojibwa. Western Canadian Journalof Anthropology 3(1):58-71.B<strong>oa</strong>s, Franz1964 The Central Eskimo. Originally published asa <strong>part</strong> of the 6 th Annual Report (1884-1885)of the Bureau of Ethnology, SmithsonianInstitution, Washington, 1888. Universityof Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska.Bradley, Richard1996 H<strong>oa</strong>rds and H<strong>oa</strong>rding. In The OxfordCompanion to Archaeology, edited by BrianM. Fagan, p. 306. Oxford University Press,New York and Oxford.Cowan, Frank L.1999 Making Sense of Flake Scatters: LithicTechnological Strategies and Mobility.American Antiquity 64:593-607.Cumming, L.M.1969 Rivers of the Hudson Bay Lowland. In EarthScience Symposium on Hudson Bay, edited byP.J. Hood, pp. 144-168. Geological Surveyof Canada Paper 68-53. Geological Surveyof Canada, Ottawa.Dawson, K.C.A.1983 Prehistory of the Interior Forest of Northern<strong>Ontario</strong>. In Boreal Forest Adaptations, editedby A. Theodore Steegmann, Jr., pp. 55-84.Plenum Press, New York.Ellis, C.J., and D.B. Deller2002 Excavations at the Caradoc Site (AfHj-104):A Late Palaeo-Indian Ritual Artifact Deposit.

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