Risk Assessment Brochure - Christie Intruder Alarms

Risk Assessment Brochure - Christie Intruder Alarms

Risk Assessment Brochure - Christie Intruder Alarms


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edcareBS EN 50131:<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> & GradingAn Introductory GuideInformation for installers...always there

edcare Guide To <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>and Grading for BS EN 50131The new BS EN 50131 standard for intruder alarmsystems, due for introduction in September 2003, bringswith it the move to a ‘risk based’ grading of securitysystems, and highlights the need for the installer toconduct a risk assessment.This guide is here to help you get to gripswith this new requirement. In it we explain:• The background to the BS EN 50131 standard• The need for risk assessment• <strong>Risk</strong> assessment – what it involves andhow it works• Why risk assessment presentsopportunities for business growth• How signing up to redcare’s Installer <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> Support Programme will equipyou with all the tools to help you make thebest – and the most – of the change.

How will suppliers grade their equipment?Every equipment manufacturer must state theGrade level of each item of equipment he sells. Tospeed the introduction of the system, equipmentmanufacturers are being allowed to self-gradetheir equipment. However, there will be a drivetowards independent verification with someinsurance companies already indicating that theyprefer manufacturers who independently test andverify the Grade of their equipment.No risk redcareBoth redcare and redcare gsm have beenindependently tested for their conformity withthe new EU standards and redcare hasachieved the highest level of security – Grade 4.The independent test report* concluded that thelevel of encryption applied to redcare gsmtransmission protocols is ‘sufficiently robust toresist known attack methods.’redcare is also the only signalling service to beaccredited with Secured by Design status byACPO CPI Ltd. This means that redcare hasPolice Preferred Specification.You can be sure that, whenever you use redcare,you are using the most secure signalling systemavailable. Further details on the independentgrading redcare has achieved can be found onthe last page of this booklet.How <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> worksWhat is it?It is simply the gathering of information necessaryto design a suitable system – one that meets theneeds of the customer and any other interestedparties such as the insurer – conducted by firstmaking a detailed account of the risks at thepremises. This account should be recorded andstored safely after its completion. It may berequired to be made available as necessary forauditing by the appropriate inspectorate.What’s it for?In summary, the <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> aims to:• Consider all possible risks at the premises• Ensure adequate protection for the customer.How does it work?Most of the information required can begathered by asking the customer and also byconducting a detailed inspection of thecustomer’s premises and its immediate vicinity.In many ways the process is similar to currentpractice. You will need to 2 :• Ask questions• Gather information• Assess the risk.The big difference is that now you should:• Record the facts.So that’s it, then?Not quite. Under BS EN 50131 the <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> process is an ongoing one. There is arequirement to review the <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> – andalso the appropriate design of intruder alarmsystem – whenever there is a ‘material’ change tothe circumstances at the premises. Decidingwhat constitutes such a ‘material’ change is theresponsibility of the owner of the premises, buthe may make that decision with the help of hissystem designer or installer. Examples of‘material’ changes might be items of value beinghoused in a different room or structural changesto the internal layout of the premises.* Independent testing of redcare products was carried out on behalf of BT redcare by an independently Secured by Design-approved test centre. For moredetails see separate section <strong>Risk</strong> Free redcare2DD 243:2002 ‘the design and configuration of the IASs incorporating alarm confirmation technology should take into account the needs and expectation of thecustomer and the desired response to alarms. The design process should consider the whole of the premises to be protected.

The opportunity forbusiness growthWhile there is no requirement to explain the<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> process to the customer itprovides the ideal opportunity to:• Demonstrate your expertise and breadthof experience• Make the customer really feel you have takenon board their concerns• Build customer trust and loyalty• Provide a framework for system design,highlighting for the customer the firm underlyingreasons for the chosen system specification.And while there is also no requirement to showthe completed <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> findings to theclient we think there may also be good salesreasons to do so:• It adds clarity and confidence for the customer– it’s a framework they can understand• It is a great way to demonstrate yourprofessionalism and differentiate your servicefrom those of your competition.And, remember, in terms of generating new orincremental business:• The requirements of BS EN 50131 and <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> are ongoing. They need to beregularly and systematically reviewed andcustomers need to be aware of theirresponsibility to review the risk and the systemspecification whenever there is any ‘material’change to the circumstances at their site• BS EN 50131 may create opportunities torevisit, reassess and upgrade existing intruderalarm systems....always there

How redcare can helpWhile there is a stipulation of the need for <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> in the new standard, there is noformal template setting out how this should bedone. Inspection bodies (NACOSS, ICON,SSAIB) are likely to want to see evidence thatyou have completed a <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>.This is where redcare’s <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>Installer Support Programme gives you the helpyou need to show you have complied with thestandard, and also to build customer loyalty.Why not join now and make <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>easy and profitable? After extensive industryconsultation we have built a free programme ofhelp, advice and practical easy-to-use tools totake the hassle out of <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>. Wehave been listening closely to what you need.And the result is a package that will not onlymake <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> easy, but also help youto present survey results tailored to yourbusiness and to your customers.What you get – five steps to business growth1. FREE <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Survey TemplateA ready-made step-by-step <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>Survey Template for commercial premises –supplied in an easy-to use-pad. Based onextensive work with installers, it provides all thequestions you will need in an easy-to-askstructured format.2. FREE On-line <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>This on-line resource allows you to construct the<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Survey both in a way that’stailored to your business, but also to personalisethe finished survey for your customers on yourletterhead and incorporating your branding.What better way to differentiate yourself fromyour competitors.3. FREE <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Survey Design GridThis <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Survey Design Grid is ahandy device to help you make observations andnotes during the process – at the customerinterview, the examination of the premises andlocation survey.4. FREE redcare Seminar ProgrammeAs we approach the September 1 date forintroduction of the BS EN 50131 standards wewill be running a series of seminars on how tomake the most of the changes and to ensure allyour questions are answered. Leading expertsfrom across the industry will continue to provideback-up support and advice with newdevelopments as the standards roll-outcontinues. In addition our comprehensive freetraining programme will incorporate the newBS EN 50131 requirements.5. FREE Information UpdatesAs well as these great tools and the free adviceprogramme we will be keeping programmemembers fully and regularly updated withdevelopments both via email and at our online<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> website resource.How to join – it’s easySimply join up when you visit the specialredcare <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> website atwww.bt.com/riskassessment. Or phone us nowon 0800 800 828redcare is here to take the load off. We’llgive you FREE with our <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>Installer Support Programme all the tools tonot only make it really easy to conform withBS EN 50131 but – better than that – to do soin an individual personalised way, tailoredboth to your business and your customers.For Your FREE Membership Pack visit the <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> Installer Support Programmewebsite at www.bt.com/riskassessmentredcare. Always there…

<strong>Risk</strong> Free redcareredcare and redcare gsm have both beenindependently tested for their conformity withthe new BS EN 50131 standard and redcare hasachieved the highest level of security – Grade 4.Being Grade 4 means that redcare can be usedin any alarm system, whatever the overallGrading requirements of the system. Usingredcare means you will never have to worryabout the Grade of the signalling path you havechosen, no matter what changes or upgradesmay in the future be required.Why independent testing matters: While someequipment suppliers may prefer to self-gradetheir equipment we believe your customers willrequire the reassurance of independently verifiedperformance. Indeed, some insurance companiesare already indicating that they prefermanufacturers who independently test and verifythe Grade of their equipment.About the tests: The tests were carried out onbehalf of BT redcare by an independentlySecured by Design-approved test centre. Theprogramme of tests was derived from theAssociation of British Insurers (ABI) initiative toenable the compliance of alarm signalling systemsfor the transmission of alarm messages to analarm receiving centre to be demonstrated. Thecriteria for the tests applied were defined by therequirements prescribed in BS EN 50136-1-1.Under the standard, the security Grade of analarm transmission system is defined by itsperformance against a combination of fiveparameters:• Transmission Time• Reporting Time• Availability of the Network• Substitution Security• Information Security.As well as fault reporting, both tamperprotection and tamper detection wereconsidered within these key areas.In the case of redcare gsm these tests wereconducted on both the primary land line and thesecondary gsm radio alarm transmissionsystems. The independent report concluded inparticular that the level of encryption applied toredcare gsm transmission protocols is ‘sufficientlyrobust to resist known attack methods.’Secured by Design status: Because redcarehas passed this rigorous independent testingagainst BS EN 50131, ACPO CPI has awarded itwith Secured by Design Accreditation. redcareis the only signalling service to be accreditedwith Secured by Design status. This means thatredcare has Police Preferred Specification.redcare is the <strong>Risk</strong> Free Solution. Whenever youuse redcare, you can be sure you are using themost secure signalling system available.How to contact usFreefone 0800 800 828Fax: 020 7929 6490Email: redcare@bt.comWeb: www.redcare.bt.comwww.redcare.bt.com/riskassessmentredcare MarketingFreepost WC 4456London EC3B 3DEFree redcare Training Programme:Contact Neil Bartholomew on 020 7645 5529 orvisit www.redcare.bt.com/security/installers

Offices worldwideThe telecommunications services described in this publication aresubject to availability and may be modified from time to time.Services and equipment are provided subject to BritishTelecommunications plc’s respective standard conditions of contract.Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract.© British Telecommunications plc 2003.Registered office: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ.Registered in England No: 1800000.Produced by BT redcareDesigned by Westhill CommunicationsPrinted by Centurion Press LimitedPlease quote ref: riskassess WC1-05/03Printed on paper which meets international environment standards

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