thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...


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NO PARKING ON ROADWAYS OR EASEMENTSArticle II, Section d of the Rules and Regulations specifically states:“Parking on community roads or EASEMENTS is strictly prohibited from November 1st through April30th. Overnight parking on community roads or easements is prohibited from May 1st through October31st.”(1st offense $100, 2nd offense $200, 3rd offense: vehicle towed at <strong>owners</strong> expense)TCCE will not be held responsible for any damage done to vehicles that are in violation of this rule. Please beaware, however, that <strong>property</strong> <strong>owners</strong> who violate this rule will be held responsible for any damage done toTcce's or outside contractor’s equipment due the violation of this rule.Please note that this includes the easements. Many people park at the top of their driveway, however, the <strong>association</strong>has a 10 foot easement along the front of the <strong>property</strong> and cars are not to be parked in that easement.THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORECED AS PARKING ON THE ROADWAYS CREATES A MAJOR HAZARDSNOW REMOVAL PROCE-DURESEvery year we go through thesame thing when it comes tosnow removal. When are thetrucks sent out? When do wecall for backup? Why aren't’ there salt and cinderson the roads yet? I just shoveled my drivewayand the plows put more snow in my driveway.When it snows, we follow a procedure for plowing,calling in backup and cindering. Our trucksstart plowing when there is an accumulation of 2”of snow and they continue to plow until the snowstops, making sure the main roads are openedfirst and then working on the side streets. Ifthere is a call for a large snowfall, like what happenedon October 28th, we call for backup. Wehave three employees on staff who can operateour equipment and we have two backup contractorsthat we call in when needed. As was thecase in the recent snowfall, we had two of ourtrucks out during the daytime and then we hadone of our trucks out at night along with bothbackup contractors to get the roads and the sidestreets opened.AFTER the snow has stopped, cinders and salt willbe put down. Salt cannot be put on the dirt roadsas it will turn them to mud, therefore, the dirtroads are cindered and the paved roads aresalted.As for the plowing over thedriveways, please understandthat this happens wherever youhave snow removal as the roadwayshave to be widened. Theplow trucks cannot turn theplow every time they gopast a driveway.Calling the office and yellingat the office staff, oryelling at any of the maintenancestaff over snow removalmay result in a violationof Article VI, Section Iof the Rules and Regulations.One final note on snow removal.Our maintenance staffcannot open <strong>property</strong> <strong>owners</strong>driveways. There are severalcontractors listed in this issuewho do snow removal. Theonly exception to this will befor those needing medical care.Please call the office and we willput you on the list to have thebottoms, or tops of your drivewaysopened up. Please notethat this is only if you are inneed of medical care.Recreation CommitteeMembers NeededVolunteers are needed for the RecreationCommittee. Over the past fewyears we have had many new familiesmove in to TCCE and there hasbeen expressed interest in recreationalactivities.If you have some good ideas for activities,for all age groups, includingadults and seniors, and you havesome time to volunteer, then the RecreationCommittee is for you!Call the office at (570) 472-9521 formore information and to volunteer.Volunteers help put the “unity”back in community!!!14

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