thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...


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THORNHURST COUNTRY CLUB ESTATESPROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATIONRULES AND REGULATIONSAS REVISED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSMonth,day, year Effective:(These Rules and Regulations do not set aside restrictions within the OriginalDeed for Thornhurst Country Club Estates)ARTICLE IState Statutes.Individual Properties-Deed Restrictions, Township Ordinances,a) Property <strong>owners</strong> are responsible for cutting dead and/or fallen trees or branches ontheir <strong>property</strong> and removing them when in the opinion of the Safety Committee, theBoard, or a TCCE agent that it constitutes a fire hazard.Property Owners are responsible for keeping their properties free of refuse and otherunsightly debris when it constitutes a health hazard or in the opinion of TCCE agent ithas the potential of negatively impacting the <strong>property</strong> values of other <strong>property</strong> <strong>owners</strong> orthe Community.(Original Deed-sec. 10)Violators will be notified by letter. Penalty: $100.00 1 st 15 days after notification, $200.00after that, and after 60 days TCCE will clear and tidy lot and bill <strong>property</strong> owner. Untilpaid, <strong>property</strong> owner is not a Member-in-good-standing. Other civil remedies couldapply, such as judgment or <strong>property</strong> lien.b) No sign shall be displayed on the lot that offers the <strong>property</strong> for sale or rent oranything else for sale. Real Estate signs must be affixed to deck of house or in awindow of the house.(Original Deed #2) (Fine: $25.00 per day)c) Private Swimming pools-must be located within TCCE setback limits.Under Pennsylvania/Township Uniform Construction Code, any pool over 24 inchesdeep must be enclosed by a four foot high fence with no opening larger than 4” in widthand all gates must be self closing and self latching. Pools over four feet (48”) high donot require a fence if the outside walls are constructed in a way that does not permitaccess to pool. Stairs, steps, ladders used to reach water surface must be removedwhen pool is not in use.The Management Office must be contacted prior to the installation of any poolover 24”.(Pennsylvania Statute, Township Ordinance apply)The Property Manager must inspect all pools to make sure that all the aboverequirements have been met.Penalty: Referral to Township Enforcement Officer.d) Drainage ditches and swales-It is the responsibility of the Property Owner to keeptheir drainage ditches free and clear of spoil, debris, or other material. Landscapingcannot interfere with TCCE existing drainage plan. It is the home<strong>owners</strong> responsibility tomaintain driveway culvert pipe. (Original Deed-sec 6)Penalty: cost of repair of damage to TCCE <strong>property</strong> or damage to adjacent properties.

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