thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...


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SediOri i.The Association Special Meeting.Tlie order of business for each specialmeeting of TheAssociation shall be in accordance with an agenda prepared by the President of The Associationbased on the announced purpose(s) for which the meeting was called..'''Section 3. Board of Director Meetings. The order of business for each meeting, regular or special,of the Board of Directors shall be in accordance with an agenda prepared by the President of TheAssociation based on the announced purpose(s) for which the meeting was called.ARTICLE XVAdoption of BylawsSection 1. Purpose. These Bylaws shall be in full force and effect immediately upon their adoptionas set forth in Section 2 of this Article, except provisions for number of Directors which transitionis detailed in Article vm above.Section 2. Procedure. The adoption of these Bylaws shall require a two-thirds majority vote of thosepresent and voting at the time of proposal for ratification thereof. Eligibility to vote on the adoptionof these Bylaws shall be determined on the basis of lot or acreage <strong>owners</strong>hip at the <strong>property</strong> withwhich The Association is identified in Section 3 of Article IIof these Bylaws, with the limitation thatthere shall be but one vote per family, partnership, or corporation without regard to whether thefamily, partnership, or corporation owns more than one lot or acreage or whether lot or acreage<strong>owners</strong>hip may be joint./*******************************************************************************If ReVision of Article IV, Section 4.a. (Fees, Dues, and Assessments)-Effective May 19, 1990:Section 4.a. The Association shall waive all additional dues, fees and assessments on adjacentlots that have been developed in such a way that only a single home can be constructed on them.All such waivers must be requested from the Board and may be granted at any regular meeting.15

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