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thornhurst country club estates property owners association rules ...

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Section 5. Election by Majority Vote. A simple majority vote of the Voting Members in goodstanding present and voting shall be required to elect any Officer of The Association or any otherelected Member ofthe Board of Directors. Election balloting shall be by show of hands unless anyMember specifically requests secret written balloting. this Section is subject to the quorumrequirements contained in Section 3 of Article V.Section 6. Conflict of Interest. A Board Member. or Officer shall not be a paid employee orconcessionaire of The Association. **Underlined passages indicate Bylaw amendments approved by vote of Membership on July 20,1996.ARTICLE XIPassage of MotionsSection 1. At The Association Meetings. Unless otherwise provided, a simple majority vote ofthose Voting Members in good standing present and voting shall be required to pass any motion atany properly convened meeting of The Association.Section 2. Manner of Voting. Voting on any motion at a meeting of The Association shall be byvoice or show of hands, unless any Voting Member specifically requests secret written voting.Section 3. At board of Director Meetings. Unless otherwise provided, a simple majority vote ofthe Board of Directors present shall be required to pass any motion or resolution at any properlyconvened meeting of the Board of Directors.ARTICLE XIIStanding and Temporary CommitteesSection 1. Standing Committees. The Association shall have three (3) standing committees: 1) aNominating Committee, 2) an Audit Committee, and 3) a Budget Committee. Each of the three (3)committees shall have no less than three (3) nor more than five (5) members, appointed by thePresident at some time following the Annual Meeting of The Association but not later than the nextregular meeting. Persons appointed to these Committees shall serve on them until immediately afterthe next Annual Meeting. The duties of the Nominating Committee are set forth in Article X ofthese Bylaws. The Audit Committee shall function as directed by the President of The Associationbut shall be primarily responsible for providing an Audit Report of the Treasurer's records at theAnnual Meeting of The Association. The Budget Committee shall function as directed by thePresident of The Association, but shall be primarily responsible for providing a Budget at least thirty(30) days prior to the second Association Regular Meeting. Additional standing committees maybe appointed from time to time by the President of The Association subject to the approval of theBoard of Directors. **Underlined passages are amendments approved by Membership vote July 20, 1996.13

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