Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...


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2.2. Information to support patientsMy health record(HealthVault)Two pathways (IBD and gestational diabetes) are live on the system.Clinical staff are actively recruiting patients and various ways are beingexplored to encourage take-up. The system is technically proven.Development resources are currently directed at general outpatientsfunctions such as appointments management, where it is felt the trustcan start to scale up users quickly into large numbers. At this point thefocus will start to concentrate on engaging patients in some of thetransactional activity i.e. data entry in forms.2.3. Information to support managersInformationstrategyQlikview projectAlthough the information strategy is directed to serve all staff groupsand purposes it has been reported under an information for managersheading.The information manager, Richard Brooker, has been communicatingthe strategy with divisional teams via one-to-one meetings, caregroups and divisional boards.The feedback is being used to inform the future direction for theQlikview development, which is the strategic tool for delivery ofinformation to the desktop.A steering group is to be set up, chaired by the director ofperformance.A working system is now available for demonstration and comprisesdashboards for ED and RTT data. The development times of theinformation and the ability to provide refreshed and up-to-dateinformation are proving that the product is a good fit with what the trustwishes to achieve.Following the current round of demonstrations, and the steering groupbeing set up, a development and roll out plan will be published.2.4. InfrastructureIntegrationplatformDesktop productsNetwork upgradeThe scoring has been completed and the technical preferred producthas been identified. This must be in place to complete the interfacesfor the new PACS system.Licences have been an issue with Microsoft since the breakup of theenterprise agreement (EWA) in 2010. Discussions are on-going butUHS has stabilized its current position with regard to use. A session isplanned for a trust board study session to demonstrate the newcapabilities such as messaging and video conferencing. This will beused to inform assessment of future business cases.In order to achieve best value for future network developments, theplan to upgrade both the wired and wireless network, plus firewallproducts, has been included in the service renew for the overallnetwork support. This is currently out for reprocurement under OJEU.4

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