Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...


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IM&T Report – Nov 20121. Purpose1.1. This is the quarterly IM&T report on progress with the strategy1.2. The 3 year IM&T strategy was refreshed and brought to the board in Aug 2012. Theagreed themes are drawn down from the national document “Power of Information”which talks about: delivering better information to clinicians through “connectedinformation”; delivering information to patients; and using quality information to planservices. The trust IM&T strategy will deliver better: Information for clinicians Information for patients Information for managers1.3. The focus, as previously, will be on achieving paper-light working, standardization,co-production and decision support within systems.1.4. The strategy aims to deliver: High quality patient care by improving decision making and increasing patientsafety. A reduction in the cost of creating, handling and storing data.2. Key Issues2.1. Information to support cliniciansEPMA(ePrescribing)DWL (DoctorsWork List)ElectronicDocumentManagement(EDM)The rollout has gone to plan and is live across medicine, T&O and hasalmost completed in surgery. The team are reporting a positiveresponse from staff particularly nursing. The system is having abeneficial effect on bed position due to the need to have the patient inthe ward to administer the drugs. A report to the project steering groupindicated elimination of errors around the prescribing of anticoagulants.The project is moving into a more operational mode andIM&T need to focus on the benefits now particularly around decisionsupport development.The product to support patient treatment has been rolled out acrossthe trust (paediatrics and cancer still remain). This is now also beingused to deliver CQUIN data requirements for VTE and dementia, keytargets this year. DWL has become the EPR portal for inpatient workand developments are coming forward to bring in other staff groups (are-branding “the patient treatment manager”). Doctors can now use theDWL to access/update all EPR information on a patient including theHampshire Health Record (HHR), and also to drop into their own truste-mail account. They can open a prescribing window and complete adischarge summary, bringing the TTO drugs forward into that.A business case is almost complete for the introduction of a EDM forclinical functionality that will support paper-light outpatients, clinicalcoding and library down-sizing. The objective is to build a platform forall future EDM needs including non-clinical e.g. finance and HR. It isexpected that this piece of work will request approval from TEC earlyin the new year (2013).2

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