Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...


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1 Purpose1.1 The UHS patient quality improvement framework (PIF) is reviewed on an annual basis to both informand support the <strong>Trust</strong>s consultation on key patient improvement priorities for the year ahead(2013/14).1.2 The outcome of the PIF review and the future agreed quality improvement priorities are reported inthe review section of the Quality Report. This is published and submitted as part of the Annual Reportto Monitor by 31st May 2013, and as a separate document Quality Account to Department of Healthand <strong>NHS</strong> Choices by 28th June 2013.1.3 After the audit of last years Quality Account KPMG made the following recommendations for thedevelopment of this years account: - To ensure final quality Report/ Account is ready for the Monitor new submission date of 30th May2013. To increase visibility of consultation towards development of the priorities and of the qualityReport/Account, beginning earlier in the process and inviting stakeholders more widely.2 External and Regulatory requirements2.1 Quality account/reports are seen to enhance accountability to the public and demonstrate seniorleader engagement in the <strong>Trust</strong> quality improvement agenda. There is a set template for the formatand the content needs to include: - Where improvements in service quality are required; What the priorities for improvement are for the coming year; How we involve service users, staff and others in determining the priorities for improvement.2.2 These requirements are reflected in the development of our Patient Improvement Framework.3 PIF priorities content3.1 The White Paper ‘Liberating the <strong>NHS</strong>’, for 2010-2015 outlined the intention to move to measuringhealth outcomes rather than process targets. The <strong>NHS</strong> Outcomes Framework sets out indicators thatwill: - Provide a nationally consistent level overview of how well the <strong>NHS</strong> is performing; Provide an accountability mechanism for the effective spend of public money; Drive up quality by encouraging a change in culture and behaviour.The framework is summarised in Appendix A4 Integration4.1 It is proposed that the outcomes framework will form the basis for the 2013/14 PIF .4.2 The proposed PIF Priorities for 2013/14 will continue to use a “bottom up” and “top down” approach toidentify the key priority areas.4.3 This approach will align to both external and internal drivers where possible. These may include localand national CQUIN priorities, DH national targets, Operating Plan and Outcomes Framework, theMonitor Compliance Framework and relevant outcomes from the Francis report.4.4 The development of our UHS Patient Quality Improvement Framework will also include: - Local and national benchmarking, Local and national surveys, Risk register priorities Quality performance information, Members Council engagement in priority setting2

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