Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...

Trust Board papers - University Hospital Southampton NHS ...


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178/12178/12 a)Executive Updates (Oral Reports on emerging issues and ‘hot-spots’) (agendaitem 7.3)Operational PerformanceApprenticeships: The <strong>Trust</strong> has been named as one of top 100 companies by TheGuardian along with some big commercial companies.HSJ Awards: The <strong>Trust</strong> has won an award re research and its embedding in theculture of the organisation. Also significant recognition of how the <strong>Trust</strong> isdeveloping nursing research.RSH Ward for Medicine for Older People: Models for doctor led servicesuperseded due to lack of recruitment by a proposal for a nurse led orthopaedicrehab model. Failed to recruit and the <strong>Trust</strong> is now creating capacity on SGH siteand seeking a site where it could have rehab along with appropriate staffing.178/12 b) QualityPaul Grundy – clinical leader of the year: Awarded by HSJ. The <strong>Trust</strong> was alsoshortlisted for five further HSJ Awards. In addition the CommunicationsDepartment has been nominated for seven awards.AHSN: MH is discussing this and the application will be assessed early next year.178/12 c) Strategy<strong>NHS</strong> Global: This is DH support for trusts to develop international business. Theorganisation is having discussions with many governments and is seeking todevelop trade networks with commercial FTs and international business partners.Currently the focus is mainly around training and includes a thrust to developnetworks. <strong>Board</strong> noted the opportunities for links with the university.179/12179/12 a)Any Other BusinessThere were no items of any other business.179/12 b) The Chair asked whether there were any comments/questions from the public.There were none.180/12 Date and Time of Next MeetingTuesday, 18 th December 2012 commencing at 9.00am in the Dean’s CommitteeRoom, SAB, SGH7

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