Field Operations Guide - Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

Field Operations Guide - Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Field Operations Guide - Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
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DIVISION OF MAINTENANCEActivity CodesFOG-201ACTIVITY CODEASSISTANCEDistrict personnel are to direct their questions about activity codesthrough the chain of command in the district. District command is todirect any inquiries to the Operations and Pavement Branch of theCentral Office Division of Maintenance.10/11 Page 2 of 2

FOG-202ChapterDIVISION OF MAINTENANCESubjectAccomplishment ReportingRECORDINGACCOMPLISHMENTSAll reporting of maintenance or traffic activities (A010–T990) shall includevalues for accomplishments. These values shall be recorded on the“Costs and Accomplishments” tab of the Operations ManagementSystem (OMS) Daily Log and included for each work order when enteringtime into the payroll system (KHRIS).LENDINGPERSONNEL When personnel are lent to another crew, the “borrowing”administrative unit will provide all pertinent work order information(county, route, activity, mile points, etc.) to the “lending” administrativeunit. A duplicate work order must be created in OMS within theemployees’ home administrative units in order to charge their time.However, only the administrative unit actually performing the work willrecord accomplishments in OMS and KHRIS. The “lending” administrativeunit will record zero as the accomplishment for the work order.MEASURINGACCOMPLISHMENTSAccomplishments are determined based upon the “AccomplishmentUnit.” These are listed in this manual under the “Performance Values”section for each activity. Each user shall refer to this listing beforeentering work into OMS or KHRIS.ACCOMPLISHMENTUNITSThe following lists the various accomplishment units and the method formeasuring them. The examples listed for each accomplishment unit donot include all activities for which the particular unit may be used. Acre—Number of acres mowed (F210) or sprayed (E310)In case of mowing, the inventory listing is to be used, if available.Otherwise, Exhibits 9001 and 9002 may be used to compute theacreage, or arithmetic may be used to compute it.10/11 Page 1 of 3

DIVISION OF MAINTENANCEActivity CodesFOG-201ACTIVITY CODEASSISTANCEDistrict personnel are to direct their questions about activity codesthrough the chain of command in the district. District command is todirect any inquiries to the <strong>Operations</strong> and Pavement Branch of theCentral Office Division of Maintenance.10/11 Page 2 of 2

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