(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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86 Solutions to exercisesThe integrals can now be done, since they simply invert the differentiation by x.Evaluating the integrands at the end points of the integrals gives equation (2.20):dt return= 1 − 1dt2 (1 + sin θ)h +(t 0 ) + sin θh + [t 0 + (1 − sin θ)L]0+ 1 2 (1 − sin θ)h +(t 0 + 2L).2. If we Taylor-expand this equation in powers of L about L = 0, the leadingterm vanishes, and the first-order term is:dt return= L sin θ(1 − sin θ)ḣ + (t 0 ) + L(1 − sin θ)ḣ + (t 0 ),dt 0= L cos 2 θḣ + (t 0 ).This is just what was requir<strong>ed</strong>. The factor of cos 2 θ comes, as we saw above, fromthe projection of the TT field on the x-coordinate direction.3. All the terms cancel and there is no effect on the return time.Exercise (b)This is part of the calculation in the previous example. All we ne<strong>ed</strong> is the segmentwhere the light travels from the distant end to the centre:and so dt out /dt 0 is:t out = t 0 + 1 2 cos2 θ∫ L0h + [t 0 + L − (1 + sin θ)x]dxdt outdt 0= 1 + 1 2 (1 − sin θ)[h +(t 0 − sin θ L) − h + (t 0 + L)].Exercise (c)This question is frequently ask<strong>ed</strong>, but not by people who have done thecalculation. The answer is that the two effects occur in different gauges, notin the same one. So they cannot cancel. The apparent spe<strong>ed</strong> of light changes inthe TT gauge, but then the positions of the ends remain fix<strong>ed</strong>, so that the effect isall in the coordinate spe<strong>ed</strong>. In a local Lorentz frame ti<strong>ed</strong> to one mass, the ends domove back and forth, but then the spe<strong>ed</strong> of light is invariant.Exercise (d)To first order we haveR µ αβν = Ɣµ αν,β − Ɣµ αβ,ν ,Ɣ µ αβ,ν = 1 2 ηµσ (h σβ,αν + h σα,βν − h αβ,σ ν ), (i) (7.13)Ɣ µ αν,β = 1 2 ηµσ (h σν,αβ + h ασ,νβ − h αν,σβ ). (ii) (7.14)

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