(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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ReferencesWe have divid<strong>ed</strong> the references into two sections. The first gives generally usefulreferences—books, conference summaries, etc—that interest<strong>ed</strong> students shouldgo to for background and a more complete discussion of the theory. The secondsection contains specific references to the research literature. General referencesare indicat<strong>ed</strong> in the text by the author name plus year, as Misner et al (1973). Thespecific references are indicat<strong>ed</strong> by numbers, for example [1,3].General referencesGeneral relativityThere are a number of good text books on GR. The following cover, at differentlevels of difficulty and completeness, lineariz<strong>ed</strong> theory, gauges and the definitionof energy:Ciufolini I and Wheeler J L 1995 Gravitation and Inertia (Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity Press)Landau L and Lifshitz E M 1962 The Classical Theory of Fields (New York: Pergamon)Misner C W, Thorne K S and Wheeler J L 1973 Gravitation (San Francisco, CA: Freeman)Ruffini R and Ohanian H C 1997 Gravitazione e Spazio-Tempo (Bologna: Zanichelli)Schutz B F 1995 A First Course in General Relativity (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress)Wald R M 1994 General Relativity (Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press)Weinberg S 1972 Gravitation and Cosmology (New York: Wiley)<strong>Gravitational</strong>-wave detectorsConference volumes on detector progress appear more than once per year thes<strong>ed</strong>ays. You can find progress reports on detectors on the web sites of the differentgroups, which you will find in the list of literature references below. The tworeferences below are more tutorial, aim<strong>ed</strong> at introducing the subject.Blair D G 1991 The Detection of <strong>Gravitational</strong> Waves (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress)Saulson P R 1994 Fundamentals of Interferometric <strong>Gravitational</strong> Wave Detectors(Singapore: World Scientific)81

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