(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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The r-modes 79evolution turns out to have three phases.(a) Initially the angular velocity of the hot rapidly rotating neutron star isnearly constant, evolving on the viscous timescale 1/τ v , while the amplitudeα grows exponentially on the gravitational radiation timescale 1/τ GR .(b) After a short time nonlinear effects become important and stop the growth ofthe amplitude α. Most of the initial angular momentum of the star is radiat<strong>ed</strong>away by gravitational radiation. The star spins down and evolves to a pointwhere the angular velocity and the temperature is sufficiently low that ther-mode is stable.(c) Finally gravitational radiation and viscosity damp out the r-mode and drivethe star into its final equilibrium configuration.This may take about a year, a timescale govern<strong>ed</strong> by the cooling time of thestar. During this year, the star would radiate away most of its angular momentumand rotational kinetic energy. This could be a substantial fraction of a solar massin energy.7.2.3 Detection of r-mode radiationThe large amount of energy radiat<strong>ed</strong> into the r-modes makes them attractive fordetection, but detection will not be trivial. The r-mode event occurs at the rateof supernovae: some fraction (hopefully large) of all supernovae leave behind arapidly spinning neutron star that spins down over a one-year period. This meanswe should have sufficient sensitivity to reach the Virgo Cluster (20 Mpc distance).Estimates [31] suggest that a neutron star in the Virgo Cluster could be detect<strong>ed</strong>by second generation of LIGO and VIRGO gravitational-wave detectors with anamplitude signal-to-noise of about eight, provid<strong>ed</strong> one can use match<strong>ed</strong> filtering(exact template matching).It will not be easy to use match<strong>ed</strong> filtering, since one must follow all cyclesof the signal as the star spins down, and we will not know this well because ofmany uncertainties: initial temperature, initial spin distribution, detail<strong>ed</strong> physicsof viscosity, and so on. However, it would be helpful to have a parametriz<strong>ed</strong>model to take account of the uncertainties, so that we could look for a significantfit to one or more of the parameters.In addition, it is likely that, if a significant proportion of all neutron starswent through the r-mode instability, then the universe has been fill<strong>ed</strong> by theirradiation. There should be a background with an energy density gw that is agood fraction of the closure density. Its lower frequency limit should be around200 Hz in the rest frame of the star. When we see radiation cosmologically, itslower frquency limit will indicate the epoch at which star formation began.It is clear that the discovery of this new source of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> willopen several prospects for astronomy. Observations could be us<strong>ed</strong> as supernova<strong>ed</strong>etectors, revealing supernovae hidden in clouds of dust, identifying them about ayear after they are form<strong>ed</strong>. The existence of the radiation raises several prospects

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