(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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The r-modes 75instability. In an ideal star, it is always possible to find pressure-driven <strong>waves</strong>of short enough wavelength around the axis of symmetry (high enough angulareigenvalue m) that satisfy this condition. However, it turns out that even a smallamount of viscosity can damp out the instability in such <strong>waves</strong> , so it is not clearthat pressure-driven <strong>waves</strong> will ever be significantly unstable in realistic stars.However, in 1997 Andersson [17] point<strong>ed</strong> out that there was a class of modescall<strong>ed</strong> r-modes (Rossby modes) that no-one had previously investigat<strong>ed</strong>, andthat were formally unstable in all rotating stars. Rossby <strong>waves</strong> are well knownin oceanography, where they play an important role in energy transport aroundthe Earth’s oceans. They are hard to detect, having long wavelengths and verylow-density perturbations. They are mainly velocity perturbations of the oceans,whose restoring force is the Coriolis effect, and that is their character in neutronstars too. Because they have very small density perturbation, the gravitationalradiation they emit is dominat<strong>ed</strong> by the current-quadrupole radiation.For a slowly-rotating, nearly-spherical Newtonian star, the followingvelocity perturbation is characteristic of r-modes:δv a = ς(r)ɛ abc ∇ b r∇ c Y lm , (7.9)where ς(r) is some function of r determin<strong>ed</strong> by the mode equations. This velocityis a curl, so it is divergence-free; since it has no radial component, it does notchange the density. If the star is perfectly spherical, these perturbations are simplya small rotation of some of the fluid, and it continues to rotate. They have nooscillation, and have zero frequency.If we consider a star with a small rotational angular velocity , then thefrequency σ is no longer exactly zero and a Newtonian calculation to first orderin shows that there is a mode with pattern spe<strong>ed</strong> ω p =−σ/m equal toω p = [1 −2l (l + 1)]. (7.10)These modes are now oscillating currents that move (approximately) along theequipotential surfaces of the rotating star.For l 2, ω p is positive but slower than the spe<strong>ed</strong> of the star, so by the CFSmechanism these modes are unstable to the emission of gravitational radiation foran arbitrarily slowly rotating star.The velocity pattern given in equation (7.9) for (l = 2, m = 2) is closelyrelat<strong>ed</strong> to the wheel model we describ<strong>ed</strong> for current-quadrupole radiation infigure 6.1. Take two such wheels and orient their axes along the x- and y-axes,with the star rotating about the z-axis. Choose the sense of rotation so that thewheels at positive-x and positive-y are spinning in the opposite sense at any time,i.e. so that their adjacent <strong>ed</strong>ges are always moving in the same direction. Thenthis relationship will be reproduc<strong>ed</strong> for all other adjacent pairs of wheels: adjacent<strong>ed</strong>ges move together.When seen from above the equatorial plane, the line-of-sight momenta ofthe wheels reinforce each other, and we get the same kind of pattern that we saw

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