(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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The r-modes 73As we mention<strong>ed</strong> in chapter 4, since the frequency increases, the signal is said to‘chirp’.These results show that the chirp mass is the only mass associat<strong>ed</strong> with thebinary that can be d<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> from observations of its gravitational radiation, at leastif only the Newtonian orbit is important. Moreover, if one can measure the fieldamplitude (e.g. h TTxx ) plus gw and ˙ gw , one can d<strong>ed</strong>uce from these the valueof Å and the distance r to the system! A chirping binary with a circular orbit,observ<strong>ed</strong> in gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, is a standard candle: one can infer its distancepurely from the gravitational-wave observations. To do this one ne<strong>ed</strong>s the fullamplitude, not just its projection on a single detector, so one generally ne<strong>ed</strong>s anetwork of detectors or a long-duration observation with a single detector to getenough information.It is very unusual in astronomy to have standard candles, and they are highlypriz<strong>ed</strong>. For example, one can, in principle, use this information to measureHubble’s constant [26].7.1.1 CorrectionsIn the calculation above we made several simplifying assumptions. For example,how good is the assumption that the orbit is circular? The Hulse–Taylor binaryis in a highly eccentric orbit, and this turns out to enhance its gravitational-waveluminosity by more than a factor of ten, since the elliptical orbit brings the twostars much nearer to one another for a period of time than a circular orbit with thesame period would do. So there are big corrections for this system.However, systems emitting at frequencies observable from ground-bas<strong>ed</strong>interferometers are probably well approximat<strong>ed</strong> by circular orbits, because theyhave arriv<strong>ed</strong> at their very close separation by gravitational-wave-driven in-spiral.This process removes eccentricity from the orbit faster than it shrinks the orbitalradius, so by the time they are observ<strong>ed</strong> they have insignificant eccentricity.Another assumption is that the orbit is well describ<strong>ed</strong> by Newtoniantheory. This is not a good assumption in most cases. Post-Newtonian orbitcorrections will be very important in observations. This is not because thestars eventually approach each other closely. It is because they spend a longtime at wide separations where the small post-Newtonian corrections accumulatesystematically, eventually changing the phase of the orbit by an observableamount. So it is very important for observations that we match signals witha template containing high-order post-Newtonian corrections, as describ<strong>ed</strong> inBlanchet’s contribution. But even so, the information contain<strong>ed</strong> in the Newtonianpart of the radiation is still there, so all our conclusions above remain important.7.2 The r-modesWe consider rotating stars in Newtonian gravity and look at the effect that theemission of gravitational radiation has on their oscillations. One might expect

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