(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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6.4.1 Mass-quadrupole radiationEnergy radiat<strong>ed</strong> in gravitational <strong>waves</strong> 69The mass-quadrupole radiation field in equation (6.26) must be put into the energyflux formula, and the dependence on the direction n i can then be integrat<strong>ed</strong> overa sphere. It is not a difficult calculation, but it does require some angular integralsover multiple products of the vector n i , which depends on the angular directionon the sphere. By symmetry, integrals of odd numbers of factors of n i vanish. Foreven numbers of factors, the result is essentially determin<strong>ed</strong> by the requirementthat after integration the result must be fully symmetric under interchange of anytwo indices and it cannot have any special directions (so it must depend only onthe Kronecker delta δ i j ). The identities we ne<strong>ed</strong> are∫n i n j d = 4π 3 δij , (6.41)∫n i n j n k n l d = 4π15 (δij δ kl + δ ik δ jl + δ il δ jk ). (6.42)Using these, one gets the following simple formula for the total luminosity ofmass-quadrupole radiationL massgw = 1 ... ...5 〈 ˜M jk ˜M jk 〉 . (6.43)Here we still preserve the angle brackets of equation (5.14), because this formulaonly makes sense in general if we average in time over one cycle of the radiation.6.4.2 Current-quadrupole radiationThe energy radiat<strong>ed</strong> in the current quadrupole is nearly as simple to obtain as themass-quadrupole formula. The extra factor of n i in the radiation field makes theangular integrals longer, and requires two further identities:∫n i n j n k n l n p n q d = 4π 7 δ(ij δ kl δ pq) , (6.44)ɛ ijk ɛ i′ j ′ k ′ = δ ii′ δ jj′ δ kk′ + δ ij′ δ jk′ δ ki′ + δ ik′ δ ji′ δ kj′− δ ii′ δ jk′ δ kj′ − δ ij′ δ ji′ δ kk′ − δ ik′ δ jj′ δ ki′ , (6.45)where the round brackets indicate full symmetrization on all indices. Theexpression is simplest if we define˜J jk := ɛ jlm ˜P k lm + ɛ klm ˜P j lm ,where˜P kij := P kij − 1 3 δij P kl l.The result of the integration of the flux formula over a distant sphere is[18, 25], in our notation,L currentgw = 4 5 〈 ...˜J jk ...˜J jk 〉. (6.46)

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