(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Application of the TT gauge to the mass quadrupole field 63• the only motions that produce the radiation are the ones transverse to the lineof sight; and• the induc<strong>ed</strong> motions in a detector mirror the motions of the source project<strong>ed</strong>onto the plane of the sky.To see why these are true, we define the transverse traceless quadrupole tensorM TTij =⊥ k i ⊥ l j M kl − 1 2 ⊥ ij⊥ kl M kl . (6.27)(Notice that some of our definitions of tracelessness involve subtracting 1 3of thetrace, as in equation (6.24), and sometimes 1 2of the trace, as in equation (6.27).The appropriate factor is determin<strong>ed</strong> by the effective dimensionality (rank) ofthe tensor. Although we have three spatial dimensions, the projection tensor ⊥projects the mass-quadrupole tensor onto a two-dimensional plane, where thetrace involves only two components, not three.)Now, if in equation (6.26) we replace ˜M ij by its definition in terms of M ij ,and then collect terms appropriately, it is not hard to show that the equationsimplifies to its most natural form:¯h TTij = 2 r ¨M TTij . (6.28)This could of course have been deriv<strong>ed</strong> directly by applying the TT operation toequations (6.9)–(6.11). Since this equation involves only the TT part of M, ourfirst assertion above is prov<strong>ed</strong>. According to this equation, in order to calculatethe quadrupole radiation that a particular observer will receive, one ne<strong>ed</strong> onlycompute the mass-quadrupole tensor’s second time-derivative, project it onto theplane of the sky as seen by the observer looking toward the source, take away itstrace, and rescale it by a factor 2/r. In particular, the TT tensor that describes theaction of the wave (as in the polarization diagram in figure 2.1) is a copy of theTT tensor of the mass distribution. This proves our second assertion above.Looking again at figure 2.1 we imagine a detector consisting of two freemasses whose separation is being monitor<strong>ed</strong>. If the wave causes them to oscillaterelative to one another along the x-axis (the ⊕ polarization), this means that thesource motion contain<strong>ed</strong> a component that did the same thing. If the source is abinary, then the binary orbit project<strong>ed</strong> onto the sky must involve motion of thestars back and forth along either the x- or the y-axis.It is possible from this to understand many aspects of quadrupole radiationin a simple way. Consider a binary star system with a circular orbit. Seen by adistant observer in the orbital plane, the project<strong>ed</strong> source motion is linear, backand forth. The receiv<strong>ed</strong> polarization will be linear, the polarization ellipse align<strong>ed</strong>with the orbit. Seen by a distant observer along the axis of the orbit of thebinary, the project<strong>ed</strong> motion is circular, which is a superposition of two linearmotions separat<strong>ed</strong> in phase by 90 ◦ . The receiv<strong>ed</strong> radiation will also have circularpolarization. Because both linear polarizations are present, the amplitude of the

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