(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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60 Mass- and current-quadrupole radiationThese can be appli<strong>ed</strong> recursively to show, for example, two further very usefulrelationsd 2 M jkdt 2 = 2S jk d 3 M jkl,dt 3 = 6Ṡ ( jkl) (6.8)where the round brackets on indices indicate full symmetrization.Using these relations and notations it is not hard to show thath 00 (t, x i ) = 4 r M + 4 r P j n j + 4 r S jk (t ′ )n j n k + 4 r Ṡ jkl (t ′ )n j n k n l +···(6.9)h 0 j (t, x i ) = 4 r P j + 4 r S jk (t ′ )n k + 4 r Ṡ jkl (t ′ )n k n l +··· (6.10)h jk (t, x i ) = 4 r S jk (t ′ ) + 4 r Ṡ jkl (t ′ )n l +···. (6.11)In these three formulae there are different orders of time-derivatives, but in factthey are evaluat<strong>ed</strong> to the same final order in the slow-motion approximation. Onecan see that from the gauge condition h aβ ,β = 0, which relates time-derivativesof some components to space-derivatives of others.In these expressions, one must remember that the moments are evaluat<strong>ed</strong>at the retard<strong>ed</strong> time t ′ = t − r (except for those moments that are constant intime), and they are multipli<strong>ed</strong> by components of the unit vector to the field pointn j = x j /r.6.2 Application of the TT gauge to the mass quadrupole fieldIn the expression for the amplitude that we deriv<strong>ed</strong> so far, the final terms arethose that represent the current-quadrupole and mass-octupole radiation. Theterms before them represent the static parts of the field and the mass-quadrupoleradiation. In this section we treat just these terms, placing them into the TT gauge.This will be simpler than treating it all at once, and the proc<strong>ed</strong>ure for the nextterms will be a straightforward generalization.6.2.1 The TT gauge transformationsWe are already in Lorentz gauge, and this can be check<strong>ed</strong> by taking derivativesof the expressions for the field that we have deriv<strong>ed</strong> above. However, we aremanifestly not in the TT gauge. Making a gauge transformation consists ofchoosing a vector field ξ α and modifying the metric byThe corresponding expression for the potential h αβ ish αβ → h αβ − ξ α,β − ξ β,α . (6.12)h αβ → h αβ + ξ α,β + ξ α,β − η αβ ξ µ ,µ. (6.13)

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