(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Practical applications of the Isaacson energy 55which is a very large energy flux even for this weak a wave. It is twice the energyflux of a full moon! Integrating over a sphere of radius r, assuming a total durationof the event τ, and solving for h, again with appropriate normalizations, gives[ ] 1 [ ]h = 10 −21 E gw 2 r −1 [ ]f −1 [ τ ] − 120.01M ⊙ c 2 . (5.17)20 Mpc 1 kHz 1msThis is the formula for the ‘burst energy’, normaliz<strong>ed</strong> to numbers appropriate to agravitational collapse occurring in the Virgo cluster. It explains why physicistsand astronomers regard the 10 −21 threshold as so important. However, thisformula could also be appli<strong>ed</strong> to a binary system radiating away its orbitalgravitational binding energy over a long period of time τ, for example.5.3.1 Curvature produc<strong>ed</strong> by <strong>waves</strong>We have assum<strong>ed</strong> that the background metric satisfies the vacuum Einsteinequations to linear order, but now it is possible to view the full action principleas a principle for the background with a wave field h µν on it, and to let the waveenergy affect the background curvature [24]. This means that the background willactually solve, in a self-consistent way, the equationG αβ [g µν ] = 8πTαβ GW [g µν + h µν ]. (5.18)This does not contradict the vanishing of the first variation of the action, which wene<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong> to use above, because now we have an Einstein tensor that is of quadraticorder in h µν , contributing a term of cubic order to the first-variation of the action,which is of the same order as other terms we have neglect<strong>ed</strong>.5.3.2 Cosmological background of radiationThis self-consistent picture allows us to talk about, for example, a cosmologicalgravitational wave background that contributes to the curvature of the universe.Since the energy density is the same as the flux (when c = 1), we haveϱ gw = π 4 f 2 h 2 , (5.19)but now we must interpret h in a statistical way. This will be treat<strong>ed</strong> in thecontribution by Babusci et al, but basically it is done by replacing h 2 by astatistical mean square amplitude per unit frequency (Fourier transform power),so that the energy density per unit frequency is proportional to f 2 | ˜h| 2 . It is thenconventional to talk about the energy density per unit logarithm of frequency,which means multiplying by f . The result, after being careful about averagingover all directions of the <strong>waves</strong> and all independent polarization components, isdϱ gwdln f= 4π 2 f 3 | ¯h( f )| 2 . (5.20)

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