(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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54 Waves and energyAs in lineariz<strong>ed</strong> theory, so also in the general case, the quantity h µν behaveslike a tensor with respect to background coordinate transformations, and so doesT µν (GW) . However, it is not gauge-invariant and so it is not physically observable.Since the integral of the action is independent of coordinate transformations thathave compact support, so too is the integral of the effective stress-energy tensor.In practical terms, this makes it possible to localize the energy of a wave to withina region of about one wavelength in size where the background curvature doesnot change significantly. In fact, if we restrict our gauge transformations to havea length scale of a wavelength, and if we average (integrate) the stress-energytensor of the <strong>waves</strong> over such a region, then any gauge changes will be smallsurface terms.By evaluating the effective stress-energy tensor on a smooth backgroundmetric in a Lorentz gauge, and performing the averaging (denot<strong>ed</strong> by symbol〈···〉), one arrives at the Isaacson tensor:T (GW)αβ= 132π 〈h µν;αh µν ;β〉. (5.13)This is a convenient and compact form for the gravitational stress-energytensor. It localizes energy in short-wavelength gravitational <strong>waves</strong> to regions ofthe order of a wavelength. It is interesting to remind ourselves that our onlyexperimental evidence of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> today is the observation of the effecton a binary orbit of the loss of energy to the gravitational <strong>waves</strong> emitt<strong>ed</strong> by thesystem. So this energy formula, or equivalent ones, is central to our understandingof gravitational <strong>waves</strong>.5.3 Practical applications of the Isaacson energyIf we are far from a source of gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, we can treat the <strong>waves</strong> bylineariz<strong>ed</strong> theory. Then if we adopt the TT gauge and specialize the stress-energytensor of the radiation to a flat background, we getT (GW)αβ= 132π 〈hTT ij,α hTTij ,β〉. (5.14)Since there are only two components, a wave travelling with frequency f(wavenumber k = 2π f ) and with a typical amplitude h in both polarizationscarries an energy F gw equal to (see exercise (f) at the end of this lecture)F gw = π 4 f 2 h 2 . (5.15)Putting in the factors of c and G and scaling to reasonable values gives[ ]F gw = 3mWm −2 h 2 [ ]f 21 × 10 −22 , (5.16)1 kHz

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