(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Sources detectable from ground and from space 49This background would be easily detectable by LIGO II.There may also be a cosmological background from either topologicaldefects (e.g. cosmic strings) or from inflation (which amplifies initial quantumgravitational fluctuations as it does the scalar ones that lead to galaxy formation).Limits from COBE observations suggest that standard inflation could not producea background stronger than inflationgw ∼ 10 −14 today. This is too weak for anyof the plann<strong>ed</strong> detectors to reach, but it remains an important long-range goalfor the field. However, there could also be a component of background radiationthat depends on what happen<strong>ed</strong> before inflation: string cosmological models, forexample, pr<strong>ed</strong>ict spectra growing with frequency [22].First-generation interferometers are not likely to detect these backgrounds:they may not be able to go below the upper limit set by the requirementthat gravitational <strong>waves</strong> should not disturb cosmological nucleosynthesis, whichis gw = 10 −5 . (This limit does not apply to backgrounds generat<strong>ed</strong> afternucleosynthesis, like the r-mode background.) Bar detectors may do as well orbetter than the first generation of interferometers for a broad-spectrum primordialbackground: as we have not<strong>ed</strong> earlier, their noise levels within their resonancebands are very low. However, their frequencies are not right for the r-modebackground.Second-generation interferometers may be able to reach to 10 −11 of closureor even lower, by cross-correlation of the output of the two detectors. However,they are unlikely to get to the inflation target of 10 −14 . LISA may be able to go aslowas10 −10 (if we have a confident understanding of the instrumental noise), butit is likely to detect only the confusion background of binaries, which is expect<strong>ed</strong>to be much stronger than a cosmological background in the LISA band.4.1.6 The unexpect<strong>ed</strong>At some level, we are bound to see things we did not expect. LISA, with itshigh signal-to-noise ratios for pr<strong>ed</strong>ict<strong>ed</strong> sources, is particularly well plac<strong>ed</strong> to dothis. Most of the universe is compos<strong>ed</strong> of dark matter whose existence we caninfer only from its gravitational effects. It would not be particularly surprising ifa component of this dark matter produc<strong>ed</strong> gravitational radiation in unexpect<strong>ed</strong>ways, such as from binaries of small exotic compact objects of stellar mass. Wewill have to wait to see!

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