(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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46 Astrophysics of gravitational-wave sourcesTable 4.2. The range for detecting a 10M ⊙ black-hole binary. Conventions as in table 4.1.Detector: GEO600 LIGO I VIRGO LIGO IIRange (S/N = 5) 75 Mpc 160 Mpc 190 Mpc 2.6 Gpcelectromagnetically. So we can only make theoretical estimates, and there arebig uncertainties.Some evolution calculations [14] suggest that the coalescence rate of BH–BH systems may be of the same order as the NS–NS rate. Other models [15]suggest it could even be zero, because stellar-wind mass loss (significant in verymassive stars) could drive the stars far apart before the second BH forms, leadingto coalescence times longer than the age of the universe. A recent proposalidentifies globular clusters as ‘factories’ for binary black holes, forming binariesby three-body collisions and then expelling them [16]. Gamma-ray bursts mayalso come from black-hole/neutron-star coalescences. If the more optimistic eventrates are correct, then black-hole coalescences may be among the first sourcesdetect<strong>ed</strong> by ground-bas<strong>ed</strong> detectors (table 4.2).4.1.4 Pulsars and other spinning neutron starsThere are a number of ways in which a spinning neutron star may give off acontinuous stream of gravitational <strong>waves</strong>. They will be weak, so they will requirelong continuous observation times, up to many months. Here are some possibleemission mechanisms for neutron stars.The r-modes. Neutron stars are born hot and probably rapidly rotating.Before they cool (during their first year) they have a family of unstable normalmodes, the r-modes. These modes are excit<strong>ed</strong> to instability by the emissionof gravitational radiation, as pr<strong>ed</strong>ict<strong>ed</strong> originally by Andersson [17]. They areparticularly interesting theoretically because the radiation is gravitomagnetic,generat<strong>ed</strong> by mass currents rather than mass asymmetries. We will study thetheory of this radiation in chapter 6. In chapter 7 we will discuss how the emissionof this radiation excites the instability (the CFS instability mechanism).Being unstable, young neutron stars will presumably radiate away enoughangular momentum to r<strong>ed</strong>uce their spin and become stable. This could lower thespin of a neutron star to ∼100 Hz within one year after its formation [18]. Theenergy emitt<strong>ed</strong> in this way should be a good fraction of the star’s binding energy,so in principle this radiation could be detect<strong>ed</strong> from the Virgo Cluster by LIGOII, provid<strong>ed</strong> match<strong>ed</strong> filtering can be us<strong>ed</strong> effectively.We discuss a possible stochastic background of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> from ther-modes below.Accreting neutron stars (figure 4.1) are the central objects of most of the

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