(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Chapter 4Astrophysics of gravitational-wave sourcesThere are a large number of possible gravitational-wave sources in the observablewaveband, which spans eight orders of magnitude in frequency: from 10 −4 Hz(lower bound of current space-bas<strong>ed</strong> detector designs) to 10 4 Hz (frequency limitof likely ground-bas<strong>ed</strong> detectors). Some of these sources are highly relativisticand not too massive, especially above 10 Hz: a black hole of mass 1000M ⊙has a characteristic frequency of 10 Hz, and larger holes have lower frequenciesin inverse proportion to the mass. Neutron stars have even higher characteristicfrequencies. Other systems are well describ<strong>ed</strong> by Newtonian dynamics, such asbinary orbits.For nearly-Newtonian sources the post-Newtonian approximation (seechapter 6) provides a good framework for calculating gravitational <strong>waves</strong>. Morerelativistic systems, and unusual sources like the early universe, require moresophisticat<strong>ed</strong> approaches (see chapter 7).4.1 Sources detectable from ground and from space4.1.1 Supernovae and gravitational collapseThe longest expect<strong>ed</strong> and still probably the least understood source, gravitationalcollapse is one of the most violent events known to astronomy. Yet, because wehave little direct information about the deep interior, we cannot make reliablepr<strong>ed</strong>ictions about the gravitational radiation from it.Supernovae are trigger<strong>ed</strong> by the gravitational collapse of the interiordegenerate core of an evolv<strong>ed</strong> star. According to current theory the result shouldbe a neutron star or black hole. The collapse releases an enormous amountof energy, about 0.15M ⊙ c 2 , most of which is carri<strong>ed</strong> away by neutrinos; anuncertain fraction is convert<strong>ed</strong> into gravitational <strong>waves</strong>. One mechanism forproducing this radiation could be dynamical instabilities in the rapidly rotatingcore before it becomes a neutron star. Another likely source of radiation is the r-mode instability (see chapter 7). This could release ∼0.1M ⊙ c 2 in radiation everytime a neutron star is form<strong>ed</strong>.43

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