(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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<strong>Gravitational</strong> and electromagnetic <strong>waves</strong> compar<strong>ed</strong> and contrast<strong>ed</strong> 413.5 <strong>Gravitational</strong> and electromagnetic <strong>waves</strong> compar<strong>ed</strong> andcontrast<strong>ed</strong>To conclude this lecture it is useful to discuss the most important differences andsimilarities between gravitational <strong>waves</strong> and electromagnetic ones. We do this inthe form of a table.Table 3.1.ElectromagnetismTwo signs of charges—large bodiesusually neutral—<strong>waves</strong> usually emitt<strong>ed</strong>by single particles, often incoherently—<strong>waves</strong> carry ‘local’ information.A genuine physical force, acting differentlyon different bodies. Detect<strong>ed</strong> bymeasuring accelerations.Maxwell’s equations are linear. Physicalfield is F µν (E and B). Gauge fieldis vector potential A.Source is charge-current density J µ .Charge creates electric field, currentmagnetic field.Moderately strong force on the atomicscale: e2 /4πɛ 0Gm 2 = 10 39 .pWave generation for A µ : ∂ β ∂ β A µ =4πɛ 0 J µ in a convenient gauge (Lorentzgauge).Propagate at the spe<strong>ed</strong> of light, amplitudefalls as 1/r.Conservation of charge ⇒ radiation bylow-velocity charges is dominat<strong>ed</strong> bydipole component.General relativityOne sign of mass—gravityaccumulates—<strong>waves</strong> emitt<strong>ed</strong> morestrongly by larger body—<strong>waves</strong> carry‘global’ information.Equivalence principle: gravity affectsall bodies in the same way. Represent<strong>ed</strong>as a spacetime curvature rather than aforce. Detect<strong>ed</strong> only by tidal forces—differential accelerations.Einstein’s equations are nonlinear.Physical field is Riemann curvature tensorR µναβ . Gauge fields are metric g µνand connection Ɣµν α . Gauge transformationsare coordinate transformations.Source is stress-energy tensor T µν .Mass creates a Newtonian-like field,momentum as gravito-magnetic effects.Stress creates field too.Weaker than ‘weak’ interaction.Wave generation for h µν = g µν − η µν :∂ β ∂ β (h µν − 1 2 η µνh α α) = 8πT µν in aconvenient gauge.Propagate at the spe<strong>ed</strong> of light, amplitudefalls as 1/r.Conservation of mass and momentum⇒ radiation by low-velocity masses isdominat<strong>ed</strong> by quadrupole component.

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