(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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38 <strong>Gravitational</strong>-wave detectorsfrequency from about 1 kHz up to 10 kHz, so suitably design<strong>ed</strong> bars could, inprinciple, go after these interesting signals.A bar gets all of its sensitivity in a relatively narrow bandwidth, so if a barand an interferometer can both barely detect a burst of amplitude 10 −20 , thenthe bar has much greater sensitivity than the interferometer in its narrow band,and much worse at other frequencies. This has l<strong>ed</strong> recently to interest in bars asdetectors of continuous signals. If the signal frequency is in the observing band ofthe bar, it can do very well compar<strong>ed</strong> to interferometers. Signals from millisecondpulsars and possible signals from x-ray binaries are suitable if they have the rightfrequency. However, most known pulsars will radiate at frequencies rather lowcompar<strong>ed</strong> to the operating frequencies of present-day bars.The excellent sensitivity of bars in their narrow bandwidth also suits themto detecting stochastic signals. Cross-correlations of two bars or of bars withinterferometers can be better than searches with first-generation interferometers[9]. One gets no spectral information, of course, and in the long run expect<strong>ed</strong>improvements in interferometers will overtake bars in this regard.Today’s best bar detectors are orders of magnitude more sensitive than theoriginal Weber bar. Two ultra-cryogenic bars have been built and are operatingat thermodynamic temperatures below 100 mK: NAUTILUS [10] at Frascati, nearRome, and [11] in Legnaro. With a mass of several tons, these may be the coldestmassive objects ever seen anywhere in the universe. These are expect<strong>ed</strong> soon toreach a sensitivity of 10 −20 near 1 kHz. Already they are performing coincidenceexperiments with bars at around 4 K at Perth, Australia, and at LSU.Proposals exist in the Netherlands, Brazil, Italy, and the USA for sphericalor icosah<strong>ed</strong>ral detectors (see links from [10]). These detectors have moremass, so they could reach 10 −21 near 1 kHz. Because of their shape, theyhave omnidirectional antenna patterns; if they are instrument<strong>ed</strong> so that all fiveindependent fundamental quadrupolar modes of vibration can be monitor<strong>ed</strong>, theycan do all-sky observing and determine directions as well as verify detectionsusing coincidences between modes of the same antenna.3.4 A detector in spaceAs we have not<strong>ed</strong> earlier, gravitational <strong>waves</strong> from astronomical objects atfrequencies below 1 Hz are obscur<strong>ed</strong> by Earth-bas<strong>ed</strong> gravity-gradient noise.Detectors must go into space to observe in this very interesting frequency range.The LISA [12] mission is likely to be the first such mission to fly. LISAwill be a triangular array of spacecraft, with arm lengths of 5 × 10 6 km, orbitingthe Sun in the Earth’s orbit, about 20 ◦ behind the Earth. The spacecraft will bein a plane inclin<strong>ed</strong> to the ecliptic by 60 ◦ . The three arms can be combin<strong>ed</strong> indifferent ways to form two independent interferometers. During the mission theconfiguration of spacecraft rotates in its plane, and the plane rotates as well, sothat LISA’s antenna pattern sweeps the sky.

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