(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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412 Indexscalarspherical harmonics, 162seismic isolationSuper-Attenuator, 103seismic noiseSuper-Attenuator, 108anti-spring, 109blade spring, 108control, 111Invert<strong>ed</strong> Pendulum, 110self-dual cosmology, 286σ model, 257signal recycling, 32signal-to-noise ratio, 165, 167, 174spin connection, 246SQUID, 4stochastic background, 27, 32, 38,91, 98astrophysical sources of, 237cosmological, 49, 55observational bounds about, 207r-modes, 48, 79stringcosmology, 8effective action, 317frame, 290pre-big bang cosmology, 283string cosmology, 229superinflation, 290supernovae, 43, 79supersymmetry, 288TAMA, 26, 33, 195theoryJordan–Brans–Dicke, 152, 153,159Kaluza–Klein, 153lineariz<strong>ed</strong>, 15post-Newtonian, 15scalar–tensor, 169thermal noiseLow Frequency Facility, 103, 111Fabry–Perot, 111R and D SA, 112variational principle, 50vielbein, 246vierbein, 7VIRGO, 5, 26, 34, 103, 184waveplane, 17vector, 17waveformbinary inspiral, 8wavelengthr<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>, 5Weyl invariance, 249

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