(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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28 <strong>Gravitational</strong>-wave detectors3.2 The physics of interferometersInterferometric gravitational-wave detectors are the most sensitive instruments,and among the most complex, that have ever been construct<strong>ed</strong>. They areremarkable for the range of physics that is important for their construction.Interferometer groups work at the forefront of the development in lasers, mirrorpolishing and coating, quantum measurement, materials science, mechanicalisolation, optical system design and thermal science. In this section we shallonly be able to take a fairly superficial look at one of the most fascinatinginstrumentation stories of our age. A good introduction to interferometer designis Saulson (1994).Interferometers use laser light to compare the lengths of two perpendiculararms. The simplest design, originat<strong>ed</strong> by Michelson for his famous experimenton the velocity of light, uses light that passes up and down each arm once, asin the first panel in figure 3.1. Imagine such an instrument with identical armsdefin<strong>ed</strong> by mirrors that hang from supports, so they are free to move horizontallyin response to a gravitational wave. If there is no wave, the arms have the samelength, and the light from one arm returns exactly in phase with that from theother. When the wave arrives, the two arms typically respond differently. Thearms are no longer the same length, and so the light that arrives back at the centrefrom one arm will no longer be in phase with that arriving back from the otherarm. This will produce a shift in the interference fringes between the two beams.This is the principle of detection.Real detectors are design<strong>ed</strong> to store the light in each arm for longer thanjust one reflection (see figure 3.1(b)). It is optimum to store the light for halfof the period of the gravitational wave, so that on each reflection the light gainsan add<strong>ed</strong> phase shift. Michelson-type delay-line interferometers store the lightby arranging multiple reflections. Fabry–Perot interferometers store the light incavities in each arm, allowing only a small fraction to escape for the interferencemeasurement (figure 3.1(e)).An advantage of interferometers as detectors is that the gravitational-waveinduc<strong>ed</strong>phase shift of the light can be made larger simply by making the armlength larger, since gravitational <strong>waves</strong> act by tidal forces. A detector with an armlength l = 4 km responds to a gravitational wave with an amplitude of 10 −21 withδl gw ∼ 1 2 hl ∼ 2 × 10−18 m (3.1)where δl gw is the change in the length of one arm. If the orientation of theinterferometer is optimum, then the other arm will change by the same amountin the opposite direction, so that the interference fringe will shift by twice thislength.If the light path is fold<strong>ed</strong> or resonat<strong>ed</strong>, as in figure 3.1(b) and (d), then theeffective number of bounces can be trad<strong>ed</strong> off against overall length to achievea given desir<strong>ed</strong> total path length, or storage time. Shorter interferometers withmany bounces have a disadvantage, however: even though they can achieve the

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