(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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394 Numerical relativityFigure 18.2. (a) Evolution of the log of the lapse α at r = 0 for the axisymmetricdata (4, 0, 0). The dash<strong>ed</strong>/dott<strong>ed</strong>/full curves represent simulations at low/m<strong>ed</strong>ium/highresolution. (b) Evolution of the Riemann invariant J at r = 0. The wave disperses afterdynamic evolution, leaving flat space behind.forever. With this experience, we next try the case of an even stronger amplitudewave, which in this case will actually collapse on itself and form a black hole.In figure 18.3, we study the development of the data set (a = 6, c = 0.2,n = 1), a full 3D data set, and watch it collapse to form a black hole (the firstsuch 3D simulation). The figure also compares this black hole formation to resultsobtain<strong>ed</strong> with an axisymmetric data set. The system clearly collapses on itself andrapidly forms a black hole. The waveform extraction shows that the newly form<strong>ed</strong>hole then rings at its quasinormal mode frequency. High quality images andmovies of these simulations can be found at http://jean-luc.aei-potsdam.mpg.de.These results are exciting examples of how numerical relativity can actas a laboratory to probe the nonlinear aspects of Einstein’s equations. Puregravitational <strong>waves</strong> are clearly a rich and exciting research area that allows oneto study Einstein’s equations as a nonlinear theory of physics. With these newcapabilities of accurate 3D evolution that can follow the implosion of <strong>waves</strong>to a black hole, there is much more physics to study, including the structureof horizons, full 3D studies of critical phenomena, and much more. Further,this study of pure vacuum <strong>waves</strong> has help<strong>ed</strong> us to understand the importance ofdeveloping and testing new formulations of Einstein’s equations for numericalpurposes. Without the new formulations, these results simply could not beobtain<strong>ed</strong>. Further, we have run literally hundr<strong>ed</strong>s of simulations like these in orderto determine which variation on the ‘BSSN’ families of formulations performbest. With this new knowl<strong>ed</strong>ge, we turn to the problem of 3D black holes.18.7.2 Black holesHaving test<strong>ed</strong> these new formulations of Einstein’s equations on the problem ofpure gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, we now apply what we have learn<strong>ed</strong> to the considerablymore complex problem of black hole evolutions. We first appli<strong>ed</strong> these newformulations to black hole spacetimes that have been very carefully test<strong>ed</strong> in

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