(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Recent applications and progress 393studies, but little is known about generic 3D behaviour.In our investigations, we take as initial data a pure Brill-type gravitationalwave [142], later studi<strong>ed</strong> by Eppley [86, 116] and others [143]. The metric takesthe formds 2 = 4 [e 2q (dρ 2 + dz 2 ) + ρ 2 dφ 2 ] = 4 ˆds 2 , (18.27)where q is a free function subject to certain boundary conditions. Following[120, 132, 144], we choose q of the form]q = aρ 2 ρe[1 2−r2 + c(1 + ρ 2 ) cos2 (nφ) , (18.28)where a, c are constants, r 2 = ρ 2 + z 2 and n is an integer. For c = 0, thes<strong>ed</strong>ata sets r<strong>ed</strong>uce to the Holz [143] axisymmetric form, recently studi<strong>ed</strong> in full 3DCartesian coordinates [145]. Taking this form for q, we impose the condition oftime-symmetry, and solve the Hamiltonian constraint numerically in Cartesiancoordinates. An initial data set is thus characteriz<strong>ed</strong> only by the parameters(a, c, n). For the case (a, 0, 0), we found in [145] that no AH exists in initialdata for a < 11.8, and we also studi<strong>ed</strong> the appearance of an AH for other valuesof c and n.We have survey<strong>ed</strong> a large range of this parameter space, but here we discusstwo cases of interest: (a) a subcritical (but highly nonlinear) case where after aviolent collapse of the self-gravitating <strong>waves</strong>, there is a subsequent rebound andafter a few oscillations the <strong>waves</strong> all disperse; and (b) a supercritical case wherethe <strong>waves</strong> collapse in on themselves and imm<strong>ed</strong>iately form a black hole.The subcritical case studi<strong>ed</strong> in [50] has parameters (a = 4, c = 0, n = 0)in the notation above. It is a rather strong axisymmetric Brill wave (BW). Theevolution of this data set shows that part of the wave propagates outward whilepart implodes, re-expanding after passing through the origin. However, due tothe nonlinear self-gravity, not all of it imm<strong>ed</strong>iately disperses out to infinity; againpart re-collapses and bounces again. After a few collapses and bounces the wavecompletely disperses out to infinity. This behaviour is shown in figure 18.2(a),where the evolution of the central value of the lapse is given for simulationswith three different grid sizes: x = y = z = 0.16 (low resolution), 0.08(m<strong>ed</strong>ium resolution) and 0.04 (high resolution), using 32 3 ,64 3 and 128 3 gridpoints respectively. At late times, the lapse returns to 1 (the log returns to 0).Figure 18.2(b) shows the evolution of the log of the central value of the Riemanninvariant J for the same resolutions. At late times J settles on a constant valuethat converges rapidly to zero as we refine the grid. With these results, and directverification that the metric functions become stationary at late times, we concludethat spacetime returns to flat (in non-trivial spatial coordinates; the metric isdecid<strong>ed</strong>ly non-flat in appearance!).The same simulation carri<strong>ed</strong> out with the standard ADM systems crashesfar earlier than in the present case with the BSSN systems, which essentially run

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