(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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392 Numerical relativityinitial distribution may not even see the final BH. Further, as pulses of radiationpropagate back out from the origin, they too may have to be resolv<strong>ed</strong> in regionswhere there was previously a coarse grid. Choptuik’s AMR system, built on earlywork of Berger and Oliger [138], was able to track dynamically features thatdevelop, enabling him to discover and accurately measure BH critical phenomenathat have now become so widely studi<strong>ed</strong> [139].Bas<strong>ed</strong> on this success and others, and on the general considerations discuss<strong>ed</strong>above, full 3D AMR systems are under development to handle the much greaterne<strong>ed</strong>s of solving the full set of 3D Einstein equations. A large collaboration,begun by the NSF Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance, has been developing asystem for distributing computing on large parallel machines, call<strong>ed</strong> Distribut<strong>ed</strong>Adapt<strong>ed</strong> Grid Hierarchies, or DAGH. DAGH was develop<strong>ed</strong> to provide MPIbas<strong>ed</strong>parallelism for the kinds of computations ne<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong> for many PDE solvers,and it also provides a framework for parallel AMR. It is one of the majorcomputational science accomplishments to come out of the Alliance. Develop<strong>ed</strong>by Manish Parashar and Jim Browne, in collaboration with many subgroupswithin and without the Alliance, it is now being appli<strong>ed</strong> to many problemsin science and engineering. One can find information about DAGH online athttp://www.cs.utexas.<strong>ed</strong>u/users/dagh/.At least two other 3D software environments for AMR have been develop<strong>ed</strong>for relativity: one is call<strong>ed</strong> HLL, or Hierarchical Link<strong>ed</strong> Lists, develop<strong>ed</strong> byWild and Schutz [140]; another, call<strong>ed</strong> BAM, was the first AMR application in3D relativity develop<strong>ed</strong> by Brügmann [60]. The HLL system has recently beenappli<strong>ed</strong> to the test problem of the Zerilli equation (discuss<strong>ed</strong> above) describingperturbations of black holes [141]. This nearly 30 year old linear equation is stillproviding a powerful model for studying BH collisions, and it is also being us<strong>ed</strong>as a model problem for 3D AMR. In this work, the 1D Zerilli equation is recastas a 3D equation in Cartesian coordinates, and evolv<strong>ed</strong> within the AMR systemprovid<strong>ed</strong> by HLL. Even though the 3D Zerilli equation is a single linear equation,it is quite demanding in terms of resolution requirements, and without AMR it isextremely difficult to resolve both the initial pulse of radiation, the blue shiftingof <strong>waves</strong> as they approach the horizon, and the scattering of radiation, includingthe normal modes, far from the hole.18.7 Recent applications and progress18.7.1 Evolving pure gravitational <strong>waves</strong>With the new formulations of the Einstein equations discuss<strong>ed</strong> above, we are nowable to study the nonlinear dynamics of pure gravitational <strong>waves</strong> with much morestability than ever before. This allows us to use numerical relativity to probegeneral relativity in highly nonlinear regime. Can one form a black hole infull 3D from pure gravitational <strong>waves</strong>? Does one see critical phenomena in full3D? These inherently nonlinear phenomena have been investigat<strong>ed</strong> in 1D and 2D

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